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Welcome. World Atlas / World Map / Atlas of the World Including Geography Facts and Flags - - US History. Kids' Games, Animals, Photos, Stories, and More -- National Geographic Kids. Lizard Point Geography Quizzes clickable map quizzes for fun and learning. Social Studies Games. Social Studies for Kids | Grades K - 5 | | USAGov. Social Studies for Kids.

13 Colonies. Who/What/Where/When 13 Colonies Definition: The English colonies founded along the Atlantic coast of America. Each group of colonies had its unique aspects in many areas, from architecture to economics. They all had a common goal: to govern themselves and to have a say in how they were represented.

They were divided into three groups, as below: On This Site: The 13 American Colonies Find out how different the colonies really were. Clickable map with descriptions of each colony Click on the colony to see what life was like on that colony. Elsewhere on the Web: 13 Originals Excellent source of detailed information about the 13 Original Colonies in America. American Colonies Good resource for basic information about the colonies.