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Twitter vs Google: Warum Twitter eine Gefahr für Suchmaschinen darstellt. Wer hat die Krise wirklich verursacht? Doch nicht die Banker! - The Fukuoka Project. Are Humanitarian Designers Imperialists? Project H Responds | Co. While sitting in the parking lot of a BoJangles restaurant at 11 o'clock at night, I opened the link to Bruce Nussbaum's recently published "Is Humanitarian Design the New Imperialism? " article on this very forum. You may wonder why I was squatting outside a fried chicken franchise, and the answer is simple: It is the only place, aside from the public school buildings, that has wireless Internet access in my home of Bertie County, North Carolina. Bertie County, North Carolina. 27 people per square mile, 1 in 3 children living below the poverty line Daily problems found in such rural communities, including the lack of connectedness and access to technology, have become very real and very personal to me in recent months.

As I began reading Mr. Rural Bertie County's main crops are peanuts, cotton, and tobacco I can articulate such disdain for the approach, because Project H has been there. Computer lab built for the Bertie County School District At the end of the piece, Mr. My jaw dropped. Reinventing Fire » Blog Archive » Formata Non Grata. Recently, a browser implementer asked me for examples of SVG. He was having trouble finding good examples of SVG in use, particularly as parts of an HTML document. This question has come up again and again, actually, and it always vexes me. I’ve been active in the SVG community for close to a decade, and I’ve seen thousands of amazing SVG files (and many more of mediocre to average quality), but somehow they seem to have disappeared or bitrotted over the years.

Some of those files only worked with the slightly-unstandard Adobe SVG Viewer, or didn’t quite work with Firefox’s incomplete support, I know, but surely not all of them. I hear some browser implementers say that people just don’t use SVG. The statistical insignificance of SVG is often cited by some people in the WHATWG, based on a large dataset of Web content indexed by Google. There’s no question about it: HTML is the king of the Web. But wait, let’s put that into perspective. Eighteen million documents. Indexing SVG Update. TURF FEINZ "RIP Rich D" | YAKFILMS | ERK THA JERK | No Noize, Man, BJ, Dreal dancing in the rain. Automotive ‘Damsels of Design’ Moving to Driver’s Seat | Autopia.

Harley Earl was the first automotive designer to hire women. But it wasn’t necessarily equality Earl sought back in 1950. If that were the case, General Motors probably wouldn’t have called them the “Damsels of Design.” No, the legendary designer hired women because he felt they possessed unique insight and excellent attention to detail, talents he found immensely useful for designing interiors, suggesting colors and selecting fabrics. All these years later, automotive design remains dominated by men, and the top ranks are still held by the likes of Walter de’Silva and J. Mays. GM recently honored the women of automotive design at the Museum of the City of New York, where Park and others discussed the role of women in auto design and why we don’t see more of them in studios.

“This issue about why there are so few women is an omnipresent matter,” said Imre Molnar, dean of the Center for Creative Studies in Detroit. It is an uphill fight for one simple reason, Molnar and others say. Celebrates 20th Anniversary With New Animation by Nina Paley. Facebook Credits: Der Weg zur Webwährung. Die Vision ist bekannt: Eines Tages könnten Facebook Credits zu einer bedeutenden virtuellen Währung fürs Web werden. Es scheint, als beschleunige Facebook sein Credits-Vorhaben. Dass Facebooks hauseigene Währung “Facebook Credits” eines Tages zu einem bedeutenden virtuellen Zahlungsmittel im Web werden könnte, darüber wird schon sehr lange spekuliert.

Im Vergleich zu anderen Projekten des Social Networks wie den Open-Graph-Funktionen oder dem anstehenden Launch ortsbezogener Features hält sich die (mediale) Aufmerksamkeit für Credits aber noch einigermaßen in Grenzen. Ein Grund dafür könnte sein, dass Facebook die Ausweitung des Credits-Programms recht vorsichtig angeht und momentan Applikationen auch den Einsatz alternativer virtueller Währungen erlaubt. Erstrebenswert ist dies für Facebook auch deshalb, weil das Unternehmen 30 Prozent der mit Credits erzielten Umsätze einbehält.

Facebook selbst erwartet vorerst keine direkten Profite aus dem Geschäft mit Credits. Technological Opportunities, Job Creation, and Economic Growth. “Technological Opportunities, Job Creation, and Economic Growth”Remarks at the New America Foundation on the President’s Spectrum Initiative Lawrence H. Summers June 28, 2010 I come here today to announce the President’s plan to nearly double the amount of commercial spectrum available in order to unleash the innovative potential of wireless broadband. This initiative will catalyze private sector investment, contribute to economic growth, make revenue available to the Federal Government, and help to create hundreds of thousands of jobs. It was developed by a team that includes the Office of Science and Technology Policy, represented here today by the President’s Chief Technology Officer Aneesh Chopra; the Department of Commerce, represented here today by NTIA Administrator Larry Strickling; and the Office of Management and Budget.

I want to thank them and the rest of the team for their hard work. The Role of the Public Sector in Unleashing Private Investment and Innovation Public action. 15. Deutscher Trendtag am 15. September 2010 in Hamburg mit dem Thema Flow Control. » Dr. Eckart von Hirschhausen„Es braucht den Mut, das Scheitern als Teil des Prozesses zu umarmen.“ Das Thema des 15. Deutschen Trendtags ist „Flow Control“. Ihr eigenes Buch über das Glück ist ein Bestseller. Ist Glück mit Flow gleichzusetzen? Die Kernidee von meinem Buch „Glück kommt selten allein“ lautet: Glück ist nicht ein Gefühl, sondern fünf verschiedene. Flow ist gleichzusetzen mit einer Glücksart, dem erfüllten Tun. Flow hat aber wenig mit dem Glück der gelassenen Entspannung oder dem Glück der Gemeinschaft zu tun. Kann man Glück managen? Klar! Sie vergleichen Ihren eigenen Wechsel vom Mediziner zum Kabarettisten als Sprung ins richtige Element – ähnlich wie ein Pinguin, der sich im Wasser ungleich wohler zu fühlen scheint als an Land.

Dabei geholfen hat mir, dass ich nicht wegwollte von etwas, sondern hin zu etwas. Was hilft, sind Orte, an denen man sich ausprobieren kann, ohne dass gleich die ganze Existenz auf dem Spiel steht. Sie sind aber auch Trainer für Manager und Entscheider. Und was können Manager für das Flow-Erlebnis ihrer Mitarbeiter tun? Haben sie das? Culture-Clash-Protokoll: Tod, Anstand und Echtzeitweb. (Anmerkung: Dieser Text entstand aus einer gewissen Ratlosigkeit heraus und erhebt keinen Anspruch auf die Richtigkeit seiner Schlussfolgerungen (sofern vorhanden).) Aus Gründen, die hier nicht weiter wichtig sind, gehörte ich zu den Ersten, die am vergangenen Dienstag vom Tod des Düsseldorfer Künstlers Stefan Demary erfuhren. Stefan und ich waren miteinander bekannt, aber keine dicken Freunde. Es war ein Tod mit Ansage, Stefan war schwer krank. Die Todesnachricht überraschte mich also nicht, trotzdem kickte sie mich erstmal gehörig aus der Arbeitsroutine.

So richtig wusste ich nicht wohin und was tun. Aus einem Impuls heraus habe ich dann Stefans Wikipedia-Eintrag aktualisiert, also Sterbedatum und -ort hinzugefügt und die Zeitform des Textes angepasst. Vorhang auf für den Culture-Clash: Heute erreichte mich die E-Mail eines gemeinsamen Freundes, die bis zum Rand mit Gift gefüllt war und in der er sich darüber erregte, dass ich den Eintrag so zeitnah verändert hatte. Klingt bescheuert? Contemporary art: Global frameworks. Mitchell Joachim: Don't build your home, grow it! Personal: Wie die Generation Y arbeiten will. 07: Exponate im Web - Nachrichten welt_print - Kultur - Literatur. Was haben wir Museen sträflich vernachlässigt, haben sie nur an verregneten Sonntagen besucht.

Jetzt ist das Museum unser fester Freund. Und wir halten fast täglich Kontakt. Über Facebook. Mittlerweile versammeln sich Tausende Fans, Friends und Follower um Museen, die sich diese Besucherzahlen monatlich wünschen. Die einzigen Einrichtungen, bei denen diese Gleichung aufgeht, sind die großen amerikanischen Museen. Allen voran das MoMA.

Dieser Text ist in der Sonderausgabe WELT KOMPAKT Scroll-Edition erschienen. RT @berlinverlage: sehr interessant: Die Live-Kommentare der twitternden MDBs Twitter / @christoph_z/politik_bundestag_mdb_all. Design and the. Facebook Community Pages: What Your Business Needs to Know. Facebook’s new community pages have created a lot of confusion for businesses. Many companies have been surprised (and many angry) to find their brands showing up in community pages that are fully outside of their control. The root of the anger: Businesses have invested in Facebook pages only to find community pages appearing that seem to compete with their pages. This article is designed to demystify Facebook community pages and provide you with important actions you can take.

What Is a Facebook Community Page? Facebook first announced Community Pages as a feature designed to address all the fan pages set up around generic, non-business topics. For example, “I Love Sleep,” or “I Need a Vacation.” Facebook wanted to differentiate between bona fide Official Facebook Pages (fan pages for businesses) and what they now call Community Pages. Community Pages are a new type of Facebook Page dedicated to a topic or experience that is owned collectively by the community connected to it.

Google TV is Taking Digital Advertising on a Wild Ride. A revolution called Google TV is coming. Have you thought about what it means? Google's Global VP of Media & Platforms, Henrique De Castro, believes it will change digital content forever. He gave his two cents at this year's international ad fest in Cannes, offering tips on how to start thinking about advertising in a land without barriers. Video Boom Online video started out innocently enough— a YouTube video here, a YouTube video there. Because technology is an enabler, De Castro sees this fast-rising trend as a stepping stone toward the increase of TV campaign effectiveness.

Think about it like this: Today we can watch a substantial amount of on-demand content online and maybe a few hundred channels on television, with one of the main differences being the way advertising works. Unbundling the Ad from the Content De Castro says internet-connected TV is "a reality that will change advertising forever because you're going to be able to unbundle the ad from the content.

" Changes to Expect. AMDM | Adobe Museum of Digital Media. Cannes: Martin Sorrell beklagt schwache Marketingabteilungen. Facebook Goes After Google. Vintage Russian Animation: Top 5. By Maria Popova What dancing ballerinas and hungry kings have to do with the dawn of the digital age. While Walt Disney was building an animation empire in America, a thriving school of animation mastery was unfolding on the other side of the Iron Curtain. Russian art directors, illustrators, animators and video producers were experimenting with techniques often decades ahead of their time and creating beautifully crafted, visually stunning short films despite the technological limitations of the era.

Many of these masterpieces are now available in Masters Of Russian Animation — a remarkable collcection of animated shorts from the 1960s through 1980s in four volumes. Today, we look at five of these gems, with many thanks to reader Sebastian Waack (@edutechnews) for bringing some of them to our attention. Found on Volume 2. Director Fyodor Khitruk’s Story of a Crime is part Hanna-Barbera, part Hitchcock, part something else entirely. You can catch part 2 here. Found on Volume 1. HTML5Rocks - Home.

Paola Antonelli treats design as art. Are Virgin America’s free flights a good social media strategy? | Social media agency London | FreshNetworks blog. Virgin America is giving away free flights to social media influencers it has identified on Twitter. There is (it assures us) no catch. It has used Klout, a tool which analyses influence on Twitter, to identify influential people in the Toronto area and offered them free flights on its new services to Los Angeles and San Francisco.

These influencers only have to pay taxes. They are not being asked to do anything in return for this. They are just being asked to enjoy a flight, free Wi-Fi onboard and a launch party in Toronto. This is an interesting social media strategy. It is often a shame when brands dictate what they want bloggers and Twitter users to do when they engage with them. With this in mind, there are two ways to work with influencers online as a brand: The second of these is the braver option as brands will feel that they lose control over what may be written about them. Start-ups international - Spannende Start-up Ideen aus den USA. Becoming a Design Leader. By David Sherwin - June 19, 2010 The following I'd written in preparation for my presentation with Justin Maguire, "Work in Progress: Thoughts on Design Leadership", delivered on April 14 for AIGA Seattle's "Design Business for Breakfast" Series. I'd like to pose a question to you: What does it mean to be a design leader?

My provisional definition is: Design leaders guide organizations in planning and fulfilling desired outcomes for their clients—and growing their designers in the process. We could pile a lot of other things onto this definition, such as organizational development, contributing to the profession through sharing expertise publicly, and so forth. The real definition of design leadership, however, is a bit more blunt: Design leaders make awesome s@#t happen.

You can see the work of a great design leader in the work, first and foremost. Note I'm not using the term "design management" here, and I want to be sure not to confuse that specifically as "design leadership. " 15. Deutscher Trendtag am 15. September 2010 in Hamburg mit dem Thema Flow Control. » Prof. Peter Wippermann“Wer keine Selektion zulässt, ertrinkt”. Sie beschreiben Flow Control als gelebte „Informationslogistik“. Inwiefern lässt sich der gekonnte Umgang mit Information mit Glück gleichsetzen? Das Angebot der digitalen Welt ist unglaublich viel größer, als wir in unserem Leben jemals bewältigen könnten. Daraus ergibt sich das richtige Filtern als eine der wichtigsten Aufgaben, sei es privat oder als Unternehmen. Man kann in einem Fluss baden oder ertrinken. Es geht jedoch nicht nur um die Informationen, die man empfängt, sondern auch um jene, die man selbst weitergibt.

Ja, denn in der digitalen Welt geben wir – egal ob das nun bewusst im Internet oder unbewusst über Funkchips geschieht – sehr viel über uns preis. Aktuell zeigen sich Menschen aber zunehmend skeptisch gegenüber dem ständigen Datenaustausch. Hier kommt der Begriff „Control“ ins Spiel. Was bedeutet Flow Control für Unternehmen? Im Idealfall: auf jeden Kunden reagieren zu können.

Genau. Welche Unternehmen praktizieren diese Prinzipien schon erfolgreich? The Society Of The Spectacle » Wolff Olins. A couple of weeks ago, Wolff Olins launched a brand re-fresh for PwC (Price Waterhouse Coopers) the global consulting firm. My initial contact with the new Brand came from the increasingly influential (and increasingly snarky, more on this later) website Brand New. Brand New’s official review is glowing. Rightly so. As Simon Manchipp of SomeOne pointed out in his blog, there is probably no tougher brief than that of refreshing and focussing a global business of this scale, doubly the difficulty with a consulting firm, triple it with it’s organisational complexity and differing regional cultures. That’s one tough cookie to crack, and the re-brand, does the brief justice. Continue reading I never got around to weighing in on the Aol. rebrand, stuff seemed to get in the way as it were, however, it was one of the more recent brand launches that had real smarts behind it, and fitted quite nicely with some of my thinking on how branding must evolve in a digital environment.

Top 1000 sites - DoubleClick Ad Planner. Why a museum is the UK’s top brand on Twitter | Social media agency London | FreshNetworks blog. Margaret Stewart: How YouTube thinks about copyright. Googenheim: YouTube + Guggenheim. 10 Famous Logo Designs and how much did they cost? | Logo Design Blog. 100 Years Of Propaganda: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly - Smashing Magazine.

OH MY GOD WHAT HAPPENED AND WHAT SHOULD I DO? Jan Phillips: What IS Creativity Anyway? 15. Deutscher Trendtag am 15. September 2010 in Hamburg mit dem Thema Flow Control. » Prof. Norbert Bolz: “Es geht um Spaß an der Komplexität” Square. Prepare For Catchphrase, "HTML5 it!" Corkbin. Hidden posters of Notting Hill Gate Tube station, 2010.