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Video Blogs Break Out With Tsunami Scenes. Phuket Tsunami - first hand survivor story. ABSOLUTE FAVORITE writing about REALLY BEING THERE! One of my ABSOLUTE FAVORITES of real time – live – blogs comes from Evelyn Rodriquez. She is currently in Thailand – and was smack in the middle of the disaster. This articulate and wonderful writer talks each day about what it is really like to be at ground zero… “… villagers are still terrified. READ MORE AT: Evelyn Rodriguez and CrossRoads. Phuket Tsunami Blog- first hand story. FIRST HAND STORY: Patrick Green and Becky Johnson Someone had to be in at least one elevator when the wave struck. These were the unlucky ones. “the elevator thrust downward and the doors burst open, revealing a raging river inside the hotel.

Dirty water, waist-deep and rising, gushed into the elevator…” FIRST HAND STORY: Patrick Green and Becky JohnsonFor Patrick Green, the terrifying wave came in a trickle. He and friend Becky Johnson were in a hotel elevator, on their way to the beach, where they planned to get one last hour of Thai sun before heading to the airport. Outside, a tsunami had crushed the shore, but in the elevator, the only sign that something was wrong came when the lights flickered and water began seeping through the doors. The cause was revealed when the elevator thrust downward and the doors burst open, revealing a raging river inside the hotel.

They kept swimming and found the structure that would save them: a jungle gym in a nearby play area. "It was ugly and awful. Geography lesson saves Tilly, 10, and family. Tremblement de terre du 26 décembre 2004 - Wikipédia, l'enc. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Le séisme du 26 décembre 2004 dans l'océan Indien s'est produit au large de l'île indonésienne de Sumatra avec une magnitude de 9,1 à 9,3[1],[2]. L'épicentre se situe à la frontière des plaques tectoniques eurasienne et indo-australienne[3]. Ce tremblement de terre a la quatrième magnitude la plus puissante jamais enregistrée dans le monde[4]. Il a soulevé jusqu'à 6 mètres de hauteur une bande de plancher océanique longue de 1 600 kilomètres. Le tremblement de terre a provoqué vingt minutes plus tard un tsunami allant jusqu'à plus de 30 mètres de hauteur[5] qui a frappé l'Indonésie, les côtes du Sri Lanka et du sud de l'Inde, ainsi que l'ouest de la Thaïlande.

Séisme[modifier | modifier le code] Animation du tsunami (source : NOAA). Localisation du séisme : épicentre (carré rouge) et répliques (en jaune) ; plaques tectoniques majeures et principales failles (en rouge), source IPGP[7],[8]. Répliques et autres séismes[modifier | modifier le code]