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Food4Rhino | The plug-in community service for Rhino. | DesignReform. Mosquito | Studio Nu | SOCIAL MEDIA. FaceBook plugin Working again! : The plugins have been reprogrammed so to work with the new Facebook OAuth API. NEW Record Media plugin: Allows you to record social media information from the media components over time without duplicates.

Might be complex for some to use at first. Check to example files included and it should be self explanatory, else send me a msg and i will try to help Twitter Working again! : The plugins have been reprogrammed so to work with the new twitter API. Ducplicates: The duplicate component has been updated so to make things easier when recordeding tweets and deleting duplicates. Flickr: Search twitter database for photos based on location and tag/title. ImageDownload: Download images from Flickr or Twitter plugins. Bug Fixes: Fixed bugs with Twitter API access and new functions in String Duplicate component. GoogleMaps : Now works for all users, if it was crashing Rhino before , this should fix it. GoogleMaps: show google maps directly in the rhino viewport.

Flickr. Grasshopper + Vray Animation. Centipede | Studio Nu | KEYFRAME ANIMATION. Component population on mesh. Insolar louver system. Example files geco. This definition was developed for my final thesis project to generate a louver system based on functional requirements within the building. The performance was then tested in Ecotect. A large part of my thesis design involved invertible arena seating with many moving parts. I used Grasshopper as a means to develop the seating testing clearances, site lines, and many other variables.

This definition looks at taking any curved surface, and generating weaving geometry across it. The parametric skyscraper uses Grasshopper to generate the entire structure. My favorite definition to date, this definition generates box designs based on real boxes I crafted in the wood shop while in Grad school This definition extrudes geometry based on their proximity to a polyline attractor.

Using a definition created by paramod, I wanted to see if I could edit the definition so that different panels could be combined to create a seamless surface This was one of the first definitions from scratch I ever created. ADAPTIVE COMPONENT SYSTEMS. @ [ u t o ] Experiments.