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Daily Artisan » 12 Tools To Decrease Website Load Times. Patience is not the average web user’s strongest point.

Daily Artisan » 12 Tools To Decrease Website Load Times

There is little to gain in being the first selected from a search result page if your site takes an agonizingly long time to load, resulting in the user clicking away. Excessive load time does not create a user-friendly experience and encourage regular use. Methods such as load balancing, compression and caching can aid in efficient operation and taking steps to optimize your site are both beneficial and, in most cases, free. Here is a list of 12 tools that can help you decrease your website’s load times. 1.

10 ASP.NET Performance and Scalability Secrets. Free source code. Introduction ASP.NET 2.0 has many secrets, which when revealed can give you big performance and scalability boost.

10 ASP.NET Performance and Scalability Secrets. Free source code

For instance, there are secret bottlenecks in Membership and Profile provider which can be solved easily to make authentication and authorization faster. Furthermore, ASP.NET HTTP pipeline can be tweaked to avoid executing unnecessary code that gets hit on each and every request. Not only that, ASP.NET Worker Process can be pushed to its limit to squeeze out every drop of performance out of it. Page fragment output caching on the browser (not on the server) can save significant amount of download time on repeated visits.