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Enterprise Java Community: Inside db4o. Db4o - database for objects - is a true object database; it manipulates objects in such a fashion that those objects retain their nature throughout their lifetimes - in or out of the database. Object content, structure, and relationships are preserved, regardless of class complexity. More precisely, db4o is a database engine, available as a single .jar file that you include in your database application's classpath (for Java, at least.)

So, db4o runs in the same process space as your application and is called directly; it does not employ drivers in the sense of ODBC or JDBC. Versions of db4o exist for Java, .NET, and Mono; and all are functionally equivalent to one another. (In fact, a db4o created with a .NET language can be accessed by Java, and vice versa.) db4o is open source. One of db4o's most attractive features is its remarkable balance of simplicity and power.

Db4o Fundamentals That's it. Stop for a moment and reflect upon what is happening in the above code. Querying I - QBE. Project Metrics Help - Complexity metrics. Help contents Project Metrics The following metrics measure the complexity of executable code within procedures. This includes both the internal complexity of a single procedure and the complexity of the data flow in and out of a procedure. High complexity may result in bad understandability and more errors. Complex procedures also need more time to develop and test. Therefore, excessive complexity should be avoided. Complexity is often positively correlated to code size. CC Cyclomatic complexity Cyclomatic complexity, also known as V(G) or the graph theoretic number, is probably the most widely used complexity metric in software engineering.

How to calculate cyclomatic complexity? CC = Number of decisions + 1 The cyclomatic complexity of a procedure equals the number of decisions plus one. . * Rules marked with an asterisk were added into Project Analyzer v8.0. The minimum limit for cyclomatic complexity is 1. Notes: Variations: CC, CC2 and CC3 CC2 = CC + Boolean operators Bad fix probability. An Object-oriented Approach to Finite State Automata. Free sourc. Download project - 364.99 KB Introduction From Wikipedia: Using the Code In this article, I will focus on Moore machines. The easiest way to understand Moore FSA is to analyze its graph. Example 1 Symbols in the circles are states and they make up a set {q0, q1}. Concluding, a Moore FSA is composed of states with assigned output symbols and transitions between those states. Let's find out how it works. This machine can be coded as follows: MooreAutomaton moore = new MooreAutomaton(new MooreState[] { new MooreState { Table = new int[] { 0, 1, }, Output = 0 }, new MooreState { Table = new int[] { 1, 0, }, Output = 1 } }); Example 2 The automaton above detects words in a string assuming that they can be separated by white spaces only.

Sending a string "abc de #fg" would give an output 1110110222. The AsciiTableGenerator generates a table of 128 integers (ASCII numbers for printable characters). If you wish to support all the UNICODE characters, you may want to use a ParsingAutomaton: The output: Tree Surgeon - Home. Mindlib » Introduction. Microsoft Enterprise Libarary 4.0 Released for Visual Studio 200. Microsoft released a version of their Enterprise Library 4.0 for Visual Studio 2008 and at the same time, Unity 1.1 application block, their dependency injection container. Grigori Melnik, Product Manager from the patterns and practices team, announced the release of both the Enterprise Library 4.0 and the Unity 1.1 refresh, describing all the new features. The MSDN Developer Center explains what this release means to developers: This release of Enterprise Library includes a new application block (see The Unity Application Block).

Unity is a lightweight, extensible dependency injection container with support for constructor, property, and method call injection. You can use the Unity Application Block as a stand-alone dependency injection mechanism without requiring installation of Enterprise Library. However, this release of Enterprise Library incorporates integration with Unity that provides new opportunities for generating instances of Enterprise Library objects.

Enterprise Library 4.0. S#arp Architecture: ASP.NET MVC with NHibernate and Spring - Rel. Wilsonormapper - Google Code. Scott Hanselman's Computer Zen - Scott Hanselman's 200. Web Development Toolbox: 120+ Web Development Resources. As rewarding as web development is, it can also be a pain sometimes, especially if you spend half your time looking for the right tools and resources. Well, we've done the work for you with this one, and have compiled a list of over 120 web development resources to make your life easier. Reference and General Resources TechCheatSheets - A collection of programming cheat sheets and reference guides. Creative Commons - Use this to grant partial or full usage rights for the web apps you create. Yahoo! Design Pattern Library - Yahoo! ' General Development Tools TurboDbAdmin - A browser-based solution for exploring and editing databases without having to refresh or submit.

Springloops - Code management tool built for web development teams to organize workflow, keep things updated, and give instant previews. GENNIT - Does code generation for you, saving you lots of time. Launchpad - Offers free hosting, project management and collaboration services for free software (including web apps). Yahoo! Yahoo!