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Recommended Lean Books. Catherine & Raj have been working in Enterprise Agile transitions in large hardware manufacturers, they share their experiences and advice on leadership and bringing Scrum to hardware teams.

Recommended Lean Books

Resistance from management is recognized as a bottleneck in agile adoption. When will we reach the tipping point where organizations unshackle themselves from the limitations of command & control? Tiago Garcez Apr 01, 2013. Lean Software Development. While working in London for TrafficBroker I had the opportunity to try out Fred George's Lean process.

Lean Software Development

To date, it's absolutely my favorite way to deliver software. StoriesStories truly are placeholders for a conversation. They are short sentences such as "The system should process pending orders when inventory is available". If you want to work on the story you (and your pair) go find the business person who wants the feature and you talk to them until you understand what needs to be built. Lean-agile-connection.