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Running rsync as a daemon - Juan Valencia's website. If the host computer is not running SSH (or RSH), we can configure and run rsync as a daemon in this computer. This would have rsync listening to the port 873 for incoming connections from other computers utilizing rsync. While this is not recommended for the transfer of files across unsecured networks, such as the Internet, because the actual data transfer is not encrypted, we can use this to keep information synchronized between different computers in internal networks, as well as perform backups.

There are two different approaches to have rsync running as a daemon, one is to launch the program with the --daemon parameter, and the other is to have inetd or xinetd to launch rsync and have it running as the other services that inetd and xinetd handles. But first, we must configure the file /etc/rsyncd.conf and create a file named rsyncd.secrets in /etc with the different usernames and passwords that will be allowed to connect to the rsync daemon. Configuring rsyncd.conf rsync 873/tcp. A Synology-flavoured rsync backup script | Zarino Zappia. I store lots of stuff on my Synology NAS: videos, TV shows, music. Every now and then, I dump the entire contents onto an external USB drive – partly as a second backup, and partly because it means I can take my stuff with me when I travel on business or visit my family at home. Last night I went through the process of cloning my media files over onto the external USB drive, and I figured I might as well publish my script for doing it.

For the impatient here’s the script: #! It’s a single rysnc command, albeit broken onto a few lines for legibility. The command copies the entire contents of /volume1/files/ into /volumeUSB1/usbshare1-2/ – excluding any files that match the patterns specified in the --exclude arguments. Any files in /volumeUSB1/usbshare1-2/ that aren’t in /volume1/files/ will remain untouched, so there’s no fear that it’s going to delete anything. I store the script at /volume1/files/, then make it executable with: SSH into the diskstation (how?) Rsync Man Page. Remote file copy - Synchronize file trees across local disks, directories or across a network. Syntax Local file to Local file: rsync [option]... Source [Source]... Dest Local to Remote: rsync [option]... Source [Source]... [user@]host:Dest # rsync [option...] [user@]host::Source... Rsync is a program that behaves in much the same way that rcp does, but has many more options and uses the rsync remote-update protocol to greatly speed up file transfers when the destination file already exists.

Rsync finds files that need to be transferred using a "quick check" algorithm (by default) that looks for files that have changed in size or in last-modified time. Some of the additional features of rsync are: Usage You use rsync in the same way you use rcp. Perhaps the best way to explain the syntax is some examples: rsync -t *.c foo:src/ this would transfer all files matching the pattern *.c from the current directory to the directory src on the machine foo. Rsync -avz foo:src/bar /data/tmp Related: Synology Forum • View topic - Cron doesn't start automatically [merged thread] I have an DS211j with DSM3.x and bootstrapped it. See I wanted to nightly backup/sync my local harddisc 1 to local harddisc 2. I first used the DSM standard backup but it's buggy because it fails because of the .

_DS_Store files. I received an patch but this was a loosy one because it just skips those files so I wanted to use rsync myself. Here's an How To: First start the network backup service in the DSM webinterface. Then I created an script /volume1/homes/user1/scripts/ rsync --verbose --progress --stats --recursive --times --perms --owner --group --links --delete --filter="- @eaDir/" --delete-excluded --filter="- ._.DS_Store" --log-file=/var/log/rsync.log /volume1/ /volume2/Mirror/ It also skips all those crap @eaDir dirs which the thumbnail service creates in the background and it skips the problematic and useless . Synology Forum • View topic - rsync incremental. Synology Forum • View topic - edit synolocalbkp.conf. Hi, I have been playing with the local backup feature as well. I have found and been able to edit the synolocalbkp.conf. This seems to be a template that is used by /usr/syno/bin/synolocalbkp script Now looking at the /etc/crontab file it seems that the schedule for the localbackups is handeled by cron.

But it seems that the GUI in the DSM is a little bit limited. I want to do rolling 10 day backups on the 1st , 10th, and 20th of each month. That way I have a month's worth of different data backed up at different points in case I change or erase something that I should not have I can go back and get it. I have done this in the past by setting up cron this way #minute hour mday month wday who command0 2 1 * * root sh /root/scripts/backup/run_sata_backup.sh0 2 10 * * root sh /root/scripts/backup/run_usb1_backup.sh0 2 20 * * root sh /root/scripts/backup/ There does not seem to be any way of doing that in the LocalBackup GUI. Thanks. Basic commands for the Linux vi Editor. Modifications. Synology Forum • View topic - Full local backup instead of incr. backup to ext.USB HDD. Can I set up WDMyCloud as an rsync server for a Sy...

After a few months, I finally came back to my problem and succeeded doing the following - enable SSH on the NAS - log as root welc0me - type the following commands nano /etc/rsync.secrets ^O to save to disk, this file will be left empty, but the file needs to be there ^X to exit nano nano /etc/rsyncd.conf Type the following into the file [shares] # the following path works fine. . # to choose the desired WD sharepath = /sharesuid = rootgid = rootread only = nolist = yes# auth users = allsecrets file = /etc/rsyncd.secrets # the IP address is the one of the Synology backing up to the WD. ^O to save to disk rsync --daemon #for the Linux learners like me, that is 2 dash signs in front of daemon Then go to the SYnology and set up a backup destination as a r-sync compatible server.

Run your backup task. To start rsync automatically on the WD reboot, do the following: In /etc/init.d/rsync change RSYNC_ENABLE=false to RSYNC_ENABLE=true Same thing for /etc/default/rsync.