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Manifesta. Manifesta, the roving European Biennial of Contemporary Art, is a European pan-regional contemporary cultural biennale, described in 2010 by the Wall Street Journal as "stunning in its scope and uncompromisingly experimental in its approach".[1] History[edit] Manifesta began as a Dutch initiative to create a pan-European platform for the contemporary visual arts. Unlike most biennials, Manifesta is held in a different location each time it is held, and the concept of an itinerant event first took shape in Rotterdam in 1996, in consultation with a specially appointed International Advisory Board (the forerunner of the present International Foundation), and the support of various national governmental arts organisations and ministries of culture in Europe. The main office of the International Foundation Manifesta, initiator of the various editions of the Manifesta Biennial is located in Amsterdam, Netherlands.[2] Editions[edit] Manifesta 1, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 1996[edit] Notes[edit]

Mateo-Art. Balon Studio.


Artistas y Creadores para la economía del conocimiento, Ana Gómez Narváez. Mercado permite a la vez el desarrollo de la banda ancha y el refuerzo del uso de lossistemas de información por parte de la ciudadanía. Así, esta intersección de hábitos yactividades económicas y políticas de infraestructuras y telecomunicaciones pueden potenciarse mutuamente.Pero quizá la oportunidad más interesante que presenta la idea de esta ³colaboracióncreativa´ concierne al vínculo entre arte, cultura y educación, como pilares para lamejora del capital humano y, por extensión, para la consolidación de un ³TerritorioCreativo´, es decir, un entorno en el que la creatividad es accesible democrática ycompartidamente.Un mayor desarrollo de las comunidades culturales, en un sentido amplio (no sólo lascomunidades profesionales de las ICC, sino en su engarce con la sociedad), generamás posibilidades de establecer un territorio creativo y por tanto innovador.

Robert Lucas, ³On the Mechanics of Economic Development´, en ournal of Monetary Economics 22, Julio 1988, 3-42. About the biennial " MANIFESTA. Manifesta, the roving European Biennial of Contemporary art, changes it location every two years – Rotterdam (1996), Luxembourg (1998), Ljubljana(2000), Frankfurt (2002), San Sebastian (2004), Nicosia (2006 – cancelled), Trentino-South Tyrol (2008), Murcia in dialogue with northern Africa (2010) and Limburg (2012). Manifesta purposely strives to keep its distance from what are often seen as the dominant centres of artistic production, instead seeking fresh and fertile terrain for the mapping of a new cultural topography.

This includes innovations in curatorial practices, exhibition models and education. Each Manifesta biennial aims to investigate and reflect on emerging developments in contemporary art, set within a European context. In doing so, we present local, national and international audiences with new aspects and forms of artistic expression. Each Manifesta comprises a range of activities extending over a period of two or more years.
