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Games for Windows and the DirectX SDK. Deploying and Testing on a Physical Windows Phone Device.

Unit Testing XNA

XInput Controller. The Xbox 360 console uses a gaming controller that is compatible with Windows. You can use the XInput Controller service to communicate with these controllers when they are plugged into a Windows PC; up to four unique controllers can be plugged in at a time. (XInput is an API, Application Programming Interface, that is part of DirectX.) Using this service, any connected Xbox 360 controller can be queried for its state, and vibration effects can be set. You will need an Xbox 360 Controlller or other controller that is compatible with XInput to use this service.

Xbox 360 controllers come in wired (USB) and wireless forms. If you have a conventional joystick, look at the Game Controller service instead. Operations Xbox 360 controllers typically have two analog directional sticks, each with a digital button, two analog triggers, a digital directional pad with four directions, and eight digital buttons. Service State The XInput Controller service state contains the following properties. Windows Phone SDK 7.1.1 Update Now Available.

I’m pleased to announce that the Windows Phone SDK 7.1.1 Update is now available for your download; it’s the final version of the CTP we released last month, and enables Windows Phone developers to do two things: Develop apps that work well on the new 256 MB devicesUse the WPSDK 7.1 to develop on machines running Windows 8 While I’ll circle back to these two points in a moment, I’d like to take a moment and highlight what’s actually in this update.

The 7.1.1 Update is really just that – it’s an update to the existing WPSDK: it doesn’t add much in the way of new features to your WPSDK installation; it updates your existing install to do a few new tricks: Installing the patch is pretty straightforward process, with a standard three-step install process (accept; install; finish). On my machine, I was looking at the following screen for about 15 minutes: Selecting one of these will launch the selected emulator, just as you would expect. Running the Windows Phone SDK 7.1 on Windows 8.