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The iStreamer for iPad by Beyond the Handset. Über die Bedeutung eines offenen Markts | Adobe. Crypts and Catacombs Photos. Advertising is next « BuzzMachine. Condé Nast is a house built on smoke and mirrors — that is, to say, on brand advertising. So it is astonishing to hear its CEO, Chuck Townsend, essentially toss the company’s business model out the window of the Death Star in what The Times frames as “a fundamental overhaul of the advertising-based business model.”

This, folks, is surely the real product of the McKinsey studies undertaken at Condé, not a few magazines folded but a new strategy. In a phrase: Advertising is fucked. Photo: Flickr - wallyg “We have been so overtly dependent on advertising as the turbine that runs this place, and that is a very, very risky model as we emerge from the recession,” Condé CEO Chuck Townsend told The Times. Good luck. Condé promoted Bob Sauerberg, former head of consumer marketing (read: circulation) to its presidency.

The problem is going to be that there is only more competition in content and so trying to suddenly charge more flies in the face of basic economics. Dream on. Or maybe I”m wrong. Making of Dante's Inferno. TEDxPennQuarter - Anne McCrossan - Reinventing the Organization‬‎ RT @johngerzema: Findings from Landor's ImagePower Green Brands Survey- Watch the video and DL the presentation #green. Microsoft's and Apple's Product Lines Compared: This Is Why Apple Wins.

Microsoft has, for the first time, been beaten in market cap by Apple. At the close of the market today, Apple sat at $222.12 billion, a gain of 1.8%, while Microsoft went down 1% to $219.18 billion. That makes Apple, according to market cap, the most valuable tech company in the world. Yet compared to Microsoft, Apple has both less cash on hand ($23 billion vs. $35.7 billion) and less revenue ($42.9 billion vs. $58.4 billion). So the fact that the market has valued Apple higher is big news indeed. That Apple has, improbably and at long last, passed Microsoft in market value has everyone looking more closely at the two companies. Microsoft is massive, and like some kind of funhouse mirror gets more massive the closer you look. In the entertainment section, they've got DirectX; Windows Media Center; Silverlight, which is used for streaming video, including the most recent Olympics; and the accompanying software for their comparatively meager line of hardware.

Piano stairs - - Facebook: Trendforscher Wippermann - "Die Freundschaften werden verkauft" - Wirtschaft. Anzeige Was macht das Unternehmen Facebook aus Sicht der Anleger so wertvoll? Und wie unterscheidet es sich von dem weltweit wichtigsten Internetkonzern Google? Peter Wippermann, Chef des Trendbüros in Hamburg, über die neue Welt im Internet. Interview: Hans von der Hagen Goldman Sachs steigt für knapp eine halbe Milliarde Dollar bei dem Internetunternehmen Facebook ein. Gleichzeitig erhält die Bank Anteile, die sie an Investoren weiter vermittelt. Vor ein paar Jahren war, salopp formuliert, das Internet gleich Google; heute ist es Facebook. Peter Wippermann: Google reduziert die Komplexität des Netzes auf die Frage eines einzelnen Nutzers. Beide Unternehmen vereinfachen also die Welt, nur dass Google auf die Macht der Algorithmen setzt, Facebook hingegen auf die Macht des sozialen Umfeldes? Wie wird der Austausch von Meinungen bei Facebook zu Geld gemacht? Hat Facebook von MySpace gelernt? Vor uns die Sintflut. - The Fukuoka Project. Technology firms 'more trusted than traditional media' #Hindsight2010: Top Trends on Twitter. RT @M_Sponticcia: Sean Parker, co-founder of Napster, Facebook and Spotify among others, portrayed in Vaity Fair #sea ... In early 2001 he tried to launch his own Internet company, and to redeem himself. “It had to have the potential to be as big as Napster,” he says. “Otherwise it wasn’t interesting to me.”

He realized his electronic address book was getting out of date. Maybe everyone could use help keeping theirs current. Eventually, Parker and some partners managed to land some seed money from Sequoia, the prestigious Silicon Valley venture-capital firm. He began to hang around with some of his newfound San Francisco friends, including night owl Jonathan Abrams, a programmer who had launched Friendster in 2002, in part to help people hook up. One day—in a scene fictionalized in The Social Network—Parker saw Thefacebook, as it was then known, on the computer of his roommate’s girlfriend, a student at Stanford. Matt Cohler, who joined Thefacebook shortly after Parker, is awed when he thinks about that pivotal e-mail.

Yet again, Parker’s undisciplined ways would prove his undoing. Wer immer hofft, stirbt singend: Die Mozart-Lüge - Blog — Your Questions on Design Thinking. Let’s Make Money Like There is a Tomorrow « BrandTwist. It’s Earth Day and I am speaking at Bentley Time Leadership Forum on the topic of Accountable Leadership and the business of healing our world. This is the first time I’ve spoken explicitly on the topic of Virgin and Accountability and it coincides nicely with the publication of Virgin Group’s Corporate Sustainability and Social Responsibility Report. In case you are not in Waltham today, here are the highlights of my talk. I’m looking forward to some healthy debate on the topic. Big Caveat… I am not a sustainability expert (and was not intimately involved in writing the Virgin report), so I am attacking this from more of a branding/marketing angle. If you are looking to discuss carbon footprint, greenhouse gasses and the benefits of local vs. global sourcing… you may want to move on.

If you are curious about what guides Virgin’s approach and could be applicable to other brands looking to build, beef up or benchmark their efforts in this area of “green,” please read on. 1. 2. 3. 4. 50+ iPad Resources You Might Have Missed. Apple's iPad is the little device that could. Any scepticism about Apple's tablet technology was largely erased as the iPad took touchscreen technology to a larger, more robust high.

We've tracked the iPad through its first months in public hands with a slew of features and resources. We've here collected some of our best — sometimes bizarre — resources for you to get all caught up. Whether you're looking for the best business apps, need some decals to trick out your device, or just want to see if your iPad works in space — this collection of more than 50 iPad resources is sure to suit your needs. 10 Beautiful and Usable iPhone and iPad InterfacesIf you're looking for a beautiful, efficient app for your newly minted iPad, take a look at some of these elegant examples ranging from NPR to skee-ball.10 Awesome Apple iPad Decals [PICS]Your iPad should look as beautiful on the outside as it does on the inside.

Deutsche Internetnutzer sahen 188 Milliarden Online Display Anzeigen im Q3 2010. November 18, 2010 Deutsche Internetnutzer sahen 188 Milliarden Online Display Anzeigen im Q3 2010 Telefonica Europe ist Top Display Advertiser in Deutschland LONDON, U.K., 18. November 2010 – comScore, Inc. (NASDAQ: SCOR), eines der führenden Unternehmen im Bereich der Messung der digitalen Welt, veröffentlichte heute Daten des comScore Ad Metrix Services, die einen Überblick über den deutschen Online Display Werbemarkt im dritten Quartal 2010 geben.

Daraus ging hervor, dass deutsche Internetnutzer über 188 Milliarden Display Ad Impressions empfingen. „Deutschlands 188 Milliarden Online Display Ad Impressions im dritten Quartal haben bestätigt, dass Online Werbung zu einem beträchtlichen Markt geworden ist über die letzten Jahre,” verkündet Peter Bernschneider, Account Manager comScore Deutschland. *Online Display Anzeigen beinhalten statische sowie Rich Media Anzeigen; ausgenommen Video Anzeigen, House-Ads und sehr kleinen Anzeigen (< 2,500 Pixel groß). Live Webinar am Donnerstag, 02. 15. Deutscher Trendtag am 15. September 2010 in Hamburg mit dem Thema Flow Control. » Die Kunst loszulassen: Willms Buhse im Trendtag Videointerview. „Kommunikation ist fester Bestandteil von Unternehmen.“ Lange Zeit verstand man unter diesem Satz vor allem: Kommunikation nach außen; also PR und Werbung.

Die Möglichkeiten der digitalen Technologien verändern jedoch zunehmend dieses Verständnis von Unternehmenskommunikation. Immer öfter ist der Kommunikationsfluss innerhalb eines Unternehmens gemeint. Viele dieser neuen Technologien werden zunächst im privaten Umfeld kennengelernt (z.B. Twitter oder Facebook). Erst später sind sie auch Bestandteil des Arbeitslebens. Dr. Dr. DLDwomen: Interaktiv und durchsuchbar - OASIS: Playing Lego with Kinect style camera and interactive projector system. CeBIT Studio Mittelstand » Sendung: Chancen für den Mittelstand im Social Web | | ONPRACTICE GmbH | ON24 Inc. | pfg - performance for growth GmbH. Tablet-Boom dämpft PC-Wachstum. PC-Markt wächst, aber deutlich weniger als erwartet Noch zu Beginn 2010 waren die Gartner-Analysten von einem Wachstum von fast 20 Prozent ausgegangen, hatten diese Prognose im Mai sogar auf 22 Prozent erhöht. Im dritten Quartal hatten die schwachen Verkäufe die Experten überrascht. Gartner hatte mit 12 Prozent Wachstum gerechnet, nur 7,5 Prozent traten tatsächlich ein.

Nun also nur noch knapp 14 Prozent auf das ganze Jahr gerechnet. Das ist nicht viel, wenn man bedenkt, dass 2009 ein Krisenjahr für die Branche gewesen ist. Für 2011 sind die Analysten vorsichtiger geworden. Sie sehen ein Wachstum von 16 Prozent auf 405 Millionen PCs vorher. Tablets à la iPad stehlen PCs die Show Die Analysten sehen zwei Gründe dafür: Zum einen seien die Verbraucher generell viel zurückhaltender bei der Anschaffung eines neuen PCs gewesen, als die Experten vorhergesehen hatten.

Die Analysten von Gartner sehen in Tablets dabei keine Modeerscheinung, sondern eine wachsende Produktkategorie. World data released ‘is a dream come true’ How Many Developers Develop for iOS and Android? [STATS] As we noted in our coverage of Appcelerator's mobile developer survey last week, for lots of developers, a singular development target just isn't enough, with many developers expressing interest in making apps for both Apple's iOS and for Android. Today, the guys at AppStoreHQ put together a comprehensive report detailing just how many developers have apps for both platforms.

AppStoreHQ scoured its developer directory and cross-checked developers for the Android Market against developers for Apple's App Store. The data shows that hundreds of developers — big and small — aren't betting on just one platform and are targeting both iOS and Android users.According to AppStoreHQ's research, 1412 developers in its database have published apps for both iOS and for Android. That ends up breaking down to 15% of Android developers and 3% of iOS developers. Check out this venn diagram: Alright, but what types of companies are making apps for both platforms?

Politics and Twitter: Sweet to tweet. YrWall - Interactive Digital Graffiti Wall. Marian Bantjes: Intricate beauty by design. Jagd auf Wikileaks - Freies Netz oder Datenterror? Seite nicht mehr verfügbar Sehr geehrte Zuschauerin,sehr geehrter Zuschauer leider können wir Ihnen diese Seite nicht mehr anbieten, weil wir sie nicht unbegrenzt vorhalten dürfen. Das bestimmt die Änderung des Rundfunkstaatsvertrags der 16 deutschen Bundesländer (RÄStV § 11d Absatz 2 Ziffer 3) vom 1. Juni 2009. Auf Sendungen bezogene und programmbegleitende Elemente (einschließlich Foren und Chats) der 3sat-Onlineangebote können bis zwölf Monate zum Abruf bereitgehalten werden.Die Inhalte (einschließlich Foren und Chats) zu Reihen, zu seriellen Produktionen und Mehrteilern bleiben bis zwölf Monate nach Ausstrahlung der letzten Folge im Angebot.Inhalte zu Programmschwerpunkten werden grundsätzlich für zwölf Monate in der Mediathek zur Verfügung gestellt.Inhalte und Angebotsteile aus dem Bereich Bildung, die Wissenschaft, Technik, Theologie oder Ethik zum Gegenstand haben, werden bis zu fünf Jahre zur Verfügung gestellt.

Our Films Online - ITVS. Alice Wellinger Illustration. The German Sommermaerchen Changes our Country &amp; International Soccer. Some Lessons for Managers &amp; Politicians. Summer finally arrived in Germany and with it the enthusiasm about the FIFA World Cup in South Africa. The Germans had a very hard time dealing with their national identity. The Nazi history neccessarily lead to a high ambivalence towards national pride, not just one’s own, but anyone’s. Yet, the globalization of the economies changed many German companies and their cultures. Nowadays a much broader group of employees work in nationally and culturally mixed teams and contexts than 15 or 20 years ago. German politicians no longer deny the fact that Germany is a country of immigration; they even slowly understand that we are a country in definite need of it.

With the 2006 world cup in Germany, many took a new approach to national identity; viewing it as much more diverse and allowing for multiple identities. The success was welcomed, yet many hoped that Germany should do well, but not win. Today’s German team is much younger, much more multicultural and plays with a very fresh, new style. Die Straße den Kindern... nicht den Nazis! #1Mai #nazifrei.

Blinkity Blank by Norman McLaren. SwiftRiver Beta Released. SwiftRiver is an open source intelligence gathering platform for managing realtime streams of data. Today we’re happy to announce the relaunch of SwiftRiver at and to release of our first app built on the SwiftRiver platform, simply called Sweeper App. SwiftRiver is unique in that there is no singular ‘SwiftRiver’ application. Rather, there are many, that combine plugins, APIs and themes in different ways that are optimized for different workflows.

If you’re a journalist researching different subjects you’ll probably use a different Swift App than say a crisis response organization. There are more Apps coming, Sweeper is just the first and it was specifically designed to optimize the workflow of Ushahidi users. A Bit About the Technology For the UI, we’re using the Kohana MVC, but our underlying technology operates completely independent from Kohana and can work with any programming language. Sweeper App SwiftWebServices (SWS) SwiftWebServices is our API platform. Digitale Zukunft: Das Internet wird wohl nie verstanden werden - Digitales Denken - Feuilleton - FAZ.NET. Travel Guides for iPhone &amp; iPod Touch | mTrip Travel Guides.

Ridley Scott to crowdsource documentary via YouTube | Technology. Ridley Scott, director of films such as Gladiator and Alien, is to crowdsource a feature length documentary by getting members of the public to post snippets of a day in their life on YouTube. Scott, who is collaborating with the State of Play director Kevin Macdonald and YouTube, intends to create a feature length documentary based on the clips called Life in a Day. The project aims to get individuals to upload to YouTube footage of a moment in their lives on 24 July. Individuals whose footage makes it into the final film will be credited as co-directors and 20 will be flown to the Sundance Film Festival in January where the film will have its premiere. Life in a Day will also be shown for free on YouTube.

"Life in a Day is a time capsule that will tell future generations what it was like to be alive on 24 July 2010," said Macdonald, who will direct the project. The project will be executive produced by Scott and produced by his company, Scott Free Productions. Interview: Tim Brown of IDEO on &#039;Design Thinking&#039; Log In - The New York Times. Eleven Digital Trends to Watch in 2011.