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News -Fausse alerte au tsunami : 1 mort. Information, Knowledge, Power and Trust. Jo-Jo, one of my commenters, asked, “Is information really power? I think people and corporations try to control information flows because they believe they gain leverage by knowing stuff other people don't know, but this argument doesn't scan for me. My own opinion is that one has more power when one is transparent and honest.” In 1959, Bertram Raven and John French proposed six bases of power, a model that Raven has updated and further differentiated. (French & Raven, 1959; Raven, 1992) In traditional, hierarchical organizations, power is typically aligned with status, so that one’s superior has the power of reward and coercion by virtue of his or her position – legitimate power.

Particularly in organizations in which technical knowledge is valued, expertise is a basis of power, as is the control of information, as noted by Alberts and Hayes (2003). Conventionally, reward, coercion, and legitimate power are delegated by the organization. References:ALBERTS, D.S. & HAYES, R.E. (2003). Rigueur. Quelqu’un que je n’avais pas vu depuis des lunes (presqu’un lustre) me racontait en fin de semaine ses déboires de chargé de cours à l’université. En particulier comment ses étudiants ne savent pas faire de simples recherches.

Comment ils n’ont aucune idée de la notion de rigueur, et de ce qui constitue une source fiable. [Ceci n’est rien de nouveau. Je me souviens que certains étudiants avec qui j’avais des cours au bac avait beaucoup de misère avec l’idée de planifier et rédiger un travail de session de 12 à 15 pages (et ils allaient devenir enseignants!) , et ça, c’était en quatrième session, pas au début de leur formation.] Une des premières choses que des universitaires devraient savoir appliquer est un semblant de rigueur dans leur travail. Ça et avoir une méthode de travail, et de recherche si le domaine s’y prête. Parmi les exemples que me donnait cet ami, il y avait une de ses étudiantes qui donnait Google comme référence. PDF - Judgment of Information Quality and Cognitive Authority. Sept thèses sur le sens commun : Note de lecture de Valentina GU. Consumer WebWatch: How Consumers and Experts Rate Credibility on. Consumer Reports Web Watch was, until 2009, the Internet integrity division of Consumer Reports.

The project was funded by grants from the Pew Charitable Trusts, the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, and the Open Society Institute. We assisted Consumer Reports’ editorial division in evaluating the credibility of Web sites, we investigated Web sites on behalf of consumers, and we advocated for consumer-focused Internet policy and governance. While is no longer a stand alone website, the work is still being done.

Consumer Reports has incorporated the webwatch research role into its regular reports published on handles advocacy on behalf of internet consumers, covering such issues as web tracking, data mining,and emerging issues around bundled services, “crammed” charges, data overages and much more. ThoughtStorms: AcademiaVsNewMedia. La presse en crise. Rien ne symbolise mieux le désarroi de la presse en France, confrontée à une baisse alarmante de sa diffusion, que la récente disposition du quotidien Libération, jadis maoïste, à favoriser la prise de contrôle de 37 % de son capital par le banquier Edouard de Rothschild... Il y a peu, le groupe Socpresse, qui édite quelque 70 titres dont Le Figaro, L’Express, L’Expansion et des dizaines de journaux régionaux, a lui-même été acquis par un fabricant d’armes, M.

Serge Dassault. Et l’on sait qu’un autre industriel de l’armement, M. Arnaud Lagardère, possède déjà le groupe Hachette (1), qui détient quelque 47 magazines (dont Elle, Parents, Première) et des quotidiens comme La Provence, Nice-Matin ou Corse-Presse. Le principal groupe indépendant de presse écrite, La Vie-Le Monde, a lui-même connu récemment d’importants soubresauts, et en particulier la démission du directeur de la rédaction du Monde. La chute touche désormais la presse de référence.

Ici et là, des titres disparaissent. COGNITIVE STRATEGIES IN WEB SEARCHING. COGNITIVE STRATEGIES IN WEB SEARCHINGRaquel Navarro-PrietoMike ScaifeYvonne Rogers School of Cognitive and Computer Sciences, University of Sussex, Brighton, BN1 9QH, UK. +email: Abstract Usability tests have shown that users often get lost very easily on the Internet when looking for information. However, we still know very little about why this is so and how it can be avoided. One of the main claims of the Web community is that the Web allows you to move around the EBworld' freely, giving you access to an endless amount of information, that can be accessed using hypertext navigation.

Recent research has moved towards developing search models aimed at helping Web designers provide a more consistent framework for structuring information on the Web (Shneiderman, et. al., 1997, Shneiderman, 1997). At the user level we should consider all the variables concerning the users like web experience, cognitive processes, cognitive style and their knowledge. Table 1. Museum of Hoaxes. The Hoax Museum Blog Hoaxes, mischief, and misinformation throughout history Simon Worrall, author of "The Poet and the Murderer" (about the Mark Hoffman forgeries) recently wrote an article for BBC News Magazine about the Voynich manuscript.

Worrall notes that new theories about the manuscript "breed like mayflies. " However, he confesses to believing that it's a modern forgery created by its discoverer, Wilfrid Voynich. He writes: "One of the most common tropes in the history of forgery is that of a rare book dealer 'discovering' previously unknown manuscripts. " But even if you don't accept his theory, the article is worth a look because it has some nice photos of the manuscript itself. [BBC News] HerCampus, a news site for women in college, recently posted that Beyoncé was looking for interns to help organize the "official Beyoncé archive. " Every few years I decide the site needs a makeover. This e-junkie author complains that April Fool's Day marketing has gotten out of hand. Scary Emu.