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La stratégie "globale" de Google pour imposer Google + Inside Google+ — How the Search Giant Plans to Go Social | Epicenter  Google, the world’s largest search company, is formally making its pitch to become a major force in social networking. The product it announced Tuesday is called Google+, and observers might wonder whether it’s simply one more social effort by a company that’s had a lousy track record in that field to date. ‘On Facebook I overshare. On Twitter, I undershare. If Google hits that spot in the middle, we can revolutionize social interaction.’ — Shimrit Ben-Yair, product manager in charge of the social graph. Parts of it certainly seem to appear similar to what we’ve seen before.

The second important app is Circles, an improved way to share information with one’s friends, family, contacts and the public at large. But as I learned in almost year of following the project’s development, with multiple interviews with the team and its executives, Google+ is not a typical release. The parts announced Tuesday represent only a portion of Google’s plans. Some think the battle is already lost.

Google and Social Media

Google Office In Zurich. We all know how Google pampers its employees with lavish office environment and all kinds of facilities and these are a set of photos inside the Google building in Zurich, Switzerland from Picasa. Bathtubs where you can sit and relax while watching an aquarium, a hallway slide, peculiar meeting rooms makes you envious with awe for those who can work in the Google workplace. Check out more of the Google office in Zurich with 37 more pics after the jump. Source: Picasa Related Posts Youtube Office Headquarters Google Office Spy Photos A Peek At Digg’s Office New Office Dilemma Google Earth April Fool Google Map iPod Google Logo Drawn By Kids Google Calendar Leaked Images Google tops online search with 48% of market share Google AdSense Finally Approved.

Google révèle la liste pays lui demandant de supprimer des liens. Google report reveals British government web snooping. French search engine seeks multi-million euro damages from Google. High performance access to file storage A French search engine is demanding damages of €295m from Google, in a legal spat over Mountain View's dominance of the market. 1plusV, a local rival to Google in France, alleged that Mountain View's command of the search engine biz had blocked the development of services offered by competitors in the country.

The French outfit charged that Google's dominance prevented lesser-known companies from lapping up ad revenue, and claimed that the world's largest search engine prioritises its own sites in query results over that of its rivals. Paris-based 1plusV said it sought lost profits from Google in a lawsuit filed to the Paris Commercial Court this morning, reports Bloomberg. The firm is also calling on Google to publish details of alleged antitrust business behaviour on its French homepage for three months. It claimed that the the actions included "suffocation of technological competitors" and "manipulation of 'natural results'".

Google And Gaming

Google+ Unveiled: 7 Things You Need To Know. Google Kills Tags In Favor Of Boost. Google is killing Tags, an advertising product for local businesses which allowed them to enhance their Google Maps or Places listings. For a flat $25 monthly fee, local merchants could make their their natural listings stand out a bit with a yellow tag and a few words pointing to offers, photos, menus, or links back to their website. Tags were introduced with Google Places, the search engines local listings effort, about a year ago after being tested for a few months. Google sent an email today to merchants using the service notifying them that it will be shut down in two weeks on April 29. One tipster who sent us a copy of the email writes: Seems google is killing this offering. While it’s true that Local is now under senior VP Jeff Huber, there is probably a simpler explanation for why it is getting sunsetted.

These are much more useful, especially in mobile search. Analysis: Google's Page and Wall Street: Who needs who? Aide Referencement Google. Cl - Command line tools for the Google Data APIs. Google Removes More Than 11 Million Domains From Search Result. By Ricky on July 6th, 2011 In what might possibly be the largest websites ban ever in its history, Google has removed more than 11 million domains from its search result.

Google's decision to ban these websites is because of the huge number of spam and phishing websites hosted at this domain. According to a recent report from the Anti-Phishing Working Group, the domain hosts around 5000 phishing websites. Although the TLD .cc is officially owned by the Cocos (Keeling) Islands, the domain is not an officially recognized second level domain. The domain is owned by a Korean company and they are the one providing the 11 million sub domains. According to Matt Cutts from the Google Spam Team, Google classifies as a free host and so they have the right to take action on as a whole.

First, a definition: a "freehost" is a domain that will let anyone register a site on that domain. No more websites anymore via: The Register. Music Beta by Google. How Google's Panda Update Changed SEO Best Practices Forever - Whiteboard Friday. It's here! Google has released Panda update 2.2, just as Matt Cutts said they would at SMX Advanced here in Seattle a couple of weeks ago.

This time around, Google has - among other things - improved their ability to detect scraper sites and banish them from the SERPs. Of course, the Panda updates are changes to Google's algorithm and are not merely manual reviews of sites in the index, so there is room for error (causing devastation for many legitimate webmasters and SEOs). A lot of people ask what parts of their existing SEO practice they can modify and emphasize to recover from the blow, but alas, it's not that simple. In this week's Whiteboard Friday, Rand discusses how the Panda updates work and, more importantly, how Panda has fundamentally changed the best practices for SEO.

Have you been Panda-abused? Howdy, SEOmoz fans. Être embauché chez Google : pour “happy few” seulement. Marissa Mayer. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Pour les articles homonymes, voir Mayer. Marissa Mayer Marissa Mayer en 2012. Biographie[modifier | modifier le code] Marissa Mayer a aussi travaillé à la conception et au développement de l'interface de recherche de Google, la création de Google Actualités ou encore Gmail et Orkut ainsi que plus d'une centaine de fonctionnalités et produits sur

Marissa Mayer a déposé plusieurs brevets dans le domaine de l'intelligence artificielle et de la conception d'interfaces. Elle détient un doctorat honorifique en ingénierie de l'Institut de technologie de l'Illinois[3]. En 2009, elle épouse Zachary Bogue[4]. Notes et références[modifier | modifier le code] Lien externe[modifier | modifier le code] « Marissa Mayer veut faire de Yahoo!

Eric Schmidt. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Pour les articles homonymes, voir Schmidt. Eric Schmidt Eric Schmidt en 2011 Son père, d'origine allemande, enseignait l'économie à Virginia Tech[4]. Carrière[modifier | modifier le code] Eric Schmidt a été chercheur en informatique aux Bell Laboratories et chez Zilog puis au Palo Alto Research Center de Xerox. En 1983, il rejoint, en tant que directeur technique et directeur général, Sun Microsystems, où il a largement contribué au développement et à la diffusion du langage de programmation Java.

En 1997, il devient président-directeur général et président du conseil d'administration de Novell[5]. En 2001, Eric Schmidt intègre Google à titre de PDG. En 2006, il est élu membre de la National Academy of Engineering en reconnaissance de son travail sur le développement des stratégies Internet de Google. En 2007, il devient membre de l'Académie des arts et des sciences américaine.

Notes et références[modifier | modifier le code] Portail de Google. Google extends Chrome to spot insecure code. Google building Skype-alike software into Chrome | Deep Tech. Heads up, Skype. Shortly after releasing software for audio and video chat as an open-source project called WebRTC as open-source software, Google is beginning to build it into its Chrome browser. The real-time chat software originated from Google's 2010 acquisition of Global IP Solutions (GIPS) , a company specializing in Internet telephony and videoconferencing.

The obvious beneficiary for the project is Gmail, whose audio and video communications ability today requires use of a proprietary plug-in. Gmail chat is getting more important as Google's VoIP (voice over Internet Protocol) efforts mature and integrate with the Google Voice service. But Google has higher hopes that WebRTC will be used well beyond Gmail. If Google and allies succeed in establishing the technology and building support into multiple browsers, that would mean anybody building a Web site or Web application could draw upon the communications technology. The WebRTC software soon will begin arriving in Chrome. 5 extensions Google Chrome pour Twitter. Alors que je vous proposais récemment 30 extensions Firefox pour Twitter, je me suis dit qu’il serait dommage de ne pas en faire autant pour Google Chrome.

Rapidité, efficacité et simplicité ont suffit à la firme de Mountain View à s’imposer avec pas moins de 10% des parts de marché des navigateurs web, soit 1 internaute sur 10. Twitter, de son côté, n’en finit plus de s’affirmer comme Le service de micro-blogging à la mode. Alors pour allier les deux et améliorer votre expérience utilisateur, j’ai décidé de vous présenter 5 extensions Google Chrome pour Twitter… 1.

TwitterWatch TwitterWatch est l’outil le plus simple pour garder un œil sur des mots clés Twitter ! 2. Twitter Extender ajoute un certain nombre de fonctionnalités utiles comme raccourcir les URL, des raccourcis pour envoyer des messages directs, « Répondre à tous » et plus encore. 3. 4. Twitter Share This Page offre un moyen rapide et simple de partager des liens intéressants sur Twitter. 5. Description de l'auteur. Un nouveau moteur de recherche "officiel" en Chine. Le Quotidien du peuple, le journal officiel du Parti communiste chinois, a lancé ce mardi 21 juin son propre moteur de recherche, avec le soutien technologique de Baidu, le numéro 1 du secteur en Chine.

Jike, "immédiat" en chinois et qui se prononce comme "geek" en anglais, a été construit par une équipe d'une centaine d'ingénieurs, dont un ancien employé de Google Chine, Liu Jun. Le contrôle des moteurs de recherche est particulièrement sensible en Chine, alors que Google, les Etats-Unis et Pékin sont engagés depuis plus d'un an dans un bras de fer diplomatique et économique. Google a accusé à deux reprises la Chine d'abriter, voire de soutenir, des pirates informatiques qui se sont introduit dans des boîtes de courrier électronique de militants politiques et de fonctionnaires américains.

Google a alors tenté de s'affranchir de la censure des résultats de recherche imposée par la loi chinoise, en faisant transiter son trafic par Hongkong, où la loi est beaucoup plus souple.