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Pinterest Becomes Top Traffic Driver for Retailers [INFOGRAPHIC] Pinterest, a two-year-old social bookmarking site that lets users collect and share things they like on the web, is driving increasingly significant amounts of traffic to retailers' websites.

Pinterest Becomes Top Traffic Driver for Retailers [INFOGRAPHIC]

The service enables users to create online bulletin boards, or "pinboards," for popular categories such as home decor, food and wedding inspiration. Members can use Pinterest's "Pin It" bookmarklet tool and iPhone app to save things they see online and offline, and explore and repin the images their friends collect via their personal newsfeeds. The website is especially popular among women, who account for 58% of Pinterest's traffic, according to Experian Hitwise.

SEE ALSO: 21 Must-Follow Pinterest Users. Social Networking - Facts and Usage Statistics [Infographic] Must-Know Pinterest User Demographics. It's no secret that the Internet loves Pinterest.

Must-Know Pinterest User Demographics

Now, most users are even spending more time, on average, pinning than they are on hanging out on Facebook. Here's what you need to know about Pinterest user demographics. With an average of 1.36 million users daily, the social photo pinboard has taken the web by storm, and top online retailers are following suit. Pinterest: How Do U.S. and UK Users Compare? [INFOGRAPHIC] If you've spent any time on Pinterest, the hottest new social network since sliced bread, you might have noticed its popularity among certain demographics — namely, women who are into fashion, weddings, home decor and puppies.

Pinterest: How Do U.S. and UK Users Compare? [INFOGRAPHIC]

But some data compiled by sheds light on the interesting differences between U.S. and UK Pinterest users. Using anonymized, aggregated opt-in data from various Google products (including Toolbar and Analytics), DoubleClick Ad Planner has drawn some conclusions about pinners on both sides of the pond. SEE ALSO: 21 Must-Follow Pinterest Users.