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F*Stats on Flickr - Application Sharing! This is app is not up-to-date and may not work anymore. Sorry. Software for Windows, which downloads Flickr Stats data (only available for PRO users), so users could store more than 28 days on their local computer, in single SQLite database file. Also, this software shows spark-lines charts of collected data (yearly, monthly, daily). F*Stats works as web crawler because it was written before Stats API became available.

Run it at least once in 28 days to collect your statistics data for every day. Please leave this comments area for testimonials and post questions/bug reports/feature ideas to group discussion pages. Read Questions & Answers before comment. Above photo is just an illustration (stats themed photo) because I don't upload any screenshots to my photostream and it's just a Windows application. FlickRooster : The Flickr's Best Photographers. MathGon's most interesting photos. Stream by Darckr. MathGon's photos and videos. MP #47 : Améliorer l’interface de Flickr grâce à plus de 10 scripts GreaseMonkey - Beaucoup d’entre nous sont satisfaits de l’ergonomie de Flickr, le site communautaire de partage de photos. Mais certains reprochent à Flickr de ne pas avoir changé depuis un bon moment (voir cet article de Stephen Shankland dans un Sunday Links) et des utilisateurs voulant améliorer les choses ont proposé des scripts en passant par GreaseMonkey.

GreaseMonkey est une extension pour le navigateur Firefox qui permet de lancer des scripts qui vont modifier la manière dont les pages de certains sites s’affichent, avec bien sûr des améliorations. Tout cela est rendu possible par l’utilisation de JavaScript. Pour ceux d’entre vous qui n’utilisent pas Firefox, je ne peux que vous conseiller de télécharger la dernière version.

Sans plus attendre, voici les scripts les plus intéressants développés pour Flickr. Avant de pouvoir les utiliser, il vous faut installer Greasemonkey sur votre navigateur Firefox. Buddy Icon Reply Le script Buddy Icon Reply est à utiliser dans les commentaires. Flickr Snap. Create Photo Gallery diaporama. Embed Flickr Slideshows - flickrSLiDR diaporama. Earth album alpha - a slicker google maps + flickr mash-up. FlickrStorm. Search on Flickr with some Magic. 7 Totally Unique Flickr Search Tools. Sometimes it's simply overwhelming how many gorgeous photos there are on Flickr - sifting through them to find a picture to use on your blog or to just admire can be a chore. Luckily for us however, Flickr has an API, meaning that some creative developers have built alternative Flickr search engines.

Whether you're just looking for a more feature-rich version of Flickr search or want to perform search in a completely different way, these seven Flickr search tools will serve you in finding that perfect photo. Do you have a favorite Flickr search tool? Be sure to share it with us in the comments. 1. Compfight is a visual Flickr search tool that displays searched photos based on tags or text. 2. Are you looking for cool pictures, but you really need them to match your website's color scheme? Note: this search engine is partially in Japanese, but it doesn't impede you from using this particular tool. 3. FlickrBabel is a mash-up of Flickr search and Google Translate. 4. 5. 6. 7. Fd's Flickr Toys: Do fun stuff with your photos.
