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Once Upon These Times: New Stories for New Audiences. Bio Jeremy Ettinghausen Jeremy Ettinghausen is Digital Publisher at Penguin UK and has been responsible for a number of high profile digital initiatives including the Penguin Remix competition and the collaborative wikinovel, A Million Penguins. He recently brought William Gibson into Second Life and says "No publisher should ever have to buy skin, virtual or real, for an author. " Matt Locke Matt Locke is Commissioning Editor for Education and New Media at Channel 4. In the first year of its new online strategy, C4 Education projects have won numerous awards, including a BAFTA, BIMA and Flash Forward award for Bow Street Runner, a BAFTA nomination for Yeardot and an EMMY for Battlefront.

To download this program become a Front Row member. ZOOM IN: Learn more with related books and additional materials. Encyclopædia Britannica Article book book on © 2010 Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. Us Now. Kathy Sierra at Business of Software 2009 - Business of Software Blog. Tim Dobson - Pirate Party UK candidate for Gorton East constituency. Games People Play. Bio Matt Adams Matt Adams makes performances, installations, games and interactive artworks. He co-founded Blast Theory in 1991, a group renowned for its multidisciplinary approach pioneering the use of new technologies within performance contexts.

The group has used interactive pressure pad systems triggered by audience members, video and audio streaming, and more recently, the convergence of collaborative virtual environments and mobile devices. Since 1997, the group has collaborated with the Mixed Reality Laboratory at the University of Nottingham. Works such as Desert Rain, Can You See Me Now? He co-curated the Screen series of video works for Live Culture at Tate Modern in 2003 and curated the Games and War season at the ICA in London in 2003. Dan Hon Dan Hon is CEO of Six to Start, an award winning entertainment production company founded with his brother, Adrian, in September 2007. Kati London Kevin Slavin Kevin Slavin is the Managing Director and co-Founder of area/code.

Alice Taylor. Fun Inc.: Games as the Business of the 21st Century. Digital, Life, Design 2010: Audience Sourcing. Bio Peter Hirshberg Peter Hirshberg is Chairman of Re:imagine Group which shapes strategies at the confluence of economic development, brands and cities. As co-founder San Francisco's Gray Area Foundation for the Arts where he's led initiatives at the forefront of citizen engagement in placemaking, open data and public art.

These include San Francisco's Summer of Smart civic hackathon program with 16 mayoral candidates and Urban Prototyping initiatives in Singapore, London, San Francisco, Geneva and Zurich. As advisor to the United Nations Global Pulse project, he's developed addressed the U.N. General Assembly on real-time data for international development Peter is a frequent technology and media industry speaker, having presented at TED, the World Economic Forum, DLD, EG the Entertainment Gathering, and The Aspen Ideas Festival. Tim Kring To download this program become a Front Row member. ZOOM IN: Learn more with related books and additional materials. Gaming the crowd « The fearsome blog of Andrew Davies. Topic: Practical ways to turn any website into a game, and the serious risks of doing it wrong. (description), by Andy Baio.

Starts off by showing some games… Quest for the crown Desert Bus (1995, Sega TV, unreleased) – Drive the Penn and Teller tour bus in real time. Get to the end (after 8 hours) and you get 1 point. Marathon video tame – Run a virtual marathon in real time button tapping, guy did it, took him three hours. You only live once – Standard platformer. Upgrade complete – Game about upgrading a game. Achievement unlocked – Get achievements for everything.

Punchline: All these use games to discuss what games are. Mechanical Turk Feels weird when he uses it. Turns out that the demographics are roughly the same as the English speaking internet. Social web = MMO More examples of games at work At Target, the cashier’s terminals provide feedback scores on the last 10 checkouts. The Squeaky wheel – Bug tracker with achievements. Nike/iPod exercise site What you need for a good game. Andy Baio Talks Motivating Real Life via Games at SXSW. Boyd :: Publications. Responsibilities of Community Managers. This is a guest post by Itamar Kestenbaum. Follow him on Twitter. Every time I tell someone I’m a Community Manager, I get a varied response. But the response doesn’t vary enough. The response is usually something along the lines of “Wow! So you tweet and facebook for a living! Really, many people trying to describe Online Community Managers, end up sounding like this: Others may know what Community Manager is, but don’t know exactly how much it entails.

Make Friends In the Industry Community Managing is super easy when you’re working for a well-known tech company in the middle of Silicon Valley. If you’re representing a matchbook company, you might want to know the other matchbook manufacturer’s Marketing pros, the top CEOs of the large matchbook companies, and the press. Get to know the press before you need something from them. Mark Thompson of Search Engine Journal has a great article entitled How To Find Industry Influencers. Look at Boring Stats — and Make Them Interesting Lots! The Age of Social Networks. InShare6 Social networks share a common ingredient in design and intent, the connection of people and the facilitation of conversations, sharing, and discovery. What they do not share however, are culture, behavior, and prevailing demographics. Each network is unique in its genetic and cultural composition and it is for that reason that we benefit by becoming digital anthropologists in addition to new media marketers.

Demographics are distributed within all social networks, but only concentrated within a select few. Where specific demographics materialize varies from network to network and as such, the more effective social strategies and tactics are designed to reach target audiences where, when and how they engage. Over the years, I’ve relied on Google Ad Planner to surface the critical demographics in order to construct meaningful and targeted social programming. Age Distribution Distribution of Age Within Social Networks Delicious - Over 25% of users are 35-44 Reddit - 30% are 35-44. 4 Steps for Managing Social Media Attention. Soren Gordhamer is the organizer of the Wisdom 2.0 Conference, which brings together staff from Google, Facebook, and Twitter with others to explore living wisely in our modern age. Mashable readers can use code ‘Mashable‘ for a discount when registering. There have never been more things that call out for our attention: We have tweets to read, Facebook statuses to check, and now Google Buzz updates — not to mention text messages, e-mails, and cell phone calls.

And the amount of data is growing each day. Recent reports estimate that the average American consumes 34 GB worth of content a day, including 100,000 words of information. While this access to information has numerous benefits, learning to live and work skillfully amidst an active social media lifestyle is an art in itself — one that will be increasingly challenging in the years ahead.

Below are four lessons in staying sane and focused amidst an active social media lifestyle. 1. 2. 3. “Do or do not. 4. Conclusion. Linked - But how? The growing interest in social sites in scientific research as well as in business has led to a sharp increase in the analysis of such sites. The tools and methods to technically analyze such sites are developed and are being enhanced. One major question though seems to be left mostly unattended: If one takes the relationship data in a site like e.g. MySpace, what is the ‘real’ interpretation of the social network analysis? There is no clear definition as to the meaning of a link. Is it frienship, acquaintance, awareness? When analyzing the dynamics of such a site, the question of time dependent relevance of links is added to this problem. Would you like to put a link to this lecture on your homepage? Robustness of Social Networks. Collective Semantics: Collective Intelligence & the Semantic Web - Information Retrieval vs. Knowledge Retrieval: A social network perspective.

Collective Intelligence and Social Content Semantic Analysis. Overall objective and topics to be addressed: While it is nowadays easy for users and organisations to generate and share content, current applications do not fully support intelligent processing and management of such information. Thus, users fail to access it efficiently and cannot exploit the underlying knowledge. The aim of the workshop is to present and draw appropriate strands of work for exploiting multiple layers of intelligence from user-contributed content, which together constitute Collective Intelligence, a form of intelligence that emerges from the collaboration and competition among many individuals.

The workshop will provide an overview of current research/state of the art in various sources of Collective Intelligence: digital content items and contextual information, massive user feedback and users social interaction, with speakers coming both from industry and academia. Agenda and Speaker lineup: The Networking session was coordinated by Yiannis Kompatsiaris, ITI. Varieties of Emergence. David J. Chalmers Department of Philosophy University of Arizona Tucson, AZ 85721. [[Written for the Templeton Foundation workshop on emergence in Granada, August 2002. Given the informal nature of the workshop, I haven't been especially careful with citations and such, but I should note up front that not much of what follows is fundamentally original with me.

I hope that nevertheless there is something useful at least in the way I have put things together.]] Two concepts of emergence The term "emergence" has the potential to cause no end of confusion in science and philosophy, as it is used to express two quite different concepts. We can say that a high-level phenomenon is strongly emergent with respect to a low-level domain when truths concerning that phenomenon are not deducible even in principle from truths in the low-level domain. These definitions of strong and weak emergence are first approximations, which might later be refined.

Strong emergence Weak emergence. Iedereen kan (even) bekend zijn | Kees Romkes. Het knopje ken je inmiddels wel uit facebook, twitter of een ander sociaal netwerk, “wat ben je aan het doen”, oftewel “update je status”. Toen ik daar laatst even over nadacht na talloze verhalen over “web celebrity” en “beroemdheden” in het algemeen te hebben gehoord, kregen die woorden toch ineens een hele andere lading… Dat leidt, voor velen, tot een afhankelijkheid van die online identiteit. “Nu even niet” is er niet bij, je wil continu op de hoogte blijven en je even terugtrekken, om te reflecteren, kijken waar je mee bezig bent, wie je ook alweer bent, wat je doet en hoe je in de wereld staat.

Dat doe je alleen, offline, disconnected. Sociodicted zou je het bijna kunnen noemen, je hebt het gevoel te leven omdat je interacteert met anderen, niet omdat je zelf “bent“. Ook die naieve vorm van positiviteit bestaat binnen virtuele communities zoals twitter, negatieve klaagzangen over je eigen gesteldheid negeer ik, teveel en ik block ze zelfs, want daar ben ik niet naar op zoek. Nils Roemen. Gisteren plaatste de Gelderlander een artikel over de beslissing van de Nijmeegse vierdaagse feesten om dit jaar Habana aan de Waal te schrappen van het programma. Nou weet ik te weinig van de details om iets gefundeerds te kunnen zeggen over of de redenen hiervoor wel of niet legitiem zijn.

Dus ik ga maar even af op wat ik wel weet over Habana aan de Waal en dat is: dat als tijdens de zomerfeesten de stad overspoeld wordt met mensen er één plek is waar je een prachitg feest kunt beleven zonder hutje mutje op elkaar te staan. Waar je met je voeten in het zand kunt staren naar een prachtige sterren hemel terwijl er op de achtergrond een goede band speelt, waar je niet als je naar de bar loopt om iets te bestellen, ook gewoon aan de beurt bent en niet eerst een kwartier hoeft te wachten. Waar met een bootje over de waal naartoe kan en waardoor het zoch wellicht nog het best laat vergelijken met een klein Oerol.

Dus dacht ik eens even via twitter te kijken wie dat ook zonde vinden. Findings - People Share News Online That Inspires Awe, Researchers Find. Jim Stolze » Social Media: het is gewoon keihard werken. Posted on 04-02-2010 in categories social media, workshops Het klinkt zo makkelijk: we openen gewoon een wiki. Of: waarom doe je het niet via Hyves? Snel bedacht, maar in de praktijk zie je veel van dit soort initiatieven sneuvelen. Hoe komt dat toch? Moet u nu ook denken aan Rita Verdonk? Voor een gezonde online community is een bepaalde mate van sociale hygiene nodig. Ik heb afgelopen jaren gemerkt dat voor een goede sociale hygiene het niet zozeer gaat om de 3 R-en (rust, reinheid en regelmaat), maar om de 6 L-len: Liever klein beginnen; beter een forum met 4 actieve vrienden dan met 60.000 onbekenden (Rita Revisited). En Last but not Least: ga door, elke dag opnieuw. In bijna elke lezing en training die ik geef, vertel ik het: de belangrijkste vacature van 2010 en 2011 is die van de Community Manager.

Met bovenstaande column hoop ik te bereiken dat deze mediale duizendpoten komende tijd wat meer hulp en begrip krijgen binnen organisatie. Sherry Turkle: Connected, but alone? Julian Dibbell » A Rape in Cyberspace. (Or TINYSOCIETY, and How to Make One) Chapter One of Julian Dibbell’s My Tiny Life, 1998. (First published in somewhat different form in The Village Voice, December 1993.)

They say he raped them that night. They say he did it with a cunning little doll, fashioned in their image and imbued with the power to make them do whatever he desired. They say that by manipulating the doll he forced them to have sex with him, and with each other, and to do horrible, brutal things to their own bodies. And though I wasn’t there that night, I think I can assure you that what they say is true, because it all happened right in the living room — right there amid the well-stocked bookcases and the sofas and the fireplace — of a house I came later to think of as my second home. Call me Dr. That I was myself already known to wander the mansion grounds from time to time has little direct bearing on the story’s events. The facts begin (as they often do) with a time and a place.

“I am requesting that Mr. Web 2.0 Expo NY: Clay Shirky ( It's Not Information Overload. It's Filter Failure. Dynamics of Information and Evaluation on Social Networks. Finding a Team of Experts in Social Networks. Given a task T, a pool of individuals X with different skills, and a social network G that captures the compatibility among these individuals, we study the problem of finding X, a subset of X, to perform the task. We call this the Team Formation problem. We require that members of X not only meet the skill requirements of the task, but can also work effectively together as a team. We measure effectiveness using the communication cost incurred by the subgraph in G that only involves X. We study two variants of the problem for two different communication-cost functions, and show that both variants are NP-hard.

We explore their connections with existing combinatorial problems and give novel algorithms for their solution. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to consider the Team Formation problem in the presence of a social network of individuals. Would you like to put a link to this lecture on your homepage? Social language learning via Lang-8. Category: Social Networks. Category: Network Analysis. Microscopic Evolution of Social Networks. The Structure of Information Pathways in a Social Communication Network. Don Norman's / Technology First, Needs Last.

Confirmation. Web 2.0 Adoption Curve, 2009–2015. MASTER THESIS definitieve versie. Log In. Lead with your glass jaw.