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Life Hacks - StumbleUpon. Calmer. Cutting Out the Crap 1/3: Just Say No. There are a lot of things that we say yes to in life that we.. 1) Know inside that we SHOULD not do OR 2) Know we do NOT want to do.

Cutting Out the Crap 1/3: Just Say No

These are two very distinct problems and I want to address both right now as bluntly as possible. The Beginner’s Guide to Zen Habits – A Guided Tour. Post written by Leo Babauta.

The Beginner’s Guide to Zen Habits – A Guided Tour

Follow me on Twitter. While some of you have been following Zen Habits since its early days (beginning of 2007), many of you are fairly new readers. To help you through the fairly overwhelming archives, I’ve compiled a beginner’s guide.

