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4GEE enterprise app hackathon in London · We’ve said it before… is all about helping developers create weird, wise & wonderful mobile apps. Where would the world be without them, right? That’s why we jumped at the chance to get involved with the 4GEE Hackathon alongside Pusher and PeerIndex. As an official sponsor, will be on location at the 4GEE Hackathon. Hundreds on developers will be on-site in an effort to build the BEST app. Industry experts from EE, Google and Mubaloo will be there to serve as the judging panel. We will be there providing support to developers, whether you’re building a basic video game or a complex enterprise application, the development team will help you build your app on top of our platform.

The 36 hours event is designed to pioneer the next generation of business apps and will be running at The Hub from June 21-23. Think you have what it takes? Animated Greetings. Hooray: the brand new Zoobe 2.0 is here! Be part of the worldwide success story and become the director of your own animated video message. Spoken by The Smurfs™, Ryu from Street Fighter®, the Rabbit-without-ears, the super dino Tyranni and a bunch of many more adorable characters. Now with even cuter animated backgrounds available in the first Zoobe Shop ever. Zoobe has been featured in the Google Play Store, topped the charts in over 50 countries and has over 1500 5 stars reviews from you: 1000 times thank you for your support!

To celebrate, we’ve given to the Zoobe app a complete makeover. Now you can let The Smurfs™, the Rabbit-without-ears, the Two-eared-chick and Ryu from Street Fighter® be your personal 3D spokesperson. Every message is by the way unique and geotagged so your friends receiving a Zoobe video see where you created it. This is how you create your own animated and speaking 3D Zoobe messages: 1. So go ahead, enjoy Zoobe! ***** (5/5 stars) Dean G. - 26.09.2013Cute! Developing for iOS and Android | Code by Coffee. David Janes' Code Weblog » How to use XCode for Android Projects. How to use XCode for Android Projects Let’s assume you already have an Android project on your Mac. Create the XCode Project start XCodeselect File > New Project…select External Build Systemgo to the parent directory of your Android Projectin the Save As: field, enter the directory name of your Android Projectselect the scarily-misnamed Replace option [not in XCode 4 -- thanks Jusin] Add Files In your new XCode project: select first item in the left hand column, which is the name of your projectright-click, select Add > Existing Files…select add files (don’t select the Copy option)organize as desired (I like to do a lot of grouping).

Configure your Build Target look for Targetsinside will be a target for your project’s namedouble click on it change Build Tool to antchange Arguments to install Clicking ⌘B should now compile your project. Note: if you figure out how to have a Build vs. Getting XCode to Recognize Java errors Reconfigure the Build Target, changing ant to . #! App Components. Built With Bootstrap. Some of you may know that I ran Built With Bootstrap many years ago, which wasn't much but became a really nice way for folks to share the sites they were building using the Bootstrap CSS framework.

(Please note, I was never affiliated with the Bootstrap CSS team - I did use the framework a lot tho at the time) I'd always wanted to focus less on a specific frontend framework and more on bootstrapping startups, but never quite managed to get the time. One of the reasons that Bootstrap CSS became (and arguably still is) so popular is that it enables entrepreneurs and their teams to move faster towards getting something out in front of their potential audience.

That's why I'm super excited to evolve Built With Bootstrap into Bootstrap Forever, a community to help bootstrapped startups build and grow together! Bootstrapping a business is hard, especially if you're running solo! Seeking funding or a quick exit isn't everyone's goal. This will sit alongside a new website (coming soon!) BV-Developer-Infographic.jpg (1199×3687) Animata. Building a simple arm model To see the details watch it in fullscreen or download the MOV version. Rigid body tutorial Note: The display order of triangles depends on the creation order, the latest is drawn last, so it will be on the top. Control and Shift keys modify the selection behaviour when clicking with the mouse. Shift adds the current vertex to the selected vertices, while Control inverts selection. To see the details watch it in fullscreen or download the MOV version. 3D tutorial Sample video showing how to create a fake 3D effect in Animata. Other tutorials.

Mobile World Congress 2013:Xperia Tablet Zの世界展開とWi-Fi版の提供を発表——ソニーモバイル. ソニーは2月25日(欧州時間)、現在スペインのバルセロナで開催されているMobile World Congress 2013(MWC 2013)において報道関係者向け説明会を開催し、同社「Xperia Tablet Z」の2013年第2四半期での世界市場への投入を発表した。 またWi-Fi接続機能のみを搭載したバージョンの春以降の投入も予告しており、後日日本でも正式アナウンスが行われるとみられる。 Xperia Tablet Zの世界展開をスタート、Wi-Fi版も登場 ソニー社長兼CEOの平井一夫氏 プレスカンファレンスで壇上に登場したソニーモバイルコミュニケーションズ社長兼CEOの鈴木国正氏は、完全なソニーの子会社として新たなスタートを切った2012年の同社を振り返りつつ、2013年は「ブレイクスルーの年だ」とその目標を語った。 これは経営や販売面での改善にとどまらず、実際に広く市場に受け入れられる強力な製品を提供していくことも意味している。 こうした“攻め”に転じた同社の武器がXperiaシリーズであり、その先兵となるのがすでに日本でリリースされている「Xperia Z」とXperia Tablet Zとなる。 Xperia Zについては2013 International CESですでに世界デビューを果たしており、例えばドイツで同製品が発売された際には、ベルリン市内にあるポツダム広場近くのソニーストアで製品が2時間で完売したという。 今回のカンファレンスでは、改めてXperia Tablet Zの2013年第2四半期での世界提供開始が発表された。 ソニーモバイルコミュニケーションズ社長兼CEOの鈴木国正氏。 ドイツはベルリンのポツダム広場近くにあるソニーストアでは、Xperia Z発売から2時間で端末が完売したという 「Listen」「Create」「Watch」「Play」のソニーのモバイル製品における4つの訴求ポイント。

ソニーブースはXperia ZとXperia Tablet Z一色 ソニーブースでは大量のXperia ZとXperia Tablet Zが展示されており、その特徴をアピール。 MWC会場内のソニーブースでは大量のXperia ZとXperia Tablet Zが展示され、これが同社の主力製品であることを存分にアピールしていた。 ホワイトバージョンも展開. Ruby on Rails: Screencasts. OS X. Simplified history of Unix-like operating systems. OS X /ˌoʊ ɛs ˈtɛn/,[10] formerly known as Mac OS X,[11] is a series of Unix-based graphical interface operating systems developed and marketed by Apple Inc. It is designed to run on Mac computers, having been pre-installed on all Macs since 2002. It was the successor to Mac OS 9, released in 1999, the final release of the "classic" Mac OS, which had been Apple's primary operating system since 1984. The first version released was Mac OS X Server 1.0 in 1999, and a desktop version, Mac OS X v10.0 "Cheetah" followed on March 24, 2001. Previous releases of OS X were named after big cats; for example, OS X v10.8 was referred to as "Mountain Lion".

However, with the announcement of OS X Mavericks in June 2013, this was dropped in favor of Californian landmarks.[12] Within the market of desktop, laptop and home computers, and by web usage, OS X is the second most widely used OS after Windows.[13][14][15] History Description Compatibility Software. Mailing Lists. Xcode 4. Easy setup Take advantage of a complete workflow to manage pull requests directly within Xcode. Create new requests, see a queue of pull requests ready for your review, and quickly view, build, and test results generated locally or by Xcode Cloud. Team comments inline Comments that your teammates make on code during review display inline within the code editor, along with the name and avatar of the reviewer. Quick compare Jump into a comparison view of any two versions of your source code, in any editor, while retaining your current editing context. Cloud signing Apps are code-signed using an Apple-hosted service that manages all of your certificates, making App Store submission easier and more reliable.

Bottom bar The always-visible bottom bar shows useful information, such as line and column, and offers direct access to quickly compare different versions of code. Vim mode CarPlay simulator Instant crash reports and feedback Custom documentation. WorkingMatt. Quartz Composer. Patches[edit] Quartz programming through Quartz Composer works by implementing and connecting patches.[4] Similar to routines in traditional programming languages, patches are base processing units.

They execute and produce a result. For better performance, patch execution follows a lazy evaluation approach, meaning that patches are only executed when their output is needed. There are three types of patches: Consumers, Processors, and External Input patches that can receive and output mouse clicks, scrolls, and movements; MIDI and audio; keyboard; or other movements. A collection of patches can be melded into one, called a macro. Macros can be nested and their subroutines also edited. To control the order of rendering, each renderer is assigned a layer, indicated in its upper-right corner. Some patches can have subpatches, which allows for global parameter changes to just the included subpatches. With Version 3.0, it became possible to turn compositions into Virtual Patches. Books[edit] Twitter Developers.