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Retreats. All of the foods available at the are organically grown plant foods. Meals are planned and prepared by the staff and the guests in a teaching kitchen and are designed to meet individual eating needs. Our facilities are dedicated to your health, happiness and harmony with nature in living life to live healthier. It is in a peaceful and laid back setting, where swim suits beat the heat and the days are sealed by soft sunsets. Our guests are seeking a stress free way of life in an environment supportive of a peacefull and serene lifestyle.

Rooms are comfortably appointed and have private bathrooms. Name in Hieroglyphics - See your name written in ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics. The history of hieroglyphics is thousands of years old.

Name in Hieroglyphics - See your name written in ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics.

The word hieroglyph is of Greek origin and means sacred carving. It was a writing system used in ancient Egypt which contained both logographic and alphabetic symbols. Hieroglyphs were called "the words of the gods" (mdju netjer) by the Egyptians and were used mostly by the priests.


Donovan: Lyrics - Brother Sun, Sister Moon. "Knowledge For The Future" by The Future: innovation & Knowledge-creation Luis Frausto. INNOVATION means an amalgamation of human consciousness and knowledge with socio-economic activity, linking all efforts with individuals, organizations, universities and institutions engaged in research and social development.

"Knowledge For The Future" by The Future: innovation & Knowledge-creation Luis Frausto

CONSCIOUSNESS is the universal foundation of knowledge, which represents the basic cognitive element that human beings, organizations and institutions tap into in order to position themselves within the scope and influence of global value chains. Economic activity and global human behavior have both long turned their back on their basic and genetic roots. This has been the fruit and consequence of paradigmatic egoism that permanently victimize the human mind, and promote it around consumerism, competition for profit, status quo and material possession accumulation. Although the concept of knowledge is often handled today, little it is recognized as the only permanent source of competitive advantage. Hawk Totem. Frausto Coat of Arms / Frausto Family Crest.