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Antioxidant and antihypertensive properties of liq... [Food Chem. 2013. Joel Fuhrman, M.D.: Heart Health: How You Can Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease. If you eat the standard western diet that most people eat in the modern world, it's quite likely you will develop heart disease. But there are other options. When it comes to treating heart disease, most doctors promote drugs, expensive, invasive testing, high-tech medical procedures and heart surgery as the standard options. A significant number of research studies have documented that heart disease is easily and almost completely preventable through a diet rich in plant produce and lower in processed foods and animal products. In a recent CNN interview, Bill Clinton reminded Americans of these other options. When asked about his recent weight loss, he explained that his heart disease had progressed after bypass surgery, requiring his recent additional surgery to place stents.

This experience led him to learn about the successes of lifestyle changes at reversing heart disease. He is now following a plant-based diet, similar to those described by Dean Ornish, M.D. References: 1. New Wrinkles » Blog Archive » Best Quercetin Foods. By Geri Walton ~ January 22nd, 2009 Numerous studies have been done on the health benefits of quercetin, which are the pigments found in plants. Many scientists agree quercetin is beneficial to your health in a variety of ways. It is beneficial because quercetin is a natural and abundant phytochemical, known as a flavonoid, and flavonoids are important because they seem to enhance the function of vitamin C so that it is better absorbed by the body.

Quercetin is also an antioxidant, and antioxidants are responsible to control and fight disease-causing free radicals. There have also been many studies about quercetin, and many have indicated significant anti-inflammatory properties may be present in quercetin. It also seems quercetin doesn’t just quiet inflammation. The British Journal of Cancer published an article asserting quercetin seems to have anti-tumor properties. As mentioned, quercetin is found primarily in plants, such as fruits, vegetables, and herbs. Best Quercetin Foods.

Food Combining

Flows for Life » A List of Anti Cancer Foods to Save Your Life. Naturopathic Physician on Her Career Choice (Feb/Mar 2005) Introduction Broth, made from the bones of animals, has been consumed as a source of nourishment for humankind throughout the ages. It is a traditional remedy across cultures for the sick and weak. A classic folk treatment for colds and flu, it has also been used historically for ailments that affect connective tissues such as the gastrointestinal tract, the joints, the skin, the lungs, the muscles and the blood. Broth has fallen out of favor in most households today, probably due to the increased pace of life that has reduced home cooking in general.

Far from being old-fashioned, broth (or stock) continues to be a staple in professional and gourmet cuisine, due to its unsurpassed flavor and body. Definition In general, broth is a liquid made by boiling meat, bones, or vegetables. Method The ingredients are as follows: bones from an animal, with or without meat and skin, enough water to just cover the bones, a splash of vinegar, and optional assorted vegetables or their scraps. NSCA's Guide to Sport and Exercise ... - Nsca national Strength & Conditioning A, Bill Campbell, Marie Spano.

Healing Foods Chapter 2-2. Diets for health improvement are rather different from slimming diets that do not always improve the health of the dieter. However, on a health diet weight loss can be expected, if overweight, in addition to an improvement in health. As a general rule, the more you follow a diet that is ideally suited for you, the better will be your health. The diets recommended in this chapter have been shown to be effective but you may need to experiment to find individual variations that best suit your own constitution and health problems. Your long-term diet, together with mental attitude and life-style, will decide your health in future years; therefore choose wisely. If you are on a conventional diet at present, you may change gradually onto the high-quality diet, a process that could take years, especially if you have to take along a reluctant family. You need not be afraid that you may never eat your favorite food again. Often use colored root vegetables.

Fruits need to be used with care. Dr. Stefania Licari M.D. - An Ultra Marathon Runner's Raw Food Success Story. Dr. Stefania Licari, M.D. is a shining light among the drug-happy medical community. The Italian-born ultramarathon runner is inspiring everyone to escape mediocrity with her endeavour go4extremes, which she uses to showcase her impressive feats of endurance: A 2-week 500km run through the wastes of Morocco, and the Jungle Ultramarathon to name a few. The 31-year-old practices a healthy low-fat raw vegan diet, and says she's never felt better. Think you have a lot of cultural pressure to eat unhealthy food? The following interview was conducted in February of 2009. Andrew Perlot - Please tell us a bit about your past and how you came to start a raw food diet. Stefania Licari - My name is Stefania. I enjoy adventure running, my true self gets a big buzz when I run ultra-distances in extreme and remote environments. Stefania Licari - Prior Diet I ate a Mediterranean diet for 28 years- I used to eat loads of fish, occasionally meat and very often cheese, bread end chocolate.

Following Up: A Fruit Guide For Raw Foodists. Simple fruit can be very tricky, but this fruit guide will help. How do you select, store, ripen, and deal with fruit nuisances? In the articles attached to this fruit guide I'd like to show you how to do just that. The Raw Foodist's Dilemma At any given time, but especially when burning tons of calories training for a marathon, I might have 100 or more pounds of fruit in my house.

Anyone eating a healthy raw food diet is going to have the same problem. At first I was overwhelmed by the task of managing the fruit I'd purchased. Where do you store the stuff? How To Buy Or Find Fruit. Learn how to save money and time by buying in bulk. Suggestions for mail order fruit companies. Learn to forage for fruit. How To Select And Ripen Fruit What are you going to do with the 50 pounds of unripe fruit you just picked up? A separate plantain ripening guide is located here. How to select and ripen papaya. How to pick a ripe, sweet pineapple. Pick a great watermelon and avoid the lemons. Fruit Storage 101. Vegetarian Advice: Body For Life Weight Training For Vegetarian Lifestyle. Vegetarian Advice for Modified "Body for Life" Lifestyle Any advice for a modified "Body for Life" weight training diet for vegetarians?

By "diet" I just mean an eating lifestyle, not a weight loss diet. - H. R. Savvy Vegetarian Advice Dear H. R I didn't realize at first that you were talking about weight training with 'Body For Life'. But when I went to their site and read their dietary recommendations, they were similar to those in the SV vegetarian nutrition report, except that I don't recommend meat - not even for athletes and bodybuilders. In the Body For Life food list, under the protein catagory, I'd add some vegetarian protein which includes all beans and legumes.

Under carbs, I'd expand the list to include other whole grains such as spelt, quinoa, amaranth, rye, corn - each has a unique nutrient profile. For vegetables, include sprouted seeds, legumes and grains. Eat walnuts, flax oil and ground flax seeds, for Omega 3's, which protect heart health. Related Advice: Sweet potatoes. What's New and Beneficial about Sweet Potatoes Orange-fleshed sweet potatoes may be one of nature's unsurpassed sources of beta-carotene.

Several recent studies have shown the superior ability of sweet potatoes to raise our blood levels of vitamin A. This benefit may be particularly true for children. In several studies from Africa, sweet potatoes were found to contain between 100-1,600 micrograms (RAE) of vitamin A in every 3.5 ounces—enough, on average, to meet 35% of all vitamin A needs, and in many cases enough to meet over 90% of vitamin A needs (from this single food alone).

WHFoods Recommendations Sweet potatoes don't have to take a long time to prepare. Sweet Potato, baked1.00 medium(200.00 grams) NutrientDRI/DV phosphorus15.4% This chart graphically details the %DV that a serving of Sweet potatoes provides for each of the nutrients of which it is a good, very good, or excellent source according to our Food Rating System. Health Benefits Antioxidant Nutrients in Sweet Potato History. Conversation With A Modern-Day Warrior : The Warrior Diet! Are you sick of so-called miracle diets? With the Warrior Diet you will eat better, lose weight and feel great! By eating light during the day and feasting at night, you will reap the maximum benefits and learn to enjoy food again! Are you sick of diets that are made for forty year old women who consider pushing their six-month old kid around in a trolley brutal exercise?

When is the last time that you read a diet book that was made for men and got you excited? I have tried several diets in the past; some worked well and others did not. However, none of them gave me a feeling of freedom. They were all very complicated and made me feel like my entire life revolved around food. A few years ago, I learned about a concept called the "Warrior Diet" in which you undereat during the day and then have a feast in the evening. Mike Mahler: Hi Ori, how is it going? Ori Hofmekler: Pretty good, busy.

MM: That is incredible and I know that it is going to be a huge hit! OH: I believe so and thanks. The top-ranked diet may be one you've never heard of. The best diet as determined by U.S. News and World Reports is one you’ve probably never heard. The publication, which regularly ranks best colleges, hospitals and cities, released its list of the best diets Tuesday. The top diet is the DASH, which stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, which contains foods lower in sodium and centers on veggies, fruits and low-fat dairy. It was developed by the National Institutes of Health and doesn’t have the marketing firepower that commercial diets with now-svelte celebrities have. Sample menus for the DASH eating plan Following closely behind DASH was the Mediterranean diet, the TLC diet (diet to improve cholesterol levels), Weight Watchers diet and the Mayo Clinic diet (heart healthy diet).

The full list is here, and that includes rankings for the best commercial diet, weight-loss diet, diabetes diet and heart-healthy diets. Raj Patel: The Value of Nothing-the $200 Hamburger. Eminent Scientists and Inventors on Vegetarianism. For example, Sir Isacc Newton, “the father of physics,” and Leonardo Da Vinci, a part-time physicist who made major discoveries in hydraulics, optics and mechanics were both vegetarians. In fact, Da Vinci was so fervent about vegetarianism that he would buy caged chickens and set them free. In addition, Srinivasa Ramanujan (1887-1920), considered the greatest mathematician of the last 1000 years, was also vegetarian. Another ardent vegetarian, the great inventor, physicist and engineer Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) who helped devise the AC (alternating current) electrical system used to power modern civilization, lived on sumptuous, custom-ordered meals at New York’s Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. Regarding the physical and moral benefits of vegetarianism, Tesla wrote: On general principles the raising of cattle as a means of providing food is objectionable.

Witten’s most famous protégé is Brian Greene, who has refuted Einstein’s theory that space can stretch but not tear. Making the Vegan Diet Work by Mike Mahler - Aggressive Strength Nutrition Article. By Mike Mahler There is no way that you can get big and strong on a vegan diet! I used to hear this all the time from my meat-eating friends.

I say, used to as I never hear it anymore from people that know me or from people that have seen my photos on my website. Yes my friends, you can in fact get bigger and stronger on a vegetarian diet. You can even do it on a vegan diet (no animal products whatsoever). Just because the pot smoking, rice dream eating hippie vegetarian in Venice Beach, CA looks like he has not eaten in a month, does not mean that every vegan does. Lets start off with the number one issue that people have when evaluating a vegan diet: where the hell am I going to get my protein from? An example of a high protein vegan meal that I have often is three servings of lentils (24 grams of protein) mixed with two servings of pistachios (14 grams of protein and 26 grams of healthy fat), add two cups of broccoli and two cups of mixed vegetables.

Quick Reference: US Orders: Defense Nutrition Blog. Power Vegan Meals For Hard Training Athletes - Aggressive Strength Nutrition Article. By Mike Mahler Here are a variety of vegan meals that have a nice balance of protein, fat, low glycemic carbohydrates and are supercharged with spices and plant sterols. Supercharged Lentil And Veggie Mix Steam the following for 30 minutes 1 cup of baby spinach 1/4 cup of fresh basil 1 cup of baby carrots 1 tomato 2 cups of cauliflower 2 cups of lentils Spices added: 1/4 teaspoon each of: garlic, turmeric, oregano, and fennel seeds. After the meal is cooked add 2 tablespoons of hempseeds. Black Beans and Pistachios 1 cup of fresh basil leaves 1 cup of red bell peppers 1 cup of yellow bell peppers 1 cup of broccoli 2 cups of black beans Spices added: 1/4 teaspoon each of: cumin, oregano, and ginger After the meal is cooked add 1/4 cup of pistachios. Garbanzo Beans And Pumpkin Seeds 1 cup of baby spinach 1 tomato 1 cup of yellow squash 1 cup cauliflower 2 cups of garbanzo beans Spices added: 1/4 teaspoon each of: turmeric, basil, and rosemary Kidney Beans And Sliced Raw Almonds Power Shakes.

Eating Advice From the China Study. Six years ago a small Texas publisher released an obscure book written by a father-son research team. The work, based on a series of studies conducted in rural China and Taiwan, challenged the conventional wisdom about health and nutrition by espousing the benefits of a plant-based diet. T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D. To everyone’s surprise, the book, called “The China Study,” has since sold 500,000 copies, making it one of the country’s best-selling nutrition titles. Last fall, former President Bill Clinton even cited the book in explaining how he lost 24 pounds by converting to a plant-based diet in hopes of improving his heart health.

Recently, I spoke with T. How did you end up writing this book? I have been in the field for a long time and had a major research program at Cornell. What was so unusual about your story? In the beginning of my career I was teaching nutrition in a very classical sense. How have your views changed? I was raised on a dairy farm. So how should we be eating? Why Don't Farm Animals Get the Respect Pets Do? It’s time to take a look at the line between “pet” and “animal.” When the ASPCA sends an agent to the home of a Brooklyn family to arrest one of its members for allegedly killing a hamster, something is wrong.

That “something” is this: we protect “companion animals” like hamsters while largely ignoring what amounts to the torture of chickens and cows and pigs. In short, if I keep a pig as a pet, I can’t kick it. If I keep a pig I intend to sell for food, I can pretty much torture it. Meanwhile, there are pet police. In light of the way most animals are treated in this country, I’m pretty sure that ASPCA agents don’t need to spend their time in Brooklyn defending rodents. Many if not most of these animals are raised (or not, since probably a couple of hundred million are killed at birth) industrially, in conditions that the philosopher Peter Singer and others have compared to concentration camps. Yet Ms. All of this is legal, because we will eat them. Is it really that bad?

April 7, 2014.