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Martijn Velders

Steak and BJ Day - The Official Website. 10 webdesigntrends voor 2015. De verworvenheden van responsive design, flat design, CSS3 en betere schermen worden het komende jaar breed gedragen.

10 webdesigntrends voor 2015

Technische mogelijkheden van voorgaande jaren komen tot volwassenheid. De tijd van nerdy experimenten is voorbij: we zien een grote uitrol en verdere verfijning. Ook opdrachtgevers zijn wakker geworden. Ze willen het beste en het nieuwste en zijn bereid om daarvoor in de buidel te tasten. Zou de crisis dan nu eindelijk echt voorbij zijn? 1. Responsive is geen vraag meer, een website anno 2015 kent nette versies voor desktop, tablet en smartphone. En ja, responsive is meer werk: je moet toch extra designs maken en je html past ook niet vanzelf op een mobiel scherm. 2.

Flat design blijft nog wel even. 3. Toptaken zijn de trend. De homepage is ingericht volgens het toptakenprincipe. Jakob Nielsen zei jaren geleden al “People are on the web not to enjoy your webdesign, but to get something done.” 15 Webdesign Trends 2015 - Mediaweb. 7 Web Design Trends to Watch for in 2015. As technology changes, so do user habits, and as user habits change, so does web design.

7 Web Design Trends to Watch for in 2015

Curious what web design trends we'll see in 2015? We see that responsive design is an essential of modern web. Web sites are more interactive with cool navigation and rich media content. Read on to see what to keep an eye out for this year. 1. SVG became a buzzword in 2014. 2. Many sites have already been adapted for tablet and smartphone users, and in 2015, the responsive design will sure continue to expand. 3. We’ve been seeing a lot of large-image backgrounds for some time now, but for 2015, designers are kicking it up a notch. 4. Micro-interactions are a great way to enhance the UX on your site, and they are here to stay. 10 web design trends that will change everything in 2015. In 2014, the biggest web design trends included: grid layouts, flat design, background videos, and the increasing capabilities of HTML5 APIs.

10 web design trends that will change everything in 2015

So which trends, technologies and techniques will define 2015? Net magazine set out to uncover them by asking 20 of the web's brightest designers, developers and thinkers. Here's our list of 2015's defining trends. Some ideas are featured in net magazine's feature. Most contained here are exclusive, and you won't read them anywhere else. 01. Front-end developer Benjamin Hollway expects more massive background images in 2015, "used alongside rich typography and subtle parallax effects", largely due to the lead taken by massive brands such as Apple and Google Nexus. 14 webdesign trends van 2015! Dé bouwmarkt voor verf, verlichting, laminaat en uw badkamer. Designer Quality Sneakers For Men Online. Handcrafted chocolates and gourmet confections delivered to your door - Tradestone Confections.

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