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Green (Living) Review: Confessions of a Hypocrite: Utopia in the Age of Ecocide. Confessions of a Hypocrite: Utopia in the Age of Ecocide. I confess!

Confessions of a Hypocrite: Utopia in the Age of Ecocide

I love eating Magnum ice creams!! But surely as a good, responsible eco-citizen, I must be aware that these relatively cheap, beautifully packaged nuggets of deliciousness are inescapably products of the industrial system that is destroying all that I hold dear? That Magnums are produced by Unilever, not only the world’s biggest ice cream manufacturer but the world’s third largest multinational consumer goods company, associated with deforestation for palm oil, exploitation of workers, the promotion of unsustainable agriculture, factory farming, the use of tax havens, lobbying against GM labelling and so on… I don’t mean to imply that they’re the worst offenders. It’s just that I happen to particularly enjoy their product (despite being aware that there’s no actual cream in it). So I should stop eating them, right? Magnum ice creams. photography elisa taviti. The Future for Cleaning Water?

Clean water is not easily accessible for many people across the world.

The Future for Cleaning Water?

To clean contaminated water, many people either boil it, or leave the water in plastic bottles in the sun, so that UV rays will kill microbes. However, UV rays only carry 4% of the sun's energy, which means this method can take up to 48-hours. The Department of Energy’s SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory and Stanford University have recently created what could be the future for cleaning water.

What is network topology? - Definition from What is a network topology?

What is network topology? - Definition from

In communication networks, a topology is a usually schematic description of the arrangement of a network, including its nodes and connecting lines. There are two ways of defining network geometry: the physical topology and the logical (or signal) topology. Earth Talk: Fritjof Capra - The Systems View of Life. GNH Centre Bhutan. “Gross National Happiness is more important than Gross National Product”– His Majesty Jigme Singye Wangchuck, the Fourth King of Bhutan With his famous declaration in the 1970s, the former King of Bhutan challenged conventional, narrow and materialistic notions of human progress.

GNH Centre Bhutan

He realized and declared that the existing development paradigm – GNP (or GDP) – did not consider the ultimate goal of every human being: happiness. Old Wisdom for a Modern Age! Corporate Social Responsibility Definition. Share Video undefined DEFINITION of 'Corporate Social Responsibility'

Corporate Social Responsibility Definition

Business and ethics. Today I’m going to talk about business and ethics.

Business and ethics

First I’ll look at what is meant by business ethics. Then I’ll examine the kind of ethical considerations companies need to address, how they can go about doing business in a more ethical way, and look at some examples of ethical business practices. British Council. Presenter: Now, one of the latest buzzwords in e-commerce is 'viral marketing' – using the power of the internet to advertise a product or service.

British Council

I'm joined in the studio today by Michael MacAulay of the website which monitors internet trends. Michael, what exactly is 'viral marketing'? Business and ethics. Case study – James Carston, Fine Shirtmakers Set up in the 1920s by James Carston, a Manchester tailor, the company has remained in the family and is now run by James’s grandson, Paul Carston.

Business and ethics

Employing fewer than 50 people, the company has a reputation for producing high-quality men’s shirts, which it sells by mail order, and has a loyal customer base. As Paul Carston says, ‘Once someone has tried our shirts, they tend to come back for more. Marketing virale. Effetti negativi dei mass-media sui minori. Gli effetti negativi dei mass-media. Consumismo. Global Climate March: Tens of thousands rally around the world against climate change. Protesters are marching across the world to pressure their governments into taking steps to fight climate change.

Global Climate March: Tens of thousands rally around the world against climate change

The massive rallies fall on the eve of a UN summit in Paris which will see more than 190 nations gather to try and cut harmful global emissions. More than 570,000 people across 175 countries have so far taken part in the rallies, making the 2015 action ahead of the summit the biggest set of global marches in history, according to a campaign director at, a global advocacy organization. People "are calling with one voice for global leaders to deliver a 100 percent clean energy future at the Paris climate summit. Despite events being canceled across France, global actions were larger than last year's massive march in New York, breaking records in Bangladesh, Australia, Britain and more," Emma Ruby-Sachs said in a statement emailed to Sputnik news agency. READ MORE: 200+ detained, tear gas & scuffles at banned Global March for Climate in Paris (VIDEO) Australia Germany.

Kyoto Protocol. The Kyoto mechanisms Under the Protocol, countries must meet their targets primarily through national measures.

Kyoto Protocol

However, the Protocol also offers them an additional means to meet their targets by way of three market-based mechanisms. The Kyoto mechanisms are: The mechanisms help to stimulate green investment and help Parties meet their emission targets in a cost-effective way. Monitoring emission targets.