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Royalty Free Textures and Backgrounds - Design Inspiration, Freebies and Tutorials - Creative Nerds. Photoshop Tutorials | Comic Book Photo Effect. Introduction This is a little technique I picked up at Photoshop World and have tweaked to my own preferences. Because each photo is different you’ll want to experiment a little with the settings to get your best result.

I’ve found that although this technique can be used for most photos, there are certain ones that have a much more pleasing final result. Step 1 Although this effect can be applied to any image with decent results, I recommend starting with a fairly large photo (mine is 2160x1440px). We’ll be using the Color Halftone filter later in the lesson which has a 4 pixel minimum diameter and if your starting image is too small you’ll end up with more of a polka dot effect than anything resembling a comic book effect.

All that being said, lets jump right in and build some setup layers. Step 2 The first order of business will be to duplicate the original photo layer by pressing Command-J (PC: Ctrl-J). Step 3 As it’s name implies, we will now soften this layer using a blur filter. Free 1000+ photoshop brushes. How to Create a Fantasy Photo Manipulation - Psdtuts+ The idea behind this work was to create a fantasy world. You will learn how to work with a few images and create a really interesting photo manipulation. I would also like to thank Loredana for working with me on this one.

Below is the image you will create in this tutorial.You can view the final image preview below or view a larger version here. Our video editor Gavin Steele has created this series of video tutorials to compliment this text + image tutorial. The first step is to choose the right pictures for your work. I chose just three stock images to keep it simple: Background, Tree, and you can look at through the following site for a suitable image of a Model.

The second step is to create a proper background. Now Command-click on both layers and then press Command + E to merge them together. Next you need to add some clouds. Next you need to add some birds on the sky. Last element you need to add is a tree in the right side of the composition. Every fairy has long hair, right? Photoshop Brushes. Tutoriaux Photo ~ Effet de Brume. Effet de Brume Dans ce tutoriel, nous allons ajouter un effet de brume et accentuer le rendu de la photo. Un effet façon forêt de Brocéliande... La photo utilisée ici provient de l' excellent site Elle a été redimensionnée en 800 x 500 px afin d' optimiser le chargement de la page. Vous pouvez la télécharger ici - au format .zip et dans sa taille d' origine. Ouvrez votre photo et tapez [D] pour mettre les couleurs par défaut.

Allez dans Filtre > Déformation > Lueur diffuse. Passez en mode Masque en tapant [Q] ou en cliquant sur Allez dans Filtre > Rendu > Nuages par différence. Tapez de nouveau [Q] pour revenir en mode Normal. Tapez [D] puis [X] pour mettre Blanc en couleur d' avant-plan. Peignez à l' endroit où vous voulez voir apparaître la brume, ici le bas de la photo. Tapez [Ctrl+D] pour déselectionner. Dupliquez votre calque. Passez maintenant votre copie en mode Densité couleur +.

Voilà, vous avez terminé ! ~ Graphisme Delphine © 2007 ~ Blog. Design a High Impact Gig Poster Suitable for Screen-Printing - P. Screen-prints are a great way to exhibit artworks or advertise a gig. Creating a high impact poster suitable for the screen-printing process can be achieved relatively easily. In this instance, we're going for a stylized and coarse effect, rather than a photo-realistic halftone interpretation of a design. So let's create a 3-color design that looks great on screen, printed from your home printer, or screen-printed using the silk-screen printing method.

Final Image Preview Before we get started, let's take a look at the image we'll be creating. Video Tutorial Our video editor Gavin Steele has created a video tutorial to compliment this text + image tutorial. Step 1 For this tutorial, set up an A4 canvas at 300dpi. Step 2 Download then open this image of a girl. Step 3 Select the Burn Tool from the Tools palette, then set the Range to Shadows and the Exposure to 9%. Step 4 Use a smaller brush to burn in smaller details, in this case her chest area. Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 Step 10 Step 11  .

How to Create a Dark Surreal Illustration in Photoshop - Psdtuts. First of all, I would like to thank Toma Alin Gabriel for collaborating with me in creating this wonderful piece. In this tutorial we are going to create a dark surreal illustration using a few techniques and a handful of images. In the end, we will apply stylish color settings and give the illustration that extra polish it needs to give it that finished look.

Also, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the photographers for giving me permission to use their images. Without them I could never create this art. Please visit their amazing galleries: blacksockstock, Wayne Benedet, Drew Hopper, Nikola M., and Nicolas Raymond. Now, let's jump into this tutorial! Final Image Preview Take a look at the image we'll be creating. Video Tutorial Our video editor Gavin Steele has created this video tutorial to compliment this text + image tutorial. Step 1 First, open up the desert image created by Nikola M. Step 2 Next, we need an image with really nice grass. Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8.

20 Beautiful Vintage Photoshop Brush Sets. Vintage designs has gotten very popular over the past years, and it seems the trend keeps on going. In this round-up, you’ll find 20 vintage Photoshop brushes you can download for free. There are over 300 individual vintage brushes here, so you will have a broad choice of brushes to apply onto your designs. Each brush set was first tested, and the images you see below are previews of what to expect from each brush pack. 1.

Darger-esque (23 brushes) 2. 1920s ladies by 500ml brushes (7 brushes) 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1940 Cosmopolitan brushes (48 brushes) 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Related content About the Author. Creating a Typographic Wallpaper. After writing my previous tutorial here about Creating a Zune in Photoshop, several viewers asked if I’d share how I created the wallpaper graphic. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to make something similar, and it’s quite easy! What is Typography? In order to create a typographic wallpaper, it would make sense to know a bit about Typography in the first place. Typography is the art and technique of arranging movable type. What does this mean? It means that text itself portrays a message all of its own. This is by no means an in depth look at typography. Step 1 – Creating the Background The background of our wallpaper is going to help set the mood. Create a new document with the dimensions you desire. Step 2 – Setting Our Text Boundary Since I want my text to be in the shape of a 9 (in relation to 2009 and Tutorial9), the easiest way to achieve the shape is going to be to create a large 9 and then use it to place our other text.

Step 3 – Placing the Type Step 4 – Coloring the Text. Creating a Touching Story Scene in Photoshop - Psdtuts+ I worked on this illustration especially for you with Ciursa Ionut, he is the founder of PSDBURN where he writes Photoshop tutorials. He started working in Photoshop many years ago when he began to utilize this great tool all the time. In this tutorial, you are going to create a story scene using photo manipulation and a lot of color adjustments.

Final Image Preview Before you get started, let's take a look at the image you'll be creating. Want access to the full PSD files and downloadable copies of every tutorial, including this one? Join Psd Plus for just $19/month. You can view the final image preview below or view a larger version here. Also, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the photographers for giving me permission to use their images. Video Tutorial Our video editor Gavin Steele has created this video tutorial to compliment this text + image tutorial. Step 1 First of all, download the Land image and open it in Photoshop. Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9.