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What are MVP and MVC and what is the difference? - Stack Overflo. Todd Snyder : MVC or MVP Pattern – Whats the difference? Mvp.Xml Project - Release: Mvp.Xml 2.3 Production. Model View Presenter with ASP.NET - The Code Project - ASP.NET. Author's note added October 15, 2007 - Suggestion of MVC over MVP As we progress as developers, we strive to seek out the "best" way to perform our craft. The chosen methods to attain this lofty goal always bring with them a number of developmental trade-offs.

Some techniques may simplify the code but lessen fine grained control while others enable greater power while introducing complexity. Model-View-Presenter with ASP.NET is a wonderful example of the latter. MVP aims to facilitate test-driven development of ASP.NET applications with the unfortunate introduction of added complexity. So while developers will be more confient in the quality of their product, MVP hinders their ability to easily maintain code. Yes, the tests will (hopefully) inform the developer that a bug has been introduced, but the inherent complexity of MVP makes it difficult for later team members to become comfortable with the code base and maintain it as project development continues.

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