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Facebook Twitter - Learn Languages Online - Exercises Listening - Fill in the gaps. Math. CANTAR DE OTRO MODO. Spa. PEs. Sintaxis Diferencias entre el objeto directo y el objeto indirecto.


Objeto Directo También se llama complemento directo. Es el complemento que recibe directamente y en primer lugar la acción del verbo. Miguel lee el periódico OD El objeto directo puede ser un nombre: Miguel lee el periódicouna persona (con preposición a): Miguel lee a Vargas Llosaun pronombre personal átono (LO, LA, LOS, LAS): Miguel lo lee Objeto Indirecto También se llama complemento indirecto. Miguel lee el periódico a los alumnos OD OI El complemento indirecto se suele confundir con el complemento directo porque los dos pueden llevar la preposición a y porque los dos se forman con un nombre. Diferencias El complemento indirecto siempre lleva preposición Miguel lee el periódico *los alumnos > A los alumnos El complemento indirecto puede ser un pronombre personal átono: LE, LES Miguel les lee el periódico (a los alumnos) El complemento directo se puede sustituir por LO, LA, LOS, LAS: Miguel lo lee a los alumnos Compartir en:

Ejercicios para aprender español. Ejercicios de gramática . Spanish exercises. Taller de Lectura. A2: actividades para la clase de español lengua extranjera (ELE) Spanish Proficiency Exercises. Spanish Proficiency Exercises is a compilation of brief video clips in which native speakers of Spanish from various locations throughout Latin America and Spain demonstrate various language tasks.

Spanish Proficiency Exercises

The objective of the exercises is to provide students of Spanish with the necessary tools to be able to talk about the same topics in Spanish. In order to do, this Spanish Proficiency Exercises contains five major components. First, there is a simplified video clip. This simplified version is scripted, the native speakers talks slower, and he or she uses simpler words and less slang. Second, there are video clips of native speakers who also perform the proficiency tasks. Third, to help perform the same task, we provide a Spanish/English glossary of vocabulary words that students may need in order to talk about the topic. The gray menu bar at the top of each page contains proficiency topics, divided by level of dificulty: Beginning, Intermediate, Advanced, Superior. Languages - Spanish - Mi Vida Loca: Real Spanish, Real Drama - Episode 1.

Home. Home Activities: Adjectives & Nouns Adverbs Articles Command Forms Comparisons Conditional Tense Demonstrative Adjectives Future Tense Gustar Verbs like Gustar Interrogative Words Negative/Affirmative Words Numbers Past Participle Perfect Tenses Por vs Para Prepositions with qtvr movie Present Participle (gerund) Present Progressive Tense Present Tense Preterite Tense Preterites w/ Irregular Meanings Preterite vs Imperfect Pronouns DO Pronouns IO Pronunciation Reflexive Verbs Relative Pronouns Saber vs Conocer Ser vs Estar Sequence of Tenses Si Clauses Subjunctive Mood (present) Subjunctive mood (past) Time-¿Qué hora es?


Tener-idiomatic expressions Unplanned events with SE Verb conjugation charts: Present tense Preterite tense Present subjunctive Imperfect subjunctive. Assessment rubric. Centro Virtual Cervantes. CVC.

IQ. VerT. ¡Vale!


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