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» The End of Higher Education’s Golden Age Clay Shirky. Interest in using the internet to slash the price of higher education is being driven in part by hope for new methods of teaching, but also by frustration with the existing system.

» The End of Higher Education’s Golden Age Clay Shirky

The biggest threat those of us working in colleges and universities face isn’t video lectures or online tests. It’s the fact that we live in institutions perfectly adapted to an environment that no longer exists. In the first half of the 20th century, higher education was a luxury and a rarity in the U.S. A Manager’s Moral Obligation to Capitalism. The Miracle of the United States, Discovering the Ancient Principles, Part 2. Discovering the Ancient Principles, Part 2: Opposing Systems of Government Our Founding Fathers clearly understood that they were instituting an entirely new form of human government.

The Miracle of the United States, Discovering the Ancient Principles, Part 2

Previously, almost all humans had endured an existence under a system the Founders would have characterized as Ruler’s Law. In that system of governance, all powers are concentrated with the ruler. Ruler’s Law carries a variety of names: MONARCHY: Government by “the one” or a royal government.AUTOCRACY: Government by “the one” who is a dictator.PLUTOCRACY: Government by an exclusive, wealth class. Under any form of Ruler’s Law, total authority and power are controlled by a central government. The Miracle of the United States - Discovering Ancient Principles. Discovering the Ancient Principles Thomas Jefferson may have been the first of our Founding Fathers to look deep into the past to search out the “ancient principles” that would serve as the foundation of our republican form of government.

The Miracle of the United States - Discovering Ancient Principles

Several of the Founders soon joined in the pursuit including fellow Virginian James Madison, John Adams, Samuel Adams, Benjamin Franklin, George Wythe, James Wilson, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay. These men not only became widely read but they shared their findings and ideas in letters and personal conversations. It took them 25 years of development before the “ancient principles” resulted in the Constitution of the United States.

Truth Will Out - Why Authenticity is the Key to Growing Your Business. Authentic businesses inspire and prosper.

Truth Will Out - Why Authenticity is the Key to Growing Your Business

A bold statement – but one that is very hard to argue with. You might think that by its very nature marketing isn’t authentic, but in the digital age where people are increasingly savvy that preconception is being forced to change. Indicators are everywhere – for example the 2012 Goodpurpose study demonstrated that where quality and price were equal the leading purchase driver for 53 percent of consumers was ‘social purpose’. Consider also Facebook’s upcoming changes to newsfeed which reflect the trend toward content that shows more heart and encourages the forging of deeper connections, giving users the ability to focus only on image based posts or tune out brand updates completely.

Sustainability in Financial Services Is Not About Being Green - Robert G. Eccles and George Serafeim. The next time we hear about a bank or insurance company’s “green program” — like using energy efficient light bulbs or operating out of a LEED Platinum building — we’ll either scream or throw up.

Sustainability in Financial Services Is Not About Being Green - Robert G. Eccles and George Serafeim

Don’t get us wrong. We aren’t “climate change deniers” and we believe that every individual and organization should use energy and other natural resources responsibly. Our problem with banks, insurance companies, and other financial institutions that tout their commitment to sustainability by focusing on energy and water in their sustainability reporting is that these issues are simply not material to the sustainability of the institution itself. Thus this focus is not material to shareholders and a vast range of other stakeholders including employees, customers, counterparties, and society itself which depend upon a stable financial services sector to create jobs and responsible economic growth.

A comforting sense of deja-vu. Next June 3, the world will commemorate the 50th anniversary of the passing of a remarkable man: Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli, better known as Pope John XXIII.

A comforting sense of deja-vu

It is a shame the Israeli public is not well aware of him, as he was one of the greatest friends of the Jewish people. Back in the 1940s, as the apostolic delegate of the Vatican in Istanbul, Cardinal Roncalli spared no efforts to save as many Jews as possible from the Nazi extermination. He went out of his way to help the beleaguered Jews. NYU Professor Scott Galloway's email. What Will Be Left When You Are Older? In reading the post by Rage Against the Minivan about how it is time to tone down all the “holidays” a notch, I couldn’t help but think about the fact that it relates to something else that has really been bothering me.

What Will Be Left When You Are Older?

It is this idea, this concept, this seeming need in our culture these days to have our children experience it all. As if there is some kind of ticking time clock over our heads that suggests somehow that if we don’t make sure our children have the latest electronics and play *all* the sports, and go as many places as possible that we have somehow failed. And I get it, totally. How the neuroscience of meditation rewires the brain for love – San Francisco Women’s Health. Essential to human survival early in life is the ability to form a secure bond in infancy.

How the neuroscience of meditation rewires the brain for love – San Francisco Women’s Health

It has been said that babies who receive food, water, clothing, and all their basic physical requirements but lack human connection do not thrive. Why is attachment so intrinsic for people? Our species are a social bunch and like infants who are deficient in affection from primary caregivers, adults that lack strong interpersonal bonds with friends and family are more prone to the havoc of stress. The ability to bond with others begins literally in our own minds. 8 Ways Happy People Are Different From Everyone Else. As a therapist-turned-entrepreneur (kinda), I have helped lots of people fight myriad mental and emotional setbacks.

8 Ways Happy People Are Different From Everyone Else

Over time, I have learned that the skill set that helps you avoid depression or anxiety is not the same skill set that helps you experience a joyful, meaningful, and connected life. If you want to be truly happy, you need a new playbook. Here's a page from that playbook. It contains eight ways that happy people are different than everyone else. 3 Subtle Ways To Shift Your Attitude From Can't-Do To Can-Do. How to be a visionary. “If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you.

how to be a visionary

If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.” — Gospel of St. Thomas. Bill Persky, that guy from 'That Girl' Emmy Award-winning sitcom writer-producer-director Bill Persky was recently giving a lecture at New York University’s film school when the topic of role models came up. Someone in the class wanted to know why he believed only women needed role models in TV and movies.

He didn’t lose a beat. “Boys are a lost cause,” Persky quipped. “Guys have never needed — at least visibly — someone to be their champion. But women have needed it.” Bill Persky: 'That Girl' Creator Explains Why His Life Is A Sitcom. In 1966, a little show called "That Girl" starring Marlo Thomas as accident-prone Ann Marie burst onto the small screen, breaking ground as the first TV series to feature a "career woman" in the big city, seeking to make it on her own (with just a little help from boyfriend Donald Hollinger.) That Guy behind "That Girl" is Bill Persky, a five-time Emmy Award-winning writer, director and producer for such hit TV shows as "The Dick Van Dyke Show," "The Sid Caesar Show," "The Bill Cosby Show" and "Kate & Allie.

" Persky's new book "My Life Is a Situation Comedy" is a memoir that describes how the 81-year-old legend blazed a trail in television and created some of the most engaging female characters in TV history. Definition of Workplace Bullying. Guaranteed to Change Your Life. PASSING OVER by Chris Ceraso. Publications Portrait Of A Tablet User 07/04. According to a new study by the OPA and Frank Magid Associates, tablet usage is exploding, and tablets have become embedded in people’s lives. Accessing content and information was found to be the dominant activity on the device (94%), followed by accessing the internet (67%) and checking email (66%). The study also revealed that tablet users’ primary content-related activities include watching video (54%), getting weather information (49%), and accessing national news (37%) and entertainment content (36%). The survey found that current U.S. tablet adoption is at 31% in 2012 (74MM tablet users), up from 12% in 2011 (28MM tablet users) and is expected to reach 47% (117MM tablet users) by Q2 2013.

The report summarizes the tablet audience report as follows: An estimated 31% of the U.S. And, classified by age, tablet users are currently predominate in the 25 to 44 age group. Wellesley High grads told: “You’re not special” What honor looks like: The flash mob at Gate 38 of Reagan National Airport. Honor is a hard term to describe. It doesn’t have a color or weight or shape. How Computers Are Creating a Second Economy Without Workers - Bill Davidow - Business. Call it the post-employee economy: The digital revolution is creating billions of dollars of wealth in a second world without people. How Communal Singing Disappeared From American Life - Karen Loew - Entertainment. And why we should bring it back AP Images. Schumpeter: This time it’s serious. Lexington: The classes drift apart.

The Empowered Employee is Coming; Is The World Ready? This Woman Thinks Casual Fridays At Work Are Ruining America. Workstation - Building a Bridge to a Lonely Colleague. Battling Entitlement, the Innovation-Killer - Whitney Johnson. By Whitney Johnson | 9:27 AM January 12, 2012. Princeton Brews Trouble for Us 1 Percenters: Michael Lewis. Thinking lazily about wealth, its creation and distribution. IBM's Palmisano on avoiding tech's 'bone pile' Articles & Commentary.