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Customiser un appareil photo. Qui n’a pas rêvé comme Kiel Johnson de construire un appareil photo ? ©theo jemison / L'appareil de Kiel n’est qu’une enveloppe démesurée figurant avec humour le goût que d’autres ont eu à customiser leurs appareils. Car certains se sont attaqués au modèle lui-même ! Le propos de cet article est très simple : montrer des appareils photographiques dont l’apparence a été modifiée depuis la plus sage expression jusqu’au kitch et au monumental. Introduction Bien que le noir règne encore aujourd’hui sur la photographie, la fantaisie gagne doucement du terrain. En naviguant sur le net je me suis rendue compte, pas vraiment rapidement car l’appât de la nouvelle découverte devenait quasiment obsessionnel, que relever toutes les fantaisies était impossible. Comment classifier toutes ces trouvailles pour tenter de comprendre les motivations de ceux qui ont osé s’amuser avec l’objet photographique ?

A/ Tout d’abord quelques précisions sur la customisation La customisation. Gallery - What's up 2008. There is something similar views with mountains and the sea in these two solargraphs although the first solargraph comes from New Zealand and the second one from Skibotn, Norway, on the other side of the world. I have used to interpret the Sun´s path in the solargraphs in the northern hemisphere as follows: The Sun´s altitude is reached in midsummer on June 21, 2008 and its long path does not go under the horizon at all by night. The missing traces between the white lines are due to the Sun being obscured on overcast days. How to interpret the Sun´s paths in the southern hemisphere?

The exposure was almost similar in these images. In the opposite part of the world there was winter in New Zealand and summer in the North Norway. Dunedin, New Zealand, 21.6.-21.9.2008 can assistant Lynn Tailor. Galerie de Trashcam Project. How to: Manufacture the Portable Darkrooom — What an incredible offer from Polaroid! Order more than $12 in copies and receive a free pack of Time-Zero film! Sadly, it expired on December 31, 1988. Clearly, I need to clean the studio more often! Even though Polaroid is no longer in the instant film business, Fuji and Impossible are both offering some nice instant film products... I'm searching for old, printed photographic ephemera for a current book project, if you have something that you would be interested in submitting, please email me.

Illustrations, advertisements, packaging, etc are all welcome.