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CULTURA SUBTERRANEA. Hipsters Los hipsters son una subcultura de mujeres y hombres que están típicamente entre los 20 y 30 años y se caracterizan por tener un pensamiento independiente, se consideran contra la cultura normal, progresivos con la política y aprecian el arte, la buena música, la inteligencia, la creatividad y el cine independiente. En España se les llama Gafapastas porque muchas veces usan lentes de pasta como parte de su forma de vestir. Otra cosa que los caracteriza son los tatuajes que suelen ser graciosos, únicos y peculiares, escogiendo siempre cosas que sean irónicas. Date un salto y mira algunos diseños de tatuajes de hipsters. El termino hipster original de la década de los años 40, comenzó a ser usado para describir a adultos jóvenes, bien educados y urbanos de clase media y alta con puntos de vista izquierdistas, sociales e intereses no predominantes en moda y estética cultural.

Los hipsters suelen tener ideologías progresistas y/o anticapitalistas. Hipsters, Tatuajes e ideas. Universitarios: La moda hipster. Being a Dickhead's cool.. ¿Está pasado ser moderno? · ELPAÍ Pitchfork: Home. Why Does Everyone Hate Hipsters Assholes? - LAist. The main theme of the seminal grunge documentary Hype! Is how something that by its very nature was anti-commercial became commercialized. One thing that particularly struck me about Hype! Was the grunge scene's intense resentment against the greater culture for appropriating the look and style elements of their subculture. Anti-fashion became the fashion. That feeling of resentment strikes a chord with me, because I notice that people who came of age in the 70s and 80s punk rock movement seem to universally hate “hipsters”. By "hipsters" I am not referring to the radical college kids, the animal rights activists or the anarchists in their mohawks and Black Flag shirts.

And I'm not talking about everyone who lives on the Eastside and shops at Wacko and eats Yuca tacos. Hipsters are the ones walking around Los Feliz and Silver Lake with two-toned pink and black hair. I look at the hipsters, and I think, “Well, I like that haircut. Now that look has become generic and meaningless. Why the hipster must die - This week in New York - Time Out New York.

Illustration Credit: Jesse Philips Has the hipster killed cool in New York? Did it die the day Wes Anderson proved too precious for his own good, or was it when Chlo Sevigny fellated Vincent Gallo onscreen? Did it vanish along with Kokie's, International Bar and Tonic? Or when McSweeney's moved shop to San Francisco and Bright Eyes signed a lease on the Lower East Side?

Yes, the assassins of cool still walk our streets: Any night of the week finds the East Village, the Lower East Side and Williamsburg teeming with youth—a pageant of the bohemian undead. It was in the real-estate section of one of the city's lesser dailies, under the headline luxury seems to be set for the lower east side, that I found an astonishing remark attributed to Michael Desjadon, the director of sales at Massey Knakal: "The profile of the typical renter in the area is changing from the 'counterculture hipster' to the 'more mainstream' hipster and young professional.

" Photo: Alexander Milligan. Auge y decadencia del 'hipster' | Cultura. Ser 'hipster' en España · ELPAÍ "Un moderno español es alguien que ha copiado algo a alguien que a su vez lo copió a otra persona, pero dos años antes aproximadamente" (Joaquín Reyes). "Nos vestíamos con ropa de verdad, no como putos mecánicos, que era el uniforme oficial de las bandas de la movida. Cada vez que bajábamos a Madrid nos partíamos el culo con lo que llevaban. '¿Dónde habéis comprado eso?

', preguntaban. Putos pringaos. Un ex colega fue a la cárcel por narcotráfico. Al salir, decidió que lo de la droga era peligroso: se iba a dedicar a importar ropa moderna de contrabando". A pesar de que hoy puede resultar harto complejo diferenciar un moderno londinense de uno argentino, sigue existiendo una idiosincrasia local que ejerce de filtro. El gafapasta, cada vez más presente aquí, es el intento de dotar de conocimiento académico al moderno y de imponer al resto sus gustos como si de verdades universales se tratara. Hipster Barcelona | Flickr: Intercambio de fotos. Hipster, Scenester Barcelona : The Modern Age.

It seems that recently everyone I know has decided to go to Barcelona, Spain. I went a couple of years ago, so I’m deciding to just put all my tips about the great city all in one place for everyone to read. (Feel free to add your picks in the comments.) Check it out: HOTELS A hotel I really wanted to stay in was the Hotel Banys Oriental. It’s moderately priced, and is very sleek and modern, but unfortunately it was all booked up by the time I got around to securing a room. It’s in the SoHo-ish area of Barcelona, meaning hip, but slightly fancy. COOL NEIGHBORHOOD I especially liked the El Raval area of Barcelona, which is the southwest side of La Rambla. Cool hip restaurants are scattered throughout the area and it’s the “ethnic” area of Barcelona–but a very up-and-coming neighborhood. The contemporary art museum Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona (MACBA) is in the area, as well as Barcelona University which means the area has lots of young hip kids running around.

Hipster1.jpg (1229×838) The Hipster Handbook. Look at this fucking hipster. Qué es un Hipster. El Hipster es un Tribu Urbana cuya línea evolutiva se remonta hasta principios del siglo pasado. Para poder identificar sus características principales es bueno detallar los eventos históricos que propiciaron su nacimiento: -1917 Converse presenta su zapato "All-Star", que se mantendrá a partir de entonces entre la popularidad y la infamia intermitentemente. -1944 Aparece por primera vez la palabra Hipster en un glosario de términos que acompaña al album de jazz de Harry Gibson Boogie Woogie in Blue. Se usa para definir a "una persona que disfruta del jazz duro" -1950 John Deere lanza el característico gorro de influencia determinante en el nacimiento de la gorra de camionero que a su vez es influencia en el nacimiento de Punk`d (el Reality Show de Ashton Kutcher) -1966 La modelo Twiggy posa para unas fotos por primera vez.

. -1970 Nace la cadena de tiendas Urban Outfitters en Philadelphia. . -1977 Elvis Costello inmortaliza los lentes de pasta en su Album My Aim is True. Hipster. Hipsters couldn't incite more blind hatred if they were all ginger-haired Al-Qaeda members. But why? Could it be their taste in music? Fashion sense? Attitude of superiority? Just The Facts The term arose in the 40's to describe middle class whites acting like black musicians, now referred to as "nerdcore". A Brief History of Smug "Hipster" is another one of those subcultures that is hard to nail down. "You just don't appreciate the genius of Spoon like I do.

" While most well adjusted members of society view music as an enjoyable addendum to life, perhaps a distraction or even a hobby, hipsters know that music is serious business. Judging a Book by (What Pitchfork Says About) Its Cover If asked to define what it is to be a hipster, one might be tempted to give a number of answers. This would mean I lose if I wasn't listening to it to be ironic. Hipsters must therefore strive at all times to stay a step ahead of everyone else.

Next year I'll be appointed Secretary of Bad Decisions!