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La segunda superpotencia emergente como sistema inmune global. Nube de tecnocidanos 100 palabras que valen una imagen: la identidad de tecnocidanos. La penúltima curiosidad de la red consiste en experimentar con nubes de tags. Hay muchas herramientas disponibles, pero Wordle, además de gratuita, ofrece una respuesta rápida, configurable y molona. Mirando la imagen resultante, fabricada a partir del contenido completo del blog, tengo muchas críticas que hacer a la superficialidad del análisis semántico que ofrece. Pese a todo no estoy decepcionado. En fin, la imagen de cien palabras es un golpe de vista que nos aproxima a las principales preocupaciones que moviliza el blog. amateur y tecnocidanos Si los amateur son una consecuencia de la cultura de la Ilustracion, los tecnocidanos han surgido para ayudar a corregir sus excesos. La existencia de los amateur en cienciaes la mejor prueba de que la curiosidad, el goce por aprender, elespíritu altruista son un gesto quecuenta con cierto prestigio social.

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Virtual Training Suite home page. Dominic Arpin - Complot??? Comment ça va? On me pose beaucoup la question ces jours-ci à l’épicerie, sur la rue, à l’école de mon fils, partout où je me risque à trainer mon grand corps déglingué. Je sens bien dans le ton de la question, dans la subtile affection que les gens mettent dans leur interrogation, qu’ils veulent des nouvelles de l’opération.

Pour le moment, je n’ai pas trouvé de meilleure réponse que : « ça va mieux! ». Mieux qu’à l’hôpital où j’ai souffert le martyre parce que l’épidural qui devait soulager la douleur dans mon abdomen ne fonctionnait qu’à moitié. Mieux qu’au moment où j’ai découvert avec effroi la cicatrice de 30 centimètres qui me barrait le corps, sorte de demi-lune rappelant ironiquement un sourire.

Mieux que ces premiers jours à marcher avec un soluté dans un couloir en comptant péniblement mes pas, tout essouflé, alors que je me préparais quelques jours plus tôt à courir un marathon. Oui, ça va mieux. Depuis maintenant un mois et demi, je vis donc sans un rein. Merci à vous. (Jean-Pierre Cloutier) Autour des signes distinctifs en Iran.

Vendredi dernier, le National Post publiait un article dont l’auteur alléguait que le parlement iranien envisageait d’adopter une loi visant à imposer des «signes distinctifs» à ses citoyens membres de minorités religieuses. (A colour code for Iran's 'infidels'.) «Il [Ndb. le gouvernement] envisage un code vestimentaire différent pour ses minorités religieuses, chrétiens, juifs et zoroastriens, qui devront respecter un code de couleur distinct pour les rendre identifiables en public» écrivait Amir Taheri, décrit comme auteur et journaliste (j’y reviens plus bas). La rédaction n’y est pas allée de main morte avec l’infographie. La manchette de l’article occupait toute la largeur de la première page et coiffait une photo sur quatre colonnes d’un couple arborant l’étoile de David tel que l’avait imposé aux Juifs Adolf Hitler en Allemagne.

Dans l’édition Web, on illustrait l’article avec d’autres photos semblables. Mise à jour, 22 mai. Mais revenons à l’auteur de l’article, Amir Taheri. Internet phenomenon. This is a partial list of social and cultural phenomena specific to the Internet, such as popular themes, catchphrases, images, viral videos, jokes, and more. When such fads and sensations occur online, they tend to grow rapidly and become more widespread because the instant communication facilitates word of mouth.

Advertising Animation and comics Evan and Gregg Spiridellis, founders of JibJab The adult brony fans of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic grew from its 4chan roots xkcd's "Wikipedian Protestor" comic Email. NEXUS: Information Control, Social Control. Pentagon 2001 : Signal and noise. Some odd theories have been exposed above, which are pushed in an unbelievable way. I examined the theory of Dick Eastman, which is based finally on the accounts or two witnesses : Steve Riskus and Sgt Lagasse.

In both cases, the weakness of these accounts ruins the bases of this theory. There is indeed no other evidence to prove it in the witnesses accounts : on the contrary, nearly all the witnesses who saw the plane confirmed that it looked like an American Airlines Boeing, that it's path went over Columbia Pike, over the south edge of naval annex, over the bridge at crossroads, that it stroke a few lamp poles, and impacted around pillar 14 on the Pentagon at first floor level. So, why imagine a synchronized attack with two planes, a killer jet fighter and an airliner, a complicated (if not impossible) manoeuvre of the Boeing, a crazy scenario of plane and passengers disparition, ... ?

Old as the world information / disinformation techniques. Edward N. Navigateur obsolète !!! Pentagone le 11/9/2001 : la fraude ! 911 hoax videos. The fifth plane. 10 pieces of evidence. The Movement. A Helpful Wave of National Indignation. Millions believe 4,000 Jews stayed away from the World Trade Cen. On September 18, Al- Manar television based in Beirut broadcast a news item that subsequently appeared on its English-language website: "With the announcement of the attacks at the World Trade Centre in New York, the international media, particularly the Israeli one, hurried to take advantage of the tragedy and started mourning 4,000 Israelis who work at the two towers.

Then suddenly, no one ever mentioned anything about those Israelis and later it became clear that they remarkably did not show up for their jobs the day the incident took place . . . Arab diplomatic sources revealed to the Jordanian al-Watan newspaper that those Israelis remained absent that day based on hints from the Israeli general security apparatus, the Shabak, the fact which evoked unannounced suspicions on American officials who wanted to know how the Israeli government learned about the incident before it occurred. " This is the first recorded account of an urban legend that has swept the Arab world.

The damage to the Pentagon on September 11 was caused by somethi. Groups : PakistanTimes Messages : Message 634 of 1281. 4,000 Jews, 1 Lie - Tracking an Internet hoax. By Bryan Curtis. Learning and KM insights - Friday, November 05, 2004. The Uses of Binary Thinking. Gt; The Rush to Judgment: Binary Thinking in a Digital Age by Pe. Binary Thinking in a Digital Age Peter Lurie Contrast is power. The greater the distinction between one position and another, the stronger its credentials. We have an atavistic impulse toward opposition: every analysis of a concept or thing reverts to a sketch of its converse. Banners and slogans are distilled ideas: reductionism is our weakness. We shouldn't have been surprised. Gnosticism, which predates church-centered Christianity by several hundred years, held that the spirit world was ideal and the physical world contaminated and evil.[6] True knowledge rested in the spiritual being, base knowledge in mere matter.

If the mind-body problem no longer occupies a central place in philosophic inquiry, it is because cognitive science has successfully advanced the idea that the mind is the body. Efforts at synthesis have been unsatisfying. Nietzsche's conception of the tragedy was an attempt to synthesize dualist thought, but it wasn't a rigorous, systemic effort. Search: pierce intersubjectivity.