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Passionate about design, social impact, typography, DIY

15 Technologies That Were Supposed to Change Education Forever. Gotta give them credit, they were pretty much right on the money in most cases. 1.

15 Technologies That Were Supposed to Change Education Forever

Electrified Books at the Turn of the 20th Century - "machines that translated books into audio" - Audio books. 2. Gyroscopic Cars in 1912 - "distance will be annihilated with the rise of new transportation technologies" - Pretty much true, even if not via gyroscope cars or pressure tubes. 3. 4. 5.


Maperitive Tutorial: Generating OSM Map For Adobe Illustrator In Seven Easy Steps « Stack Exchange GIS Blog. SVG map of Manhattan generated using Map In this tutorial you will learn how to produce a vector map based on OpenStreetMap data and then export it to SVG format suitable for editing in Adobe Illustrator.

Maperitive Tutorial: Generating OSM Map For Adobe Illustrator In Seven Easy Steps « Stack Exchange GIS Blog

SVG export is one of the most useful features Maperitive provides and I’ve spent a lot of time tweaking the code so that Illustrator can handle the exported SVGs. NOTE: the tutorial has been written for Maperitive build 1228. Some things will change in the near future, so please visit for any updates. First things first: start Maperitive (if you don’t already have it, you can download it from here). Step 1: Setting Your Map Limits Currently Maperitive uses your computer’s memory to store map data, so there is a limit of how large a map it can work on. There are several ways to set the limits. I will do this manually by entering a following command in the command prompt (at the bottom of the screen): "Bridge" Design Residencies Will Offer Plum Jobs At Path, Pinterest, And Airbnb. Path, Dropbox, Pinterest, Airbnb.

"Bridge" Design Residencies Will Offer Plum Jobs At Path, Pinterest, And Airbnb

They’re some of the most high-profile startups in the world. And now through March 10, the Designer Fund is accepting applications for a new program called Bridge that will allow designers to take a whirl working there. Bridge isn’t your typical residency, built to get young people into the industry. Rather, it’s intended for mid- to senior-level designers across all disciplines to try out the startup experience for three months--completely integrated with the team, working on an applied project that can be finished within a quarter.

It’s a cushy arrangement: Designers will get full benefits, a “top salary,” and up to $10,000 in relocation expenses. Established Designers Face An Education Gap One of the biggest problems in the Valley is a simple education gap. The scene at Pinterest “These companies are asking for people who don’t even exist right now, a handful of designers in the world that can produce what they’re looking for,” Allen says.

Company life

Arts. DIY. Brasser sa première bonne bière. Dans cette section, je vais vous expliquer les étapes à suivre pour brasser de la BONNE BIÈRE à partir de concentrés.

Brasser sa première bonne bière

Cette section s'adresse autant au brasseur débutant qui n'a jamais brassé et qui n'a aucune connaissance technique de la fabrication de la bière qu'au brasseur de "kits" qui n'est pas satisfait des résultats obtenus à ce jour. Si vous n'avez pas lu l'introduction, je vous conseille de la lire. Elle vous expliquera un peu la philosophie suivie dans l'élaboration de la section "Brassage maison" du site BièreMAG Cybièrenétique.

Même si vous avez lu l'introduction, il y a deux points que je veux souligner et qui sont d'une importance primordiale dans la réussite d'une bonne bière: La chose la plus importante à se souvenir lorsque l'on désire brasser à partir de concentré est: Ne pas suivre les indications que l'on retrouve sur les boîtes de concentrés. Le secret pour obtenir une TRÈS BONNE bière maison est : Maintenant que vous avez ces deux conseils bien en tête, commençons. Référentiel AccessiWeb CMS 1.0 - Référentiel AccessiWeb CMS v1.0 [Général]

Idées Cadeaux

Ben&Fakto. Japonais. Miscellaneous. Développement Web. EXL Consulting. Sustainable Dev. Franktastik. Innovation. Design. Data visualization. Marketing.