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Ebooks gratuits français (tous les genres) La machine stratégique. La stratégie peut être définie de manière liminaire comme la liberté de conduire l'action. Mais cette liberté est impersonnelle. La stratégie n'est pas la faculté d'un grand meneur ou d'un capitaine de l'action. Elle est le symptôme de son propre fonctionnement, elle est produite par ce qu'elle fait. The Internet map. WeLoveSaaS ! 2012 Update from the CEO. Velocity, execution and focus Sergey and I founded Google because we believed that building a great search experience would improve people’s lives and, hopefully, the world.

2012 Update from the CEO

And in the decade-plus that’s followed, we’ve been constantly delighted by the ways in which people have used our technology—such as making an artificial limb using old designs discovered online. But we’re always impatient to do better for our users. Excellence matters, and technology advances so fast that the potential for improvement is tremendous. So, since becoming CEO again, I’ve pushed hard to increase our velocity, improve our execution, and focus on the big bets that will make a difference in the world.

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