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Pourquoi les ventes de disques baissent-elles ?, par Laurent Chemla. Pour être un tant soit peu audibles lors du combat contre Hadopi. les opposants à la loi se sont retrouvés presque contraints de faire, à leur tour, des propositions pour « sauver » des artistes soi-disant spoliés par le « piratage » et les échanges pair-à-pair (P2P). Le risque, quand on fait de telles propositions (licence globale, « contribution créative »), c’est de justifier les mensonges des majors : si l’on cherche des solutions pour rémunérer les musiciens, c’est bien que le P2P leur fait perdre de l’argent... Le bourrage de crâne des tenants de la répression (quels que soient leurs buts réels) a si bien fonctionné qu’il a définitivement ancré dans l’imaginaire collectif l’idée que l’échange d’œuvres numériques impliquait un manque à gagner pour les artistes, qu’il faudrait combler d’une manière ou d’une autre.

Personne ne nie la réalité de cette crise. Le marché du DVD, à l’inverse, est florissant. Taille de l’article complet : 1 406 mots. Vous êtes abonné(e) ? Media's ageing audiences: Peggy Sue got old. Biting Into Pizza That Costs Just Eight Bits. Want to attract top tech talent? Offer telecommuting. IT professionals love to work from home, so much so that some are willing to take a pay cut in exchange for this particular perk, according to a recent study. By Anne Fisher, contributor As competition for highly skilled and creative tech employees heats up, many companies are overlooking a perk that could help them snag top hires: The chance to work away from the office. That's the conclusion of a new analysis by tech career site of the thousands of job listings employers have posted in recent weeks.

Only about 500 of the help-wanted ads, or fewer than 1%, mention telecommuting as an option. The other 99% are missing a bet: A Dice survey of IT job seekers found that more than one-third like the idea of telecommuting so much that they would be willing to accept a 10% pay cut in exchange for working from home full-time. Rising gas prices don't seem to be a factor.

"Done well, the benefits of telecommuting outweigh the risks," Hill adds. Also on Tax Day 2011: The Double Irish and the Dutch Sandwich: A field guide to exotic tax dodges. - By J. Bryan Lowder. Bloomberg reported last October that Google Inc. used two colorfully named (but completely legal) tax avoidance schemes— the Double Irish and the Dutch Sandwich —to cut their taxes by $3.1 billion over the last three years. What the heck are those, and are there any other crazy-sounding schemes we should know about? J. Bryan Lowder is a Slate assistant editor. He writes and edits for Outward, Slate’s LGBTQ section, and for the culture section. Follow The Double IrishThis shenanigan involves setting up a pair of companies in Ireland to disguise regular income as tax-deductible royalties on intellectual property. Here's how it works: First, a parent corporation in the United States (like Google) sets up a small corporate subsidiary in Ireland—let's call it "S1.

" The real trick comes next. Wait, wouldn't it be easier just to set up a subsidiary in tax-free Bermuda? Got a question about today's news? Explainer thanks Edward D. India among top 10 industrial nations, but behind China. India is now one of the top 10 industrial nations of the world and has also withstood the financial recession with a growing trend of productivity in its manufacturing industries, according to a report by the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (Unido). It is, however, far below China, which has secured the second position after the US, says the report, titled ‘International Yearbook of Industrial Statistics - 2011’, released on Tuesday. During the global economic downturn, the share of industrialised nations such as the US, Japan, Germany and the UK fell sharply, while that of developing countries such as China, India and Brazil has increased, said the report. “In the last decade, the share of such major industrialised countries as the US, Japan and Germany in world manufacturing value addition has fallen.

China is a main winner, now ranking second behind the US. Some low-energy manufacturing sectors were tobacco, machinery, motor vehicles and electrical machinery.