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Root River Outfitting - Tube, Canoe & Bike Rentals at Cedar Valley Resort. Summer Rentals Canoe and Kayak Rentals (shuttle included) Canoe – $35.00 (2.5 Hrs.) $45.00 (5-6 Hrs) Kayak – $30.00 (2.5 Hrs) $35.00 (5-6 Hrs.)

Root River Outfitting - Tube, Canoe & Bike Rentals at Cedar Valley Resort

Bike Rental/Tag-a-long/Burley $12.00 – for 2 Hr. $2.00 for each additional Hr. $18.00 – All day Bike Shuttles $8.00 Fountain – Preston – Rushford $10.00 Harmony $15.00 Houston Frisbee Golf 1 Round – $1.00 per disc All day – $5.00 per disc Guests – Free use of baskets with your own disc Tube Rental (shuttle included) Tubes – $10.00 Tubes w back – $15.00 Cooler Rafts – $12.00 Winter Rentals X-Skis Rental $10.00 – for 2 Hrs. $2.00 for each additional Hr. $18.00 – All day Snow-Tubes Free for guest use on our property. The Baudelaire children are coming back — Netflix has renewed "A Series of Unfortunate Events" for Season 2.

The Netflix series based on a book series A Series of Unfortunate Events has fortunately been renewed for Season 2!

The Baudelaire children are coming back — Netflix has renewed "A Series of Unfortunate Events" for Season 2

The series premiered on Netflix in January and apparently drew enough praise from audiences and critics to warrant another season. Netflix announced the decision in an unusual way: They released a video on YouTube that creates a secret message that once decoded, leads to another website. Can you figure it out? Here’s the video: The video directs you to a URL where you can find news on from Lemony Snicket himself.

“Dear Viewer, It has come to my attention that, despite my repeated warnings, you have viewed the Netflix adaptation of my distressing work, known collectively as A Series of Unfortunate Events. The letter continues on to announce the second season and ends with: “I hope you’re happy. On the other hand, the star of A Series of Unfortunate Events, Neil Patrick Harris, was happy actually! Does anyone else get totally creeped out when he’s dressed like Count Olaf?! Neil deGrasse Tyson's list of 8 books every intelligent person should read. 11 cheap gifts guaranteed to impress science geeks.

Science comes up with a lot of awesome stuff, and you don't need a Ph.D, a secret lab, or government funding to get your hands on some of the coolest discoveries.

11 cheap gifts guaranteed to impress science geeks

We've got a list of 11 mostly affordable gifts that are guaranteed to blow your mind, whether or not you're a science geek. Click on any image to see it enlarged. 1. Aerogel Also known as frozen smoke, Aerogel is the world's lowest density solid, clocking in at 96% air. Aerogel isn't just neat, it's useful. Price: $35 2. Inside these sealed glass balls live shrimp, algae, and bacteria, all swimming around in filtered seawater. EcoSpheres came out of research looking at ways to develop self-contained ecosystems for long duration space travel. Price: $80 3. NASA has been trying to figure out how to get a sample of rock back from Mars for a while now. Every once in a while, a meteorite smashes into Mars hard enough to eject some rocks out into orbit around the sun.

Price: $70+ Fe2d117ab5a9e3a2fa91698697047470.jpg (JPEG Image, 480 × 480 pixels) NEA - How to Join Error. Create Online Tools. Carpool and Ride Share Signup Sheet for your Group. No more spreadsheets. Words to eliminate from your vocabulary - Business Insider. Newsprint is on life support, emojis are multiplying faster than hungry Gremlins, and 300 million people worldwide strive to make their point in 140 or fewer characters.

Words to eliminate from your vocabulary - Business Insider

People don’t have the time or the attention span to read any more words than necessary. You want your readers to hear you out, understand your message, and perhaps be entertained, right? Here’s a list of words to eliminate to help you write more succinctly. Many Beautiful Things – The Life and Vision of Lilias Trotter.