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WordPress for Content Marketing: Metrics and Resource Requirements | Inbound Marketing. “How to Launch and Optimize your WordPress Blog for Content Marketing” Blog metrics and requirements Blog Key Performance Indicators One way to improve your ability to measure the effectiveness of your company’s blogging efforts is by tracking the right metrics. When you’re creating the plan for your company blog, one of the things you need to focus on is making sure that the metrics you track match the goal you have for the blog.

Capturing and sharing the data with your blog team helps to improve the content that matters most to your readers. Resource requirements Should every company have a blog? Yes and no. Here are a few things to think about: Can you commit to at least one post per week? If the answer to any of the above questions is no, this might not be the right time for you to start a corporate blog. If you’re ready to get started, I hope this series has been helpful to kick off your new content marketing program! Already using WordPress? 14 Social Media ROI Metrics You Can Use Right Now!

InShare247 The new social metrics include social connections like Facebook likes, Facebook engagement rates, social chatter, and Twitter retweet rates. Companies are still grappling with how to measure social media and its resulting return on investment (ROI). The reality is that while there are new and unique metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) related to social, so much of what you do can be tracked just like anything else you do online. The new social metrics include social connections like Facebook fans (or likes), Facebook engagement rates, social chatter, and Twitter retweet rates.

Traditional metrics you can easily look at are things like impressions, clicks, site traffic, leads, revenue - all the things you look at now when you run banners or paid search or look at your site analytics. So let's explore some of these metrics and take a look at what it looks like to visualize this data. Social Media Metrics Social connections. Social page views. Video/SlideShare views. Metrics & ROI - Three Awesome Google Spreadsheet Hacks for Marketers. Among the best Google products I love playing with are Google Docs, especially Google Spreadsheets. They are feature-rich, highly flexible, reliable, and, on top of that, absolutely free.

I've been using Google Spreadsheets for ages... for campaign tracking, reporting, automating, and aggregating some of the most complex search engine optimization (SEO) and social media tasks. In this article, I'll share the three most useful, yet easy-to-implement, Google spreadsheet tips any online marketer would find useful. 1. Google Spreadsheet Functions and Scripts The beauty of Google Spreadsheets is its flexibility.

*Though functions will work as soon as you copy-paste into the cell, a script requires additional effort. Go to Tools > Script gallery.Find the script, and click "Install. " Or, if the script you are using is not in the gallery, do the following: Go to Tools > Script manager.Click "New. " In both cases, the subsequent steps are the following: 2. There you go! 3. You can get your copy here. Are Your Ads Actually Seen by Your Target Audience? Julie Batten | February 13, 2012 | 1 Comment inShare25 How comScore's new ad validation service works. Are your ads actually seen by your target audience? That's the question that comScore sought to answer with its recent U.S.

-based Charter Study. According to the study, a significant percentage of online ads delivered were never actually seen by the intended audience. ComScore chartered this study in anticipation of the recent launch of its new product, Validated Campaign Essentials (vCE). The vCE solution monitors the delivery of ads and then assigns a score to the campaign based on validity of the impressions served. If you're running display ads and using any type of ad network or exchange - particularly blind ones - its vCE solution is intended for you. What Need Does It Serve? As the demand for online ad space/inventory increases, there are more and more secondary and tertiary markets for selling latent or vacant ad space. What Does It Do? How Does It Work? What Does It Cost? 5 Essential Spreadsheets for Social Media Analytics.

Ann Smarty is a search marketer and full-time web entrepreneur. Ann blogs on search and social media tools. Her newest project, My Blog Guest, is a free platform for guest bloggers and blog owners. Follow Ann on Twitter @seosmarty. Social media analytics and tracking can be very time-consuming and expensive. You'll find quite a few smart social media monitoring tools, but what if you can't afford them?

That's why many social media marketers and power users are in constant search of free, efficient alternatives. Here, we'll share a few ready-made spreadsheets you can copy (navigate File + Make a copy) and use for social media analytics. Most of the scripts that run the spreadsheets are "public," meaning you can access them from the Tools + Script Gallery menu (this also means they were reviewed and approved by Google Spreadsheets team). 1. GetTweets is a simple and fast Google Spreadsheet script that lets you quickly export Twitter search results into a spreadsheet.

Spreadsheet details: 2. Business Sales Forecasting & Statistical Analysis for Small Business Owners. Website Optimization ROI Calculator. Marketing News & Expert Advice Home › Website Optimization ROI Calculator Website Optimization ROI Calculator ClickZ Today is our #1 newsletter. Get a daily dose of digital marketing. More newsletter options › Featured White Papers Marketing Apps for Landing Pages White Paper Marketing apps can elevate a formulaic landing page into a highly interactive user experience. Redefining 'Mobile-Only' Users: Millions Selectively Avoid the Desktop A new breed of selective mobile-only consumers has emerged.

Harness Predictive Power for Personalized Customer Experiences March 19, 2014 1:00pm ET Resources Jobs Contact Center Professional Contact Center Professional (TCC: The Contact Center) - Hunt ValleyLooking to join a workforce that prides themselves on being routine and keeping... Incisive Interactive Marketing LLC. 2014 All rights reserved. | 55 Broad Street, 22nd Floor, New York, NY 10004 | Copyright and Licensing | Privacy Policy Accreditations:

How to Track Your Social Media ROI in Google Analytics. Written by Erin February 11, 2010 E-Commerce retailers using Google Analytics to track their metrics can now also track their social media ROI as well. I’m going to explain how in five easy steps. Step 1. Locate and select Advanced Segments from the lower left sidebar in your Google Analytics Dashboard. Step 2. Step 3. Step 4. Digg|aim|friendfeed|blinklist|fark|furl|wikipedia|stumbleupon|netvibes|bloglines|linkedin|facebook|del\.icio\.us| feedburner|twitter|technorati|faves\.com|newsgator|PRweb|msplinks|myspace|bit\.ly|tr\.im|cli\.gs|zi\.ma|poprl|tinyurl Do not include websites or networks you are not a part of. Step 5. Metrics & ROI - Social, Mobile, Video Marketing ROI Tough to Measure. As marketers struggle to find the marketing mix that delivers the greatest impact for their businesses, most have yet to fully adopt emerging channels: Only 14% say they now use mobile, social media, and video channels in their marketing mix, according to a survey from Omniture.

Nearly seven in ten surveyed marketers (69%) say they use social media, 43% use video in their marketing, and 23% use mobile. Looking ahead, 75% of marketers plan to increase investment in emerging channels in the next three years. However, marketers' inability to measure the success of emerging marketing channels remains a key hurdle. Below, other findings of the 2010 Omniture Online Analytics Benchmark Survey. Social Media Marketing Among marketers who use social media, the following social marketing activities are among the most widely adopted: Most marketers (63%) say Facebook is the most important social site for their business, while 28% cite Twitter and 23% cite Youtube.

Mobile Marketing Video Marketing. Toolkit - Lifetime Customer Value Calculator. How do you measure the value of a customer or group of customers to a company? This downloadable interactive workbook, one of several workbooks/tutorials from the HBS Toolkit used by Harvard Business School students, is designed to help estimate the cost of acquiring a customer and the Net Present Value (NPV) of that customer's business during his or her economic life.

The HBS Toolkit Lifetime Customer Value Calculator tool is designed to let the user estimate the cost of acquiring a customer and the Net Present Value (NPV) of that customer's business during his useful economic life. Two models are offered—a simple one that looks at a single product and somewhat simplified assumptions, and a more complex model that allows the user to examine multiple products with distinct customer loyalty and repurchase characteristics. The customer value calculation is similar to a perpetuity function. For more detailed directions place your mouse above the red celltips located throughout the tool.