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Tutorial9 | Photoshop Tutorials, Photography Tuts, and Resources. Stop designing websites, start designing posters « Boagworld. Design: The estimated time to read this article is 4 minutes Sometimes I think I am deeply conflicted. On one side I am always going on about how print is not like the web and web designers need to stick to conventions. On the other hand I feel inspired to be more creative in my work and take some risks. I am bored with the same old approach to websites. In one recent post I wrote: Too many websites look the same as their competition.

How then can we be different and yet still ensure our websites are usable? Looking to the poster for inspiration One way to remain usable and yet be different, is to look for inspiration beyond the web. One example of this is printed posters. Posters have to be: Visually attractive in order to grab attention.Easy to take in at a glanceProvide more information to the more interested reader In other words they need to be… EngagingUsableScanableHave a clear information hierarchy Sound familiar? Take a look at these posters below. Using poster design on the web Samsung. How to Create an Organic Web Design (and Showcase) | Webdesigner. Organic design is commonly applied to products such as chairs, electronic equipment, books and home décor. Following the same principles, organic web design has recently emerged as a trend.

Professional designers and companies have taken a more natural approach to creating their websites, logos and packaging, leaving behind the overtly technological sheen of the early 2000s. Yes, fellow designers, it is safe to say that the new age of organic design for websites and corporate logos has taken effect. Whether overt or subtle, whether scanned elements or graphics that mimic nature, organic web design has taken on many forms.

What Makes an Organic Web Design? Though the name suggests that some kind of ecological statement is being made, organic web design is more about bringing natural elements into a technological environment. Using materials, textures and fabrics that hint at organic elements Objects such as muslin, burlap, papyrus, paper, tape and wood. Hints for Successful Organic Web Design. Graphic mania. Designing Websites for Kids: Trends and Best Practices - Smashin. Advertisement How would you like to design a beautiful, colorful, stimulating website that is captivating, memorable and allows you to let your creative juices flow without the need to worry too much about conventional usability and best practices? In today’s Web design market, it’s rare that such a project would present itself — unless you were asked to design a website for children!

Websites designed for children have been largely overlooked in Web design articles and roundups, but there are many beautiful and interesting design elements and layouts presented on children’s websites that are worthy of discussion and analysis. There are also a number of best practices that are exclusive to Web design for children’s sites — practices that should usually not be attempted on a typical website. This article will showcase a number of popular commercial websites targeted towards children with an analysis of trends, elements and techniques used to help keep children interested and stimulated.

15 Helpful Blogs No Freelancer Should Forget. Dec 01 2009 Compared to other professionals, freelancers seem to be a separate beast. They’re even a different breed than the rest of the online community. They pay whatever costs are required to be their own boss. Most became freelancers after having evolved to the point that the corporate shackles became more than uncomfortable, and they longed to break free and blaze their own trail. This evolved being now has mostly the same basic needs as the rest of the online community: feeds, /home, networks. But the freelancer seeks a different type of Web experience.

You see, freelancers want to maximize their time online at every opportunity, to establish or build their business. Below is a collection of some useful websites that no freelancer should do without. Freelance Folder Freelance Folder is a multi-author blog dedicated to helping entrepreneurs and freelancers. Outstanding Posts from Freelance Folder Get More from Freelance Folder Freelance Switch Outstanding Posts from Freelance Switch.