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Google and Social Media

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How Google Is Secretly Building Its Facebook Killer. Google Introduces Facebook Competitor, Emphasizing Privacy. Google+ Social Network: More Privacy, Tighter Social 'Circles' Google has finally launched its long-awaited social network, the Google+ project. The Google+ network is designed around users' social circles (called Circles) and lets users selectively share with specific groups within their personal network, rather than sharing with all their social connections at once. The search giant emphasizes Google+'s privacy customizations and hopes that users will choose to use the new service over more established networks like Facebook and Twitter.

"In real life, we have walls and windows and I can speak to you knowing who's in the room, but in the online world, you get to a ‘Share' box and you share with the whole world," Bradley Horowitz, a VP of product management at Google, told the New York Times. By granting the user more control over what is shared, how and with whom, Google+ attempts to make the online sharing experience more secure and more personal. Google is completing its field trial of the network, which is currently open only to a select few. Google+, un vrai plus ou un réseau social de plus ?

Google a présenté hier Google+, son nouveau réseau social qui reprend les bonnes idées de Facebook en tirant partie de nombreuses fonctionnalités déjà présentes sur Gmail. Difficile pour le moment de prédire si ce nouvel outil trouvera facilement son public et parviendra à convertir les utilisateurs de Facebook. Il est également trop tôt pour tester tous les usages de Google+ dont les utilisateurs sont, pour le moment, très peu nombreux et qui va probablement s'enrichir de nouvelles fonctionnalités dans les semaines qui viennent.

J'ai trouvé cependant intéressant le concept de "cercles", beaucoup plus intuitif et performant que sur Facebook. Il permet dans un premier temps de "classer" ses connaissances en groupe (famille, travail, loisir...) et de choisir, pour chaque message posté, les cercles qui pourront le lire. Il permet également d'ouvrir en un clic des chats collectifs. Sur le même thème : Partager le dessin : Cette entrée a été publiée dans Politique. Why Google+ won’t hurt Facebook, but Skype will hate it. Google launched its much awaited and highly anticipated social networking platform today to a limited number of users. Dubbed Google+ (Plus), the service may take its cue from social networking giant Facebook, but in the end it is about the harsh reality of Google saving and enhancing its core franchise — Google Search. It is search (and, by extension, advertising) that made Google a company that has run afoul of the Federal Trade Commission because of its huge size and influence.

At the time of Google’s founding, search was broadly defined as a sifting through a directory of websites. As the web grew, search became all about pages. Today, search is not just about pages, but also about people and the relevance of information to them. Google’s senior executives — long dismissive of the idea of importance of social to search — were contrite during their briefing earlier this week. Why? What is Google Plus? Is Google+ a destination like Some of Google + Features: