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Facebook Twitter | League of Legends Match & Player Statistics. League Craft. Champions. Urgot. Morgana. Rammus. Malzaguy. Karthus. Introduction Karthus, The Deathsinger, an amazing hero for the simple fact that if a spammable nuke, an 80% slow + Magic resistance debuff, and an ult that can finish off any hero on the map from anywhere. Sound OP? Well yea he is, IF you can play him well. This is my attempt to teach all the people who might want to play Karthus how to play him well, and all the people who have played him and failed how to not fail.

I am so very sick of seeing people play Karthus terribly, so i am here to try and stop people from ruining Karthus's good name as the OP Lich (at least that's what everyone who plays against me calls him ^.^). For the sake of my Favorite Hero i write this guide! Galio. Introduction**READ THIS** || **READ THIS** || **READ THIS** || **READ THIS** || **READ THIS****READ THIS** || **READ THIS** || **READ THIS** || **READ THIS** || **READ THIS**VERY FIRST OF ALL : If you dont want to read anything, or you are a lazy bastard, go to Summary where it is all resumed.FIRST OF ALL : Sry for my VERY FUCKING BAD English, but i'm not from usa or uk.. i'm from Argentina, and never studied this language.. so.. my english sucks a little :)Ok..

Would say Tony Montana.. 'Say hello to my little friend'. This build does NOT FOCUS on the TANK ASPECT, forget that.. THIS GUIDE.. focuses on the HOLY-CRAP-WTF-IS-THAT-FUCKING-AND-INSANE-DMG?!?!?! Aspect. This is a FULL AP BUILD, and trust me.. Udyr. MOBAFire. LOL-game.