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A social media strategist and communications professional, co-founder of 3 PR agencies, writer, blogger, podcaster and former Winnipegger

10 Big tech trends for the next decade. The world is changing and tech is changing with it.

10 Big tech trends for the next decade

Over the next 10 years the global tech market will be completely redefined as people’s values and expectations evolve. These new expectations and values will shaped by global economics, technology itself, and social change. How to Stay Focused in a World of Distractions. Soren Gordhamer is the organizer of the Wisdom 2.0 Conferences, which bring together staff from Google, Facebook, Twitter and Zynga along with wisdom teachers to explore living mindfully and wisely in our modern age.

How to Stay Focused in a World of Distractions

You can follow him at @SorenG. In our connected world, it is easy to think that the more information we have the better our chances of success. While more information can be helpful for, say, logical problem-solving, it is often useless when it comes to innovation. It’s not how a game-changing device like Apple's iPhone is born.


Pearltrees videos. Getting started. Dannybrown.