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Berberina: tutte le proprietà benefiche. En quoi la consommation d’huile de palme influe sur notre santé et notre environnement ? Le | • Mis à jour le | Par Amandine Réaux Fin de la polémique. Deux jours après avoir appelé à boycotter la pâte à tartiner Nutella au motif que la production d’huile de palme, utilisée dans sa fabrication, était responsable de la déforestation, la ministre de l’écologie, Ségolène Royal, a dû s’excuser après le tollé suscité en Italie, d’où le groupe est originaire. Lire aussi : Après la colère de Rome, Ségolène Royal s’excuse pour la « polémique Nutella » Qu’est-ce que l’huile de palme ? On obtient l’huile de palme en pressant à chaud la pulpe des gros fruits rouges du palmier à huile. Elle est principalement utilisée dans l’agroalimentaire, appréciée pour sa consistance et sa durée de conservation. Originaire du golfe de Guinée, en Afrique, le palmier à huile est cultivé de façon industrielle en Asie du Sud-Est, en Indonésie et en Malaisie (85 % de la production mondiale).

Quelles répercussions sur la santé ? Quelle incidence environnementale ? CANRES: Mobile Edition. Authors ↵*Corresponding Author:Paul A. Spagnuolo, School of Pharmacy, Health Science Campus, Room 4002, University of Waterloo, 10A Victoria Street South, Kitchener, ON N2G 1C5. Phone: 519-888-4567, ext. 21372; Fax: 519-888-7910; E-mail: Abstract Treatment regimens for acute myeloid leukemia (AML) continue to offer weak clinical outcomes.

Footnotes Note: Supplementary data for this article are available at Cancer Research Online ( UK: Scientists find eating 100g of chocolate a day helps to beat strokes and heart disease. Forget what you have been told about eating chocolate being bad for you. Researchers have found that eating up to 100g of chocolate every day will help to lower the risk of heart disease and strokes. According research published online in the journal Heart, the scientists surveyed almost 21,000 adults in Norfolk, England, using food frequency and lifestyle questionnaires, monitoring them for an average of almost 12 years. During that time 3,013 (14%) people experienced either an episode of fatal or non-fatal coronary heart disease or stroke. Around one in five (20%) participants said they did not eat any chocolate, but among the others, daily consumption averaged 7g, with some eating up to 100g. Higher levels of consumption were associated with younger age and lower weight (BMI), waist: hip ratio, systolic blood pressure, inflammatory proteins, diabetes and more regular physical activity —all of which add up to a favourable cardiovascular disease risk profile.

Boost your immunity: Cold and flu treatments suppress innate immune system. Illustration by Robert Neubecker. Browse the cold and flu aisle at the pharmacy or watch certain famous doctors on TV, and you'll encounter a number of products claiming to boost your immunity, “naturally.” Research on these products shows that they are expensive placebos. However, many people remain convinced that these potions can keep them healthy. Millions of people are taken in by the seemingly friendly—but ultimately cynical—marketing of these products, and they happily fork over their money for what overwhelmingly amounts to snake oil. For all you believers (and for skeptics looking for some new arguments), consider this: Boosting your immunity is actually a pretty bad idea.

Even if these remedy and prevention products did what they purport to, you wouldn't want them to. We have two complementary immune systems: innate and acquired. Like it or not, as soon as a virus enters your body, innate immunity kicks in. This is why boosting your immunity seems like such a bad idea. Research: Daily aspirin could block growth of breast, other cancers. Journal scan May 21, 2015 Dr. Sushanta Banerjee (seated) is seen with his research team (from left): Samdipto Sarkar, Dr. Snigdha Banerjee, Dr. Amlan Das, Archana De, and Dr. "Take two aspirin and call me in the morning" has been the punchline for countless jokes.

A new study published online in Laboratory Investigation on April 13, 2015, found that a daily dose of aspirin was effective at blocking breast tumor growth. The trick, says Dr. "In cancer, when you treat the patient, initially the tumor will hopefully shrink," says Banerjee. Study used cells and mouse models To test his theory that aspirin could alter the molecular signature in breast cancer cells enough that they wouldn't spread, Banerjee, also a professor at the University of Kansas Medical Center, used both incubated cells and mouse models.

For the cell test, breast cancer cells were placed in 96 separate plates and then incubated. The second part of his study involved studying 20 mice with aggressive tumors. Cuba sauvera le monde: La médecine cubaine a découvert le vaccin contre le cancer. La nouvelle fait déjà grand bruit dans le monde médical occidental. Les américains sont fous de rage. Les chercheurs cubains annoncent que le CIMAVAX EGF, un vaccin cubain contre le cancer du poumon a prouvé son efficacité. Des millions de patients dans le monde vont pouvoir être sauvés. Selon la correspondante de CCN, la recherche cubaine accorde une priorité au combat contre le cancer. Le cancer du poumon est considéré comme l'un des cancers les plus graves, fréquents et mortels au monde. L'Organisation Mondiale de la Santé a fait savoir que cette maladie tue chaque année 5 millions de personnes, et que la tendance est à la hausse.

On estime qu'en 2030 8 millions de personnes mourront par an de cette maladie. Le cancer se guérit depuis plusieurs décennies – Vitamine B17. Voici pourquoi : chaque molécule de B17 contient une unité de cyanure d’hydrogène, une unité de benzaldéhyde et deux unités de glucose (sucre) bien verrouillés ensemble. Pour que le cyanure d’hydrogène devienne dangereux, il faut d’abord nécessairement déverrouiller la molécule qui le libérera, une astuce qui ne peut être effectuée que par une enzyme appelée bêta-glucosidase, qui n’est présente partout dans le corps humain, qu’en quantités infimes, mais par contre, en grande quantité dans un seul endroit : les cellules cancéreuses. Ainsi, le cyanure d’hydrogène n’est déverrouillé que sur le site où se trouve le cancer, et ce, avec des résultats radicaux, qui deviennent tout à fait dévastateurs pour les cellules cancéreuses, puisque l’unité de benzaldéhyde se déverrouille en même temps. Les cellules cancéreuses obtiennent un double coup, à la fois de cyanure et de benzaldeyhde !

Mais tout ceci n’est-il pas sans danger pour le reste des cellules du corps ? Dans les années 1940, le Dr. Healthy ‘Shots’ To Alkalize Your Body in the Morning. In the morning, we feel a little, well … less than stellar. Achy, stiff, the bed is calling our name to stay in, and let’s be honest, we just don’t feel so hot. While most of us do enjoy some coffee in the morning, before we head to the glorious pot or French press (or Starbucks for some of you), we should pause and make an effort to enjoy something else right beforehand. The body is naturally very acidic in the morning because as it cleanses itself overnight.

As we give it a break from food and allow our organs to rejuvenate so we can feel our best the next day, all the wastes from the previous day (or even days before that) make their way through our system. This is nature’s way of making us feel brand new, but first thing, the body can feel a little lifeless. The answer to this is to consume a high-quality, alkaline drink the morning, but you don’t need a huge amount to reap the benefits. Try these five… 1. This is the fastest, and possibly, laziest yet powerful, option of them all. How To Recognize Skin Cancer – This Could Save Your Life. Even if you have carefully practiced sun safety all summer, it’s important to continue being vigilant about your skin in fall, winter, and beyond. Throughout the year, you should examine your skin head-to-toe once a month, looking for any suspicious lesions.

Self-exams can help you identify potential skin cancers early, when they can almost always be completely cured. First, for a successful self-exam, you obviously need to know what you’re looking for. As a general rule, to spot either melanomas or non-melanoma skin cancers (such as basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma), take note of any new moles or growths, and any existing growths that begin to grow or change significantly in any other way. Lesions that change, itch, bleed, or don’t heal are also alarm signals. It is so vital to catch melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer, early that physicians have developed two specific strategies for early recognition of the disease: the ABCDEs and the Ugly Duckling sign.

Source: Sea Salt and Baking Soda Best All NaturalRemedy For Curing Radiation Exposure and Cancer. If you have been exposed to any form of radiation, either for medical diagnostic purposes (fluoroscopy / mammography / other medical x-ray exams) or in the course of radiotherapy treatment, or if you are otherwise concerned by excessive radiation exposure, overload or poisoning (such as living near a nuclear reactor facility, working with diagnostic radiological equipment / in the nuclear processing industries / uranium mining / uranium or plutonium processing), or if you have been exposed to radioactive particles or higher ionizing radiation doses stemming from other sources such as depleted uranium (DU), testing of atomic weapons, frequent flights in higher altitudes, a nuclear disaster (radiation fallout from the Japan nuclear power plants) etc., If you are having any kind of radiation treatments, macrobiotic is the cure.

Macrobiotics is very effective in curing radiation sickness and cancer. Exposure to radiation causes a cascade offree radicals that wreak havoc on the body. Dr. No more fillings as dentists reveal new tooth decay treatment | Society. Scientists have developed a new pain-free filling that allows cavities to be repaired without drilling or injections. The tooth-rebuilding technique developed at King's College London does away with fillings and instead encourages teeth to repair themselves.

Tooth decay is normally removed by drilling, after which the cavity is filled with a material such as amalgam or composite resin. The new treatment, called Electrically Accelerated and Enhanced Remineralisation (EAER), accelerates the natural movement of calcium and phosphate minerals into the damaged tooth. A two-step process first prepares the damaged area of enamel, then uses a tiny electric current to push minerals into the repair site. Professor Nigel Pitts, from King's College London's Dental Institute, said: "The way we treat teeth today is not ideal.

"Not only is our device kinder to the patient and better for their teeth, but it's expected to be at least as cost-effective as current dental treatments. Lyme 1975-2015 : quarante ans de souffrance - Magazine Participe Présent. La tique est le vecteur de la borréliose de Lyme La Borréliose de Lyme est considérée en France comme une maladie rare*. Disons le tout de suite, cette classification aura bien du mal à résister face à la réalité de ce que certains appellent une pandémie pour reprendre le mot de l’infectiologue américain Richard Horowitz.

Ce qui est certain, c’est que cette maladie n’est pas récente : on a retrouvé des borrélies dans le corps momifié d’Ötzi, cet Hibernatus découvert en 1991 dans les Alpes entre l’Italie et l’Autriche. La momie aurait plus de 4500 ans. La découverte moderne d’un lien entre une maladie infectieuse génératrice d’arthrite rhumatoïde et les tiques remonte à 1975. Quarante ans plus tard, on attribue à cette liaison dangereuse plus de 300 pathologies différentes ! L’histoire moderne de la Borréliose de Lyme débute en 1975 dans une petite ville du Connecticut, au nord-est des Etats-Unis (voir le petit lexique ci-dessous). Transporteur de matières dangereuses Babésia (piroplasmes) These Foods Must Not Be Re-Heated! You Might Get Poisoned. Have you ever made a full pot of spinach or mushroom soup and, of course, since you weren’t able to eat it, so you will leave it for tomorrow? The next day, just heat it and it is ready for consumption, unaware of what may be hiding for you.

Here’s why it you shouldn’t do that. All of us, very often, prepare meals for several days, and subsequently reheat them. However, some foods change their composition and lose their nutritional properties, and even become toxic. Here’s what these foods are: Mushrooms Mushrooms are best eaten immediately after preparation, and if they stay for another day, it is better to eat them cold. Chicken Just as with mushrooms, with reheating meat there is a change in the composition of proteins. Potato The potato is a highly nutritional food which we should not reheat because so loses most of its properties, and even becomes toxic. Spinach Spinach is a food with a high percentage of nitrates, which re-warming turns them into nitrites. Beet Celery Eggs Source: How Turmeric can Regenerate a Damaged Brain, Boost Brain’s Stem Cells. Although 2014 was the shining year for numerous foods, many would attest that turmeric held the gold medal in ‘hottest foods of 2014.’

The spice is relatively reasonably priced, available, and boasts seemingly countless health benefits. One of those benefits is revealed in a study conducted relatively recently, one which found that turmeric may contribute to the regeneration of a ‘damaged brain’ and help with neurological disorders. Published in the journal Stem Cell Research & Therapy, this recent study both showcases yet another benefit of turmeric while providing evidence that the magic compound “curcumin” within turmeric isn’t the only compound responsible for the spice’s health benefits. Researchers noticed that a lesser known, fat-soluble component within turmeric, known as Ar-turmerone, may make “a promising candidate to support regeneration in neurologic disease.”

The study abstract reads: “Aromatic (ar-) turmerone is a major bioactive compound of the herb Curcuma longa. Source. How To Cure Gout At Home. Gout is a type of arthritis that can affect different body parts like the ears, small joints on the hands, wrists, ankles or knees. Symptoms frequently include acute pain, swelling, intense tenderness and inflammation in the joints. The exact cause is unknown, but a high amount of uric acid in the body is one of the reasons.

Some other possible causes are genetics, excessive consumption of alcohol, lack of physical exercise, excessive protein intake and too much stress. Gout is linked to other types of health problems, such as hypertension, diabetes, and uric acid kidney stones, so it is important to get proper medical treatment.

In addition, some easy-to-follow home treatments can promote healing and provide symptom relief. Here are the top 10 home remedies for gout. Apple cider vinegar, which is used to treat headaches and acid stomach, also helps treat gout and arthritis. Mix one teaspoon of raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar in a glass of water.Drink it two to three times daily. One Fruit that Kills Diabetes and Stops Breast Cancer Cells from Growing and SpreadingOne Fruit that Kills Diabetes and Stops Breast Cancer Cells from Growing and Spreading.

34 Reasons Why You Need Hydrogen Peroxide. Special Report: Top 10 Healing Spices. Cilantro Purifies Drinking Water in Developing Countries Cheaply and Sustainably. How To Cure A Sinus Infection. Remède à l’ail et au citron qui cible la graisse du ventre. Les Effets incroyables d’une cuillère de cannelle et de miel le matin. Polluants dans l'eau : les marques concernées. 3 Homemade Face Masks To Remove Wrinkles Around The Eyes. Un verre de vin avant de se coucher pour maigrir plus vite. Leaving Facebook... Les vertus insoupçonnées du gombo sur les cheveux. Mangez des artichauts ! La sauge, une source importante de vitamine K.

Le fenouil : Tout savoir sur le fenouil et ses recettes. L'estragon, une source d'antioxydants. Benefits of Turmeric Tea. Drinking Water on Empty Stomach. Home Remedies for Clogged Arteries. Une nouvelle thérapie ciblée confirme son efficacité contre le cancer du sein. Un neurologue nous parle de l’abrutissement chimique de la société voulu par l’élite… Qu'est ce que le silicium G5, l'argent colloidal ,la vitamine C et l'huile de magnésium. Flu Shots Being Forced on Health Care Workers. Here is What You Need To Check Next Time You Buy Bottled WaterHere is What You Need To Check Next Time You Buy Bottled Water. Voir et revoir Se soigner autrement du 26-05-2015 en streaming gratuit sur francetv pluzz.

Fetal cells injected into a man's brain to cure his Parkinson's - health - 26 May 2015. Asco 2015 : l'immunothérapie, arme anti-cancer prometteuse. Scientists Reverse Aging In Human Cell Line. Rt. Quelles sont les règles du jeûne ? Ginger Root Kills Ovarian & Prostate Cancer Cells Better than Chemo. 7 Healing Plants That You Can Grow on Your Own. This 'Lucky Iron Fish' is halving instances of anaemia in Cambodia. Vieille Méthode, Corps Neuf. La science confirme que le curcuma est aussi efficace que 14 médicaments. Pourquoi vous devriez congeler vos citrons | Free Wise Man. Les médecins allemands demandent l'arrêt total de l'éolien. Dangers du micro-ondes.

Bacteria May Be Remaking Drugs in Sewage. How Cancer is Mostly Caused by The Intake of Acidic FoodHow Cancer is Mostly Caused by The Intake of Acidic Food. Clean Your Home Of Cockroaches With Cucumber & Other Home Remedies to Get Rid of Roaches Permanently. The Sun Is Not Causing Your Skin Cancer. Research shows noisy environments influence taste perception. Scientists identify the flavour that helps us eat less. The 'fifth taste,' umami, could be beneficial for health. A Point of a Hundred Diseases on Your Body: Here is What Will Happen If You Massage It. Garlic Milk – A Magical Remedy To Relieve You From Sciatica Pain. Scientists Discover New Type Of Fat Cell That Converts Bad Fat To Good Fat.

Pesticides : nul endroit où ils ne sont pas. Here's What You Need To Check The Next Time You Buy Bottled Water. How To Make An Effective Flea And Tick Powder For Your Pets. VOICI UNE LISTE DE PLANTES MÉDICINALES. La Cuisine Bruleuse de Graisses - Aliments bruleurs de graisses, Aliments soi-disant minceur qui font grossir. Here Is Why You Should Drink Water From A Copper Cup. Lyme : un scandale à la française - Magazine Participe Présent. Cashews Are Natural Anti Depressant. People Can Draw Energy From Other People The Same Way Plants Do. Alaskan farmers are growing a plant used for top-secret Soviet military experiments. Relaxation, dynamisme, créativité : les couleurs qui nous rendent meilleures | Le Figaro Madame. INFOGRAPHIC: Top 18 houseplants for purifying the air you breathe, according to NASA.

INFOGRAPHIC: Top 18 houseplants for purifying the air you breathe, according to NASA ltg_houseplants_final. Voici 10 plantes qui attirent les énergies positives. La Cuisine Bruleuse de Graisses - Aliments bruleurs de graisses, Aliments soi-disant minceur qui font grossir. CMU complémentaire : la CGT dénonce « une manipulation » Astuces minceur - LINEAVI.

Traitement des crampes : les types - ComprendreChoisir. What Disease Can Aluminum Foil Treat. 'Hydrogels' boost ability of stem cells to restore eyesight and heal brains -- ScienceDaily. Liste des eaux minérales qui contiennent le plus de fluor. La sclérose en plaque peut être traitée. Le régime alimentaire méditerranéen préserve du vieillissement du cerveau. Clean Your Body’s Drains: 11 Ways To Detoxify Your Lymphatic System. Changes in your blood can reveal cancer 13 years before it develops. Une herbe qui tue 98% des cellules cancéreuses en 16 heures - Tes Vidéos.

ScienceAlert. Healthy News and Information. L'herbe de blé permet aux cheveux gris de retrouver leur couleur naturelle! Le bicarbonate de soude un véritable ennemi de l'industrie pharmaceutique. Scientists discover an enzyme that can change a person’s blood type - ScienceAlert. New test can predict cancer up to 13 years before disease develops. Foreign antibodies mobilize immune system to fight cancer, researchers find.