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Gangs Story. Hells Angels, Rebels, Skinheads, Black Panthers, Black Dragoons, Ducky Boys, la Secte Abdulaye, les Asnays ... Après les Trente glorieuses, une population parquée dans des cités dortoirs se retrouve dans le piège de la ghettoïsation. L’histoire des gangs est profondément liée à celle de la société, de l’urbanisme et du développement de phénomènes culturels comme le rock, le punk, le hip-hop et le rap.

Conformément au modèle américain, les gangs vont développer une véritable culture : logos, signes de ralliement, mode vestimentaire, musique. Si les jeunes qui organisèrent les premiers gangs l’ont souvent fait pour se protéger des agressions racistes d’autres bandes, cette motivation première dérivera progressivement pour aboutir aux comportements autodestructifs actuels. Yan Morvan est un des grands spécialistes contemporains de la photo de guerre. Originaire du quartier de la Grande Borne à Grigny, Kizo a fait partie de la "Mafia Z". Home page : Stanley Greene | NOOR.

Stanley Greene During the early years of his career, Stanley Greene (USA, 1949-2017) produced The Western Front, a unique documentation of the San Francisco’s punk scene in the 1970s and 80s. An encounter with W. Eugene Smith turned his energies to photojournalism. Stanley began photographing for magazines, and worked as temporary staff photographer for the New York Newsday. In 1986, he moved to Paris and began covering events… read full profile › In 1986, he moved to Paris and began covering events across the globe. Stanley was a member of the Paris-based photo agency Agence VU from 1991 to 2007.

In the early 1990s, Stanley went to Southern Sudan to document the war and famine there for Globe Hebdo (France). Stanley was awarded a Katrina Media Fellowship from the Open Society Institute in 2006. Stanley Greene is a founding member of NOOR. . ‹ read less. Patrick Cariou. Richard Mosse | Photography. Lightbox - time. James Nachtwey. Benjamin Hoffman - Home. Valerio Bispuri-america latina. Yuri Kozyrev NOOR. Yuri Kozyrev As a photojournalist for the past 25 years, Yuri Kozyrev (Russia, 1963) has witnessed many world-changing events. He started his career documenting the collapse of the Soviet Union, the last empire of our modern times, capturing the rapid changes in the former USSR for the LA Times during the 90’s.

In 2001, Yuri started to cover international news. He was on the scene in Afghanistan after September 11, 2001, and lived… read full profile › He started his career documenting the collapse of the Soviet Union, the last empire of our modern times, capturing the rapid changes in the former USSR for the LA Times during the 90’s. In 2001, Yuri started to cover international news. He was on the scene in Afghanistan after September 11, 2001, and lived in Baghdad, Iraq, between 2002 and 2009, arriving before the war. Since the beginning of 2011, Yuri has been documenting the uprisings and their aftermaths in Bahrain, Yemen, Tunisia and especially Egypt and Libya. ‹ read less. Agence noor. Ed ou.