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Facebook Twitter - Et vos coordonnées deviennent... trésor! - Et vos coordonnées deviennent... trésor! Geocaching Maps. Search for Geocaches Search by Address or Coordinates. Filter Caches Filterable Cache Types * * Includes Premium Member Caches: 500 m 2000 ft About our maps. Wherigo > Tools for creating GPS-enabled adventures. Hide and Seek a Geocache > Search for Geocaches. Want to make searching for geocache listings easier? Sign up for a Premium Membership or hear what other geocachers have to say about Premium Membership. (Close) Beginner caches are highlighted in green below and are recommended for new geocachers. Scroll to the bottom and uncheck the setting "Highlight beginner caches" to stop highlighting caches. Notes: If you see an icon next to the cache type graphic, there may be a Trackable Item in the cache.

Hover over icons to see additional information. Practice "Cache In Trash Out" While out geocaching, bring a bag with you to pick up trash along the way. FR_Geocaching_BROCHURE.