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Peoples Public Trust Declaration. We are all Sovereign, divinely mandated, equal beings. We nominate Sovereigns and Governments to administer and manage our Nation. Our Communities. Our Services. Our Laws. The implicit and underlying Trust placed in all nominated, hired or elected servers is hereby expressed. The system only exists for the providence of service to us, not the other way around. We do not give our powers away. The People hereby recognise that something is woefully wrong with the abuse of the structures of providence that our ancestors created in our society. These few have Breached the Trust we have implicitly placed in them and we must act. The People of this Great Nation stand in desire and demand of peace-filled lives, loving community and progressive endeavour.

People of The Land - Our Nation has been usurped and corrupted by just a few among us. Welcome to The Peoples Public Trust. Forget the tie-dyed '60s; today's activists are coming from the mainstream. Category:Real Economy Project. Portal:Real Economy Project. Having Problems with Your Bank or Mortgage? Time to Talk to the Consumer Financial Protection BureauJanuary 9, 2013 The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) was created by the 2010 Dodd-Frank Wall Street reform bill to look out for the financial interests of ordinary Americans and give consumers clear information about financial products like mortgages, credit cards and credit reports. The CFPB website is a good place to learn about consumer financial products, your rights as a consumer, and to file a complaint about a financial institution or product.

The CFPB began taking consumer complaints about credit cards on July 2011; it began handling [https:/ mortgage complaints] on December 2011; and it began accepting complaints about bank products and services, private student loans, and other consumer loans on March 2012.

Throughout 2013, the CFPB expects to handle consumer complaints on all products and services under its authority. About Us. The Center for Media and Democracy (CMD) is a boutique investigative research and reporting group with a demonstrated capacity to break major news stories and highlight the work of advocates. Located in Madison, Wisconsin, it is a national, non-profit watchdog organization, founded in 1993. CMD's niche is investigating and exposing the undue influence of corporations and front groups on public policy, including PR campaigns, lobbying, and electioneering.

CMD's original reporting helps educate the public and aids grassroots action about policies affecting people’s lives—their rights and the health of our democracy. CMD publishes,, and Its special investigations, in addition to ALECexposed which CMD launched in 2011, include OutsourcingAmericaExposed, NFIBexposed, Fix the Debt/the Pete Peterson Pyramid, the State Policy Network Exposed (, BanksterUSA, and the Food Rights Network, among others.

Our recent awards include: Team CMD. About ALEC Exposed - Alec Exposed. On July 13, 2011, the Center for Media and Democracy (CMD) unveiled this trove of over 800 "model" bills and resolutions secretly voted on by corporations and politicians through the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). These bills reveal the corporate collaboration reshaping our democracy, state by state. ALEC bills, which largely benefit the organization’s corporate members, have been introduced in legislatures in every state—but without disclosing to the public that corporations previously drafted or voted on them through ALEC.

Before our publication of this trove of bills, it has been difficult to trace the numerous controversial and extreme provisions popping up in legislatures across the country directly to ALEC and its corporate underwriters. The Center obtained copies of the bills after one of the thousands of people with access shared them, and a whistleblower provided a copy to the Center. Maria Stephan | International Peace and Conflict Resolution. E-mail: Ph.D. Tufts University Biography Dr. Dr. Upon completing her PhD, Maria joined the International Center on Nonviolent Conflict (ICNC) as Manager of Educational Initiatives. Render Unto Caesar: A Most Misunderstood New Testament Passage by Jeffrey F. Barr. By Jeffrey F. Barr by Jeffrey F. Barr Christians have traditionally interpreted the famous passage "Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar's; and to God, the things that are God's," to mean that Jesus endorsed paying taxes.

This view was first expounded by St. Justin Martyr in Chapter XVII of his First Apology, who wrote, And everywhere we, more readily than all men, endeavor to pay to those appointed by you the taxes both ordinary and extraordinary, as we have been taught by Him; for at that time some came to Him and asked Him, if one ought to pay tribute to Caesar; and He answered, ‘Tell Me, whose image does the coin bear?’ And they said, ‘Caesar’s.’ The passage appears to be important and well-known to the early Christian community. The objective of this piece is not to provide a complete exegesis on the Tribute Episode. In 6 A.D., Roman occupiers of Palestine imposed a census tax on the Jewish people. All three synoptic Gospels open the scene with a plot to trap Jesus.

Legislative Information System > 2012 Session. My Visit to Occupy Wall Street's Bat Cave. Mergers, Acquisitions, Venture Capital, Hedge Funds - DealBook. San Diego's Regional Planning Agency. PROJECTS :: San Diego's Regional Planning Agency. Comprehensive Economic and Public Finance Projects The current tax system between the State of California and its local governments is an impediment to sustainable communities. The unpredictability of local government budgets makes it difficult to plan for and provide adequate infrastructure and public services.

The current fiscal system restricts the freedom of local governments to manage their own fiscal affairs and thereby destabilizes local governments. It encourages cities to compete among themselves for the weakest contributors to economic prosperity - retail outlets - and in the process discourages home construction. Due to current tax distribution policies between state and local governments, local government officials have lost much of their control over tax revenues.

SANDAG has identified solutions for transforming the current state-local fiscal relationship. SANDAG proposes a new system that provides: Project Manager. California Legal Web Sites - FindLaw California. Laws governing the initiative process in California. Citizens of California may initiate legislation as either a state statute or a constitutional amendment. In California, citizens also have the power to repeal legislation via veto referendum. The California State Legislature may also place measures on the ballot as legislatively-referred constitutional amendments or legislatively-referred state statutes. Referred amendments require a 2/3 vote of each chamber. Crafting an initiative Of the 24 states that allow citizens to initiate legislation through the petition process, several states have adopted restrictions and regulations that limit the scope and content of proposed initiatives. Single-subject rule See also: Single-subject rule In California, each proposed measure must address only one subject.

See law: California Constitution, Article II, Section 8 (d) Subject restrictions More generally, a measure may not make any of its provisions dependent on a certain percentage of voters approving or disapproving of the measure. Starting a petition. Orchids & Onions. Downtown Billboard Promoter Hires Well-Connected Lobbyists" by mpotter. News Ticker By Matt Potter, November 16, 2011 A former aide to the owner of the Denver Nuggets has been quietly pitching the idea of turning part of downtown San Diego into a giant "entertainment district," complete with massive, Times Square-style animated advertising signs, video screens, and billboards.

According to a presentation on his company's website, David Ehrlich, principal of FinWater Advisors in Denver, wants to "create a public-private partnership to develop the legal/political environment to make the district a reality. " Touting the plan as "a revitalized neighborhood powered by outdoor media... [not] a sign district," Ehrlich's company estimates annual gross revenue of $5 million by the third year of the project, with a share of the money to go to city hall and downtown property owners. City records show FinWater has hired the local lobbying outfit of Marston & Marston, run by the husband and wife team of Jeff and Myrna Marston, to influence the city on the project's behalf. PROTECT IP Act Breaks the Internet. I am writing to you as a voter in your district. I urge you to vote "no" on cloture for S. 968, the PROTECT IP Act, on Jan. 24th. The PROTECT IP Act is dangerous, ineffective, and short-sighted. It does not deserve floor consideration.

I urge my representative to vote "no" on SOPA, the corresponding House bill. Over coming days you'll be hearing from the many businesses, advocacy organizations, and ordinary Americans who oppose this legislation because of the myriad ways in which it will stifle free speech and innovation. We hope you'll take our concerns to heart and oppose this legislation by voting "no" on cloture. The video above discusses the Senate version of the House's Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA).

PIPA would give the government new powers to block Americans' access websites that corporations don't like. Surprise, Homeland Security Coordinates #OWS Crackdowns. Remember when people were freaking out over the Patriot Act and Homeland Security and all this other conveniently ready-to-go post-9/11 police state stuff, because it would obviously be just a matter of time before the whole apparatus was turned against non-Muslim Americans when they started getting complain-y about the social injustice and economic injustice and income inequality and endless recession and permanent unemployment?

That day is now, and has been for some time. But it’s also now confirmed that it’s now, as some Justice Department official screwed up and admitted that the Department of Homeland Security coordinated the riot-cop raids on a dozen major #Occupy Wall Street demonstration camps nationwide yesterday and today. (Oh, and tonight, too: Seattle is being busted up by the riot cops right now, so be careful out there.) Over the past ten days, more than a dozen cities have moved to evict “Occupy” protesters from city parks and other public spaces. Tagged. Who owns America? Hint: It's not China. Editor's Note: The following piece comes from Global Post, which provides excellent coverage of world news – important, moving and odd.

By Tom Mucha, Global Post Truth is elusive. But it's a good thing we have math. Our friends at Business Insider know this, and put those two principles to work today in this excellent and highly informative little slideshow, made even more timely by the ongoing talks in Washington, D.C. aimed at staving off a U.S. debt default.

Here's the big idea: Many people — politicians and pundits alike — prattle on that China and, to a lesser extent Japan, own most of America's $14.3 trillion in government debt. But there's one little problem with that conventional wisdom: it's just not true. Here's a quick and fascinating breakdown by total amount held and percentage of total U.S. debt, according to Business Insider: So America owes foreigners about $4.5 trillion in debt. Arundhati Roy: Occupy Wall Street is "So Important Because it is in the Heart of Empire" The Occupy Movement - Why are they protesting?

Home :: "Manufacturing Dissent": the Anti-globalization Movement is Funded by the Corporate Elites. This article was first published in 2010. The author’s introductory quote was first formulated in 2001 in the context of the Summit of the Americas in Quebec City which was held a few months before 9/11 “Everything the [Ford] Foundation did could be regarded as “making the World safe for capitalism”, reducing social tensions by helping to comfort the afflicted, provide safety valves for the angry, and improve the functioning of government (McGeorge Bundy, National Security Advisor to Presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson (1961-1966), President of the Ford Foundation, (1966-1979)) “Under the New World Order, the ritual of inviting “civil society” leaders into the inner circles of power –while simultaneously repressing the rank and file– serves several important functions.

First, it says to the World that the critics of globalization “must make concessions” to earn the right to mingle. This rank and file and some of their leaders as well, are to be applauded. “Funding Dissent” Occupy Together Field Manual - Occupation Community Interdependence and Sustainability Information. San Diego Expressive Arts Meetup Group (San Diego, CA. Electronic Music Meetup Group San Diego (San Diego, CA. This group is for electronic music fans finding/creating EDM (electronic dance music) shows and events, want to make/perform/learn/teach electronic music, as well as meet others with similar interests for collaboration and resource sharing. Not only are electronic music fans, makers, djs, vjs, promoters and graphic designers welcome, but so are dancers, performers, writers, artists, designers and any other creative/curious types.

Find, share, support, complete, party locations and events where we feel good, maybe even at home. Lounge style or party focused, bars or clubs, independent or official, whatever... Use the message board in our meetup group to post and communicate. Dancing, relaxing, and listening to fine electronic (house) music in a surrounding of respect, peace and unity. We are looking forward to get your help and passion to bring together/ unite people and events who share these values. Please, do not expect only a group in which everything is "pre-organized".

San Diego Entrepreneur Center™ & Startup Society (San Diego, CA. Please visit to learn more about us. Help us become the LARGEST Entrepreneurial Eco-system and Membership Network in San Diego, becoming the role model for other US cities to follow, and in developing our San Diego Sustainable Connections Collaborative Community (SDS3C initiative), County Wide!.

We are looking for domain experts in a variety of areas who would like to get get involved, and potentially be workshop presenters. Discover - Recognize - Collaborate - Celebrate Entrepreneurship Please join us and tell a colleague. With over 3,000+ overall participants and 100+ Exhibitors and our major sponsors we are also the producers of "Entrepreneur Day" at Learn more by joining our Facebook page at Events and Workshops continue throughout the year until the next annual Entrepreneur Day event.

To your success! UX Speakeasy San Diego (San Diego, CA. San Diego Animation Group (San Diego, CA. San Diego Web Designers (San Diego, CA. FAB LAB San Diego (San Diego, CA.