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Netzwertig. Video. App. iTunes. Design. Search. UK. We Haven’t Evolved in Over 10,000 Years. Das Magazin für digitale Fotografie, Tests, Foto-Community und creativ-Fotowettbewerbe - BGH-Urteil. Wer sein Bild auf einem Internetportal, in Zeitungen oder Magazinen findet oder es über einen Sender flimmert, kann mit höheren Schadenersatzforderungen antreten.

das Magazin für digitale Fotografie, Tests, Foto-Community und creativ-Fotowettbewerbe - BGH-Urteil

Ausgefochten hat die ein Videofilmer gestern vor dem Bundesgerichtshof in Karlsruhe. Er verlangte konkrete Auskunft über die Werbeeinahmen eines Senders. Dieser hatte Aufnahmen veröffentlicht, die auf Umwegen zum Sender gelangt waren. It's 10 p.m. Do You Know What Your Kids Are Hacking? Half of New York's teens have fallen victim to hackers, a survey says.

It's 10 p.m. Do You Know What Your Kids Are Hacking?

Out of 1,000 kids questioned by Tufin Technologies, 500 of them claimed to have had the passwords of their Facebook or email accounts cracked but, unlike their British counterparts in a similar survey last month, 75% of the respondents thought that it was morally wrong. Seven in 10 even went as far to say that it should be a criminal offense. Of the 16% of teens who admitted to hacking, three in every 10 were girls--putting paid to the theory that it is only teenage boys who seem to be soldered to their keyboards while girls are busy honing their Justin Bieber obsessions. And 54% of them did it for fun, 30% for curiosity, 14% to cause disruption, and 7% in the hope that it might make them some money. Every Painting in the MoMA on 10 April 2010.