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Blogging. Advertising. Admen 'steal' internet viewers | Australian IT. ONLINE publishers have accused unscrupulous advertisers and their agencies of stealing their audiences by using a new form of audience targeting technology. A special investigation by The Australian has revealed the growing use of "retargeting" technology which enables advertisers to slash their internet advertising costs by tagging visitors to premium websites.

The practice involves advertisers serving ads embedded with cookies to a premium website. The cookie tags visitors to the website and that data is retained. The advertiser or agency then moves its campaign to cheaper websites but the cookie ensures the advertiser matches its ads to the original audience. One media agency said an advertiser could pay $50 to reach 1000 visitors on a premium website but might only pay $2 for the same audience using this technology. Other sites considered at risk are classified sites, niche players such as CNET and the IT sections of major publishers, whose readers are very valuable to advertisers. Pub: comment la technique du reciblage détourne la valeur des si. Décembre 15, 2008 Lisez très attentivement cet article d’Australian IT qui révèle un petit scandale sur certaines pratiques d’agences de pub en Australie.

En résumé: certaines agences ont compris comment exploiter le différentiel de CPM entre des sites éditoriaux à forte valeur ajoutée et des sites ou services à faibles CPM. Pour cela elles diffusent des campagnes sur les premiers, destinées à recueillir les données de navigation et de comportement des internautes. Ces informations sont stockées dans des cookies exploités par les adservers (les serveurs chargés de diffuser les campagnes publicitaires). Si l’internaute est identifié plus tard, par la présence sur son PC de ce cookie, sur un site ou des réseaux à faibles CPM on lui sert alors une publicité ciblée et evidemment moins couteuse à diffuser que sur le premier site.

En clair on utilise les informations recueillies sur le site à forte valeur ajoutée pour qualifier l’audience sur un autre site à faible valeur ajoutée. Comment? Social Innovation Competition - What is a social entrepreneur? La bannière fait de la résistance... - Damien de Blignières - eM. iMedia Connection: Pay-Per-Call: The Next Wave. In this day and age, virtually every consumer uses the internet. From buying books online to researching travel destinations to selecting the best refrigerator to comparing insurance plans, nearly everyone surfs the web to conduct some form of business.

Great news for online retailers and professionals with websites, but what about the more than 9 million small-to mid-sized enterprises (SMEs) that don't have a website? Can they still benefit from the internet's reach and popularity? And what about those who have websites but find that customers are hesitant to make big purchases online, can they get more bang for their internet marketing buck? The answer is a resounding "yes! " Online Business without a website Unlike its sibling, pay-per-click, pay-per-call does not require an advertiser to create and maintain a website.

While a number of companies are developing pay-per-call services, MIVA is the first-mover on this powerful marketing tool. Dollars and Sense The Competitive Edge. Why are there ads here? Whois Lookup Music Downloads Latest Music Music Videos Music Albums Listen To Music Find A Song Music Artists Song Lyrics Music Bands Rock Music Featured Listings Hip Hop Music Classical Music Funny Joke Funny Commercials Enter Search Term Recommended Listings Funny Web Sites Funny Book Funny Videos Com Funny Things Popular Topics Funny Videos Very Funny Videos Jokes Comedy Video | Funny Clips | Watch Funny Video | All Funny | Funny Pics | Funny Games | Funny Video Clips |