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MOOC ITyPA ou comment apprendre en ligne ? MOOC. Quelques semaines ont passé depuis que je me suis lancée dans l’avanture du Mooc GdP Chronophage : voila ce qui symbolise ce projet.


Mais au combien intéressant ! Les semaines passées ont été très lourdement chargées La première phase : la fiche de définition Pour résumer il s’agissait de présenter les objectifs qui seront étudiés par l’équipe Comment mettre en place un environnement TIC commun – à la fois pérenne et évolutif – pour que les personnes d’un groupe, d’une entreprise, d’une administration : s’entraidentpartagent leurs connaissances et leurs savoirsse construisent des outils de veille et de donner les membres de l’équipe.

La deuxième phase : le cadrage L’étape fut plus difficile car beaucoup plus productive : approfondir les besoins, expliciter l’organisation et le déroulement du projet, l’étude d’antériorités, cahier des charges fonctionnel, l’étude de l’environnement et les retombées. Et la difficulté l’a soudée. Une équipe La création et l’appropriation d’outils Google drive Doodle. Explorations et Outils Web: MOOC: définition et mode d'emploi. Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) (VIDEO) · maiteroy. The MOOC Guide. The purpose of this document is two-fold: - to offer an online history of the development of the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) - to use that history to describe major elements of a MOOC Each chapter of this guide looks at one of the first MOOCs and some early influences.

The MOOC Guide

It contains these parts: - a description of the MOOC, what it did, and what was learned - a description of the element of MOOC theory learned in the offering of the course - practical tools that can be used to develop that aspect of a MOOC - practical tips on how to be successful Contribute to this Book You are invited to contribute. If you participated in a MOOC, add a paragraph describing your experience (you can sign your name to it, so we know it's a personal story).

In order to participate, please email or message your contact details, and we'll you to the list of people who can edit pages. Explore a New Learning Frontier: MOOCs by Inge de Waard. “As educational technology is becoming more mainstream through social media and mobile devices, there is a rising interest to find methodologies that build upon these new technologies to enhance the learning and teaching process.

Explore a New Learning Frontier: MOOCs by Inge de Waard

MOOC is one of these emerging formats. A MOOC can boost your institutional, corporate, or NGO knowledge, if you are open to its innovative approach.” A MOOC is a Massive Open Online Course. It is a gathering of participants, of people willing to jointly exchange information and collaboratively enhance their knowledge. Over 10,000 learners worldwide have participated in MOOCs on a variety of topics. MOOCs fit the contemporary shift towards networked learning. Use of educational technology is becoming more mainstream through social media and mobile devices. MOOCs are organized on the Internet. In this article, I will describe the benefits of a MOOC, its learner demands, the facilitator options, and of course the tools needed to set up a MOOC. History of MOOCs.