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Philosophie und Wissenschaft

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Warum fliegt ein Flugzeug??? | aus Forum Luft- & Raumfahrt. Koan-Sammlung - Die verschollenen Schriften von Tao-hsin. Die verschollenen Schriften von Tao-hsin Ein Mann kam zu Tao-hsin, warf sich vor ihn auf den Boden und sagte "Lehre mich die Wahrheit. " Tao-hsin reagierte nicht, daraufhin der Mann "Sag mir, wo ich suchen muss. " Als er wieder keine Antwort bekam, flehte er "Ist das Leben den wirklich so leer?

" Tao-hsin schüttelte den Kopf. Der Mann stand auf und ging. Später sagte Tao-hsin "Ich hätte nicken sollen. " Ein Mann kam zu Tao-hsin und setzte sich ohne zu grüssen vor ihn. Tags darauf traf Tao-hsin den Mann beim Essen. Ein junger Mann kam zu Tao-hsin und sagte "Was soll ich machen, ich reise und lerne, finde aber keine Ruhe. Später sagte Tao-hsin "Ich rede zu viel. " Einmal sprach Tao-hsin zu seinen Schülern "Eine Schale voll Wasser zerspringt auf dem harten Boden, Klirr. " Ein Mann besuchte Tao-hsin und fragte ihn "Soll ich meine Frau achten" Tao-hsin fragte zurück "Warum nicht? " Später sagte Tao-hsin "Behandle deine Umwelt wie deine Hand. " Ein Mann kam zu Tao-hsin und sprach "Bitte hilf mir.

" The Most Useless Machine EVER! Also known as The Ultimate Machine: Claude E. Shannon built the first one based on an idea by Marvin Minsky. After seeing a video of such a machine I just had to have one of my own. The only design I could find uses a PIC microcontroller but I consider this to be overkill (not knowing how to write code for micros may have had some influence on my humble opinion...). Additionally, the microcontroller version really doesn't shut itself off. It's circuit remains powered even when the switch is in the off position. Knowing a little bit about servos and basic electronics, I felt sure that I could build the machine using a simple analog circuit. My main goal however was to have the machine REALLY turn itself off.

The machine in THIS instructable accomplishes that! Twubblesome Twelve. 1974 - 1976 Took a course or two from Bob Floyd at Stanford, then gave one. 1961 - 1965 BS in Mathematics, MIT. 1963 - 1972 Technology Model Railroad Club. Where I learned the most. *2001 "Experiments and discoveries in q-Trigonometry" in proceedings of 2000 U. Florida (Gainesville) conference: Symbolic Computation, Number Theory, Special Functions, Physics & Combinatorics, (Garvan & Ismail, eds.) pp79-106. *1999 Website: (plus various unindexed pages).

Mostly Macsyma notebooks of mathematical vignettes and graphics. Text of old, unpublished continued fraction arithmetic paper. *1998 Invited talk, Mt. . *1998-2000 As a result of significant q-series and q-product performance enhancements I gave to Prof Sergey Suslov at Arizona State, he got so excited that he listed me as a co-author at least twice. . *1996 (Pub 1997) Invited talk ("How I find funny looking formulas") Fields Institute Conference (U.

. * Nov 1988 Color graphics in OMNI (pp 124-125). *1976? Marvin Minsky's Home Page. MIT Media Lab and MIT AI Lab Professor of Media Arts and Sciences, MIT Professor of E.E.C.S., M.I.Tminsky at Abstracts Bibliography Biography People Marvin Minsky has made many contributions to AI, cognitive psychology, mathematics, computational linguistics, robotics, and optics. In recent years he has worked chiefly on imparting to machines the human capacity for commonsense reasoning. His conception of human intellectual structure and function is presented in two books: The Emotion Machine and The Society of Mind (which is also the title of the course he teaches at MIT). He received the BA and PhD in mathematics at Harvard (1950) and Princeton (1954). Some Publications The Emotion Machine 2006 (book) draft ( 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Bib ) Essays on Education --- (for OLPC) --- ( 1 2 3 4 5 ) Research Groups Family.