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Global Security Operations Center. During these increasingly dangerous and unstable times, Global Threat Solutions offers comprehensive Global Security Operations Center (GSOC) services to a broad spectrum of clients around the world.

Global Security Operations Center

Our trained Intelligence Analysts have extensive law enforcement, military and private sector experience and will provide you with the information you need to keep your people and assets safe. Our custom services will be tailored to the specific geographic locations and security requirements of your organization. Our GSOC services bring great value to organizations who do not have an internal GSOC operation to monitor threats to their personnel and assets. We also can provide extensive cost savings when compared to running an internal GSOC operation. Our team will keep you informed on the threats facing your organization including protests and civil unrest, crime, terrorism, natural disasters, travel threats, high risk areas, COVID risks and more.

Zoom Meeting Scheduler. GReminders is a Meeting Scheduling and Reminder application that connects to your Google, Outlook or Microsoft Office 365 Calendar. For all you Zoom users out there, you can now automatically schedule Zoom web meetings/calls as part of your scheduling process. GReminders is an approved Scheduling and Appointment Reminder Zoom Application. Here is a step by guide on how the system works: 1) Setup an Event Type, Event Types allow you to setup a Meeting Template that your end customers can use to book meetings.

As part of this select ZOOM for the Location. Google Meet Appointment Scheduling. This video will go over how to set up GReminder so that your clients can schedule meetings directly on your calendar with a google meet automatically added.

Google Meet Appointment Scheduling

To set up your schedule you're going to want to click your initials or picture in the upper right hand corner of our home page. Next you'll click event types and then we will click create my first event type. You'll want to fill out the following information. Let's pretend that we're a financial advisor. The name of our meeting will be financial review and over here to the right is where you put the description of the meeting. COVID security services. The increasing threats of terrorism, crime, civil unrest, COVID, and even dangerous weather patterns make traveling more dangerous than it has ever been.

COVID security services

Global Threat Solutions offers comprehensive Travel Protection services to a broad spectrum of clients including families, companies, universities, and NGO’s. Our Travel Protection Agents have extensive law enforcement and military experience and have operated in countries in every part of the world. They will accompany your employees, family, or students and provide the security expertise needed to keep them safe. Our GSOC (Global Security Operations Center) will be supporting our Agents with real-time security updates as they protect your group in every region of the world. Travel Security Advisory Reports. When you, your family, or employees are traveling around the world do you know the threats that they face?

Travel Security Advisory Reports

Terrorism, Crime, Civil Unrest, Kidnappings, Robberies, Disease, Corruption, Dangerous Weather Patterns, Natural Disasters and Dangerous wildlife are just some of the risks that they may encounter while traveling. Global Threat Solutions can help. Our Travel Security Advisory Reports will keep those you care about well informed of the threats they may face while traveling globally. Our Global Security Operations Center (GSOC) will provide organizations with comprehensive reports that are prepared by our trained Intelligence Analysts. Travel Security Advisory Reports - Global Threat Solutions. Residential Security.

Executive Protection. Global Threat Solutions offers comprehensive Executive Protection services to a broad spectrum of clients.

Executive Protection

From C-Suite Executive to Family Offices to Celebrities, GTS can provide you with elite Protection Services by highly qualified and trained Protection Agents. Our team brings extensive experience from the military and law enforcement experience and can operate in any environment around the world. Our professional, discreet and highly effective model of protection services is well known and our firm was recently featured in a Business Insider magazine video story that highlighted our elite training program.

Our Protection services include: With offices in New York, Los Angeles, Miami, Chicago, London, Frankfurt and Mumbai, Global Threat Solutions is well-positioned to give you, your family and business Peace of Mind in Uncertain Times. GoToMeeting Meeting Scheduler. GoToMeeting is a leading web meeting conference provider.

GoToMeeting Meeting Scheduler

GoToMeeting has been around for a long time and the product is excellent. If you are a user of GoToMeeting and are looking for automated ways to schedule GoToMeeting meetings with your customers GReminders can help. GReminders will also automatically send reminder emails and SMS messages to your customers prior to a meeting making sure that everyone shows up and on time. Eliminating No Shows. Lets look at how the GoToMeeting and GReminders integration works: Prerequisites: Google Calendar Text Reminders. As you may be finding out Google used to have the capability to send yourself text or SMS reminders prior to your Events.

Google Calendar Text Reminders

This feature went away January 2019. They still allow email reminders to be send to yourself, and replaced the SMS Reminders with Mobile in app Notifications. Now Google Calendar never had the ability to send clients or customers SMS reminders. This is where systems like GReminders fill the gap. If you run a services company and you charge for your time, its clearly a total waste of time if your client or customer doesn’t show. Super duty bumpers. F250 bumper.