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CMD+SHIFT DESIGN BLOG: Design, Freelance & Internet Nerdiness » Blog Archive » Tattoos & Type: Typographical Tattoos. Also check out part 2, Punctuation Tattoos! The Skin Project I love TYPE. Typography in print, typography on the web.. i love it all. Typography is one of my favorite parts of design and it is one of those things you can find in unlikely places. Sometimes on an old store sign, or a business card, the back of a food package or even on someones body. Literary Tattoos Sometime, the words of someone else expresses something about you that you yourself could have never articulated. “And so it goes…” — Kurt Vonnegut “I took a deep breath and listened to the old brag of my heart. If you’ve got a way with words – maybe you have your own personal passage to commit to your skin.

“All you can really do is…” — Kendal Tull The Letter It’s not so much what you say, but what what typeface it is written in. 10 Geek Tramp Stamps. I don’t know who started the fad of putting tattoos on your lower back, but I don’t mind seeing them on the ladies.

10 Geek Tramp Stamps

And whats hotter is a geek or nerd girl that gets one. She doesn’t say shes promiscuous, but seeing a “tramp stamp” might say she is. Now, there are some hot geek tramp stamps and then there are some geek tramp stamps that just look like a bad idea. Makes you wonder “wtf were you thinking?!” Click “read full article” to see the rest of the tramp stamps. Good idea tramp stamps: WTF were you thinking tramp stamps: Ok, that last one might be a guy, but we’ll never know. And now for the final stamp, we have a very hot Stormtrooper who is dedicated to her costume. Japanese tattoo « Tattoo art. Japanese tattoos can be divided into two parts: iredzumi and gaman.

Japanese tattoo « Tattoo art

The first term means ir-injected and-ink zumi. This type of tattoos were criminals convicted for involuntary tattoo and departure deadline hide their past under more stylized theme. The second type of tattoos was designed to demonstrate the quality of mens, and has shown courage and patience carrier. Certain tattoos can be considered a special women’s tattoos kakusi-boron, performed by rub in cuts rice powder, literally means as a blind – a tattoo manifested in the form of white drawing only during initiation of an body or after bathing, when affluent blood to the skin. Subjects of the Japanese tattoo is replete with a variety of motives, which can be divided into four groups: flora, fauna, religious and mythological motifs associated with extraordinary adventure heroes: Chrysanthemum, once attribute mikado later – a symbol of perseverance and determination.

Like this: Like Loading... Sports Illustrated Body Art. WebПарк.ру - всё для вашего отдыха! A Giant Gallery of Gorgeous Girl Gamer Tattoos. Alright let’s be real.

A Giant Gallery of Gorgeous Girl Gamer Tattoos

Not all of these are gorgeous. Some of them are actually downright terrifying. I just said that because it was another G word. But you’ve got to take the good with the bad, but for every weirdo there’s actually a few hotties, and that makes this gallery worth viewing. And of course dear readers, if you are a gamer girl with a tat of your own, feel free to send me a pic Well, I can’t really tell, but I HOPE this one is on a girl… WARNING: Entering slightly NSFW zone Send in yourself or your own finds. Vintage Tattoos. Wednesday 20 February 2013 Pics of Vintage Tattoos Showcasing cool pictures of old school vintage tattoos.

Vintage Tattoos

These tattoos have sparked serious debate in the comments below with some controversial comments. Feel free to comment below with your opinion on tattoos. Eye Candy/Poison: Wicked Gaming Tattoos. First off, I'll kick my current girlfriend to the curb and marry you if that's you in the picture (the chick with the ink, not one of the dudes).

Eye Candy/Poison: Wicked Gaming Tattoos

I mean that. The only way to the Geekologie Writer's heart is a permanent reminder that you love the Zelda series as much as I do. So ladies, if you're looking to get into these Umbros (I'm wearing them as boxers), now you know how. Just fire off an email with a picture of your Zelda-themed tattoo attached and we'll get our elope on. Then we'll honeymoon in Hyrule. More MUST SEE gaming tattoos after the jump, including several Marios, another Zelda, a Pac-Man on someone's ass (don't worry, I censored the crack) and the epicest of epic Star Wars tattoo just for the hell of it (why is guy's face blurred? Tattoo Nerd [fotoalbum] Thanks Tenchi059, now lets go get some wicked Geekologie ink. Body Art: Evgeny Freeone - Full Body Paint. Because nobody asked for it…bad gamer tattoos! By: Jeff Rivera I'm not here to judge anybody.

Because nobody asked for it…bad gamer tattoos!

Well, maybe I am, but hidden here behind the wall of Internet anonymity, I feel the need to call some people out for their poor decision making.