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Hands - Burrows, Fargion, Roberts - BBC/Arts Council 1995. Trisha Brown's Sololos (1976) and Watermotor (1978) IOGraphica. Visulaization with IOGraph of WaterMotor. Meta-academy@bates 2013: Minded Motion. An online lab exploring embodiment and co-creation on the internet using Nancy Stark Smith’s Underscore and other moving ideas. Lab participants will use free internet-based tools to creatively explore questions about embodiment, training and memory, composition, and politics of the body.

They will also explore how to translate embodied practices onto the internet. The lab will be structured around Nancy Stark Smith’s Underscore, an approach improvisational dance/movement that she has been developing for over 30 years. Quick Links Lab Orientation Week 1: Arriving In Presence Week 2: Connections Week 3: Engagement + Harvest The content is approached by two kinds of activities: CORE and INVESTIGATIONS Facilitated by Marlon Barrios Solano, Rachel Boggia and Josephine Dorado FLICKR SLIDESHOW with images of participants and lab:Video mashup done with media produced during the lab Visualisation of lab contents, structure and samples.

ATTRACTOR. CORE: Watch video conversation Emergent Underscore | Real Time Tagging | Week 1,2,3. This interview is introduced as core material for the Minded Motion Lab. It was realized in June 2012 in London. This interview is part of the dance-tech interviews and views colle... Each week, we will watch 12-15 minutes of this video and posting tags in this thread. Week 1: Watch from beginning to to 12:19 Week 2: Watch from 12:19 to 32:14 Week 3: Watch from 32:14 to end How does it work? This CORE investigation centers around real time tagging method devised as an strategy for active watching. This method is designed to sample in real time several aspects of the experience of observing: words, images, feelings, sensations, etc. Any relevant aspect of the experience that can be represented with a key word.

The resultant list of individual and collective keywords is visualized using the online software Wordle: This activity has two phases. Phase 1: Real Time Tagging: Prepare to watch the section of the interview with your favorite text editing software open. Wordle - Beautiful Word Clouds. PiratePad. CORE: Embodied Investigation with Nancy Stark Smith. Week 1.

Renowned contact improvisation teacher, writer, and editor Nancy Stark Smith calls this exercise "hieroglyphs"and describes it as "writing from the body. " You will need a pen and paper. You can choose to do this activity by listening to the mp3 or following the youtube video below Please share jpgs of your hieroglyphs (you can take pictures of them or scan them) and your comments in this forum Tags: Embodied_investigation, activity, core, embodied_investigation, nancy, smith, stark, week1. CORE: Google+ Hangout With Bertha Bermudez, Nora Zuniga Shaw, and Nancy Stark Smith Tuesday July 30 at 4 pm.

INVESTIGATION: Screen-test for meta-academy@bates 2013 | Week 1: Arriving in Presence. We propose the creation of a self portrait video inspired by the Screentests conceived and produced by Andy Warhol from 1964 to 1966. In Warhol’s screen tests, subjects were filmed with his stationary 16mm Bolex camera resulting on a series 2 and half minutes unbroken shots of silent film portraits of Factory regulars. The subjects were asked to sit in front of the camera and not to talk. Just sit there and feel the camera. This is one of the screen tests: We propose the reenactment of Warhol's screen tests using the video sharing site YouTube and a webcam. How does it work? The process has two phases: Phase 1: Capturing the video -Sit in front of your computer and try to reproduce the camera angle, lighting and framing and background from the video shown before.

-Open a browser window with your Youtube account. -Click in the upload button. -In the right column click on Record to create a webcam capture. -Authorize YouTube to connect with your webcam. -Click on "allow" Format for the video title: CORE: Embodied Investigation #3: Simultaneous Duet Mini Underscores with Nancy Stark Smith. Meta academy Embodied Activity #3 “Simultaneous Duet Mini Extended Underscore” This week we will meet online with a partner to do what Nancy Stark Smith is calling a “Simultaneous Duet Mini Extended Underscore.” You will meet with in a google+ hangout on air (rather than just a hangout) with a fellow improvisor to do a very shortened version of the Underscore, guided by Nancy’s voice.

We ask that you record the session (hangouts on air automatically get recorded onto your youtube channel when you hit the “broadcast” button). As a harvest, we ask that each partner edit a one minute remix of the video of your experience using youtube video editor. Please post your videos in this discussion. You can use the video below or the mp3 as your voice guidance. Schedule a hangout with a fellow lab member. Once the Doodle scheduler starts being filled out by everyone, you’ll be able to see who has time to meet at the same time you do. 2. 3. 4. Questions or support: INVESTIGATION: Thick mash-up video essay | Week 3. Media theorist Andreas Treske introduces the notion of “thickening of the video image” in his book “The Inner Life of Video Spheres” published by the Institute of Networked Cultures. He asserts that there is a 'thickening of the image' when we can place interactive objects on the timeline in the "Z axis" of the image (layers).

Now it is possible to compose the frame with on-line live interactive streams of data such as: videos, wikipedia, google maps, texts, video and hyperlinks. Visist `example that we have made as a promo for our showing at Bates Dance Festival 2013. We have placed 4 videos as a grid, inserted 20 pictures from a flickr photo set and added some text Popcorn webmaker allows you to remix and create new version. You need to register and log in to save your work. For the editing you will use the platform popcorn webmaker. Here are two editable template as a demos. Click on "Credits": Conversation of Nik Haffner and Norah Zuniga-Shaw. Position: Associate Professor, DanceExpertise: Dance and technology, Composition, Critical theories of the body------------------ Phone: (614) 247.7379Email: nzshaw [at] accad [dot] osu [dot] eduOffice: 105-A ACCAD Norah Zuniga Shaw’s creative and research interests center on choreographic knowledge as a locus for interdisciplinary and intercultural creativity.

Her most recent work, a collaboration with William Forsythe and Maria Palazzi, is a screen-based work published online entitled Synchronous Objects for One Flat Thing, reproduced ( Flowing from dance to data to visual objects, the project was launched at the Wexner Center for the Arts in 2009 and has received numerous honors including features in the New York Times and Communication Arts. Produced by the Goethe Institute, Zuniga Shaw is currently touring Synchronous Objects as a hybrid exhibition/workshop/lecture event to sites in Europe, Asia, and Latin America. Rock&Roll Montage. YouMake, ReMake- Just A Kid /Uri Shafir. Loop Diver (excerpt 2007) Shirt Loop - Troika Ranch. Twitter Community Choreography #16 - Tyler Ashley. Reactor for Awareness in Motion (RAM) Teaser. Motion Bank Laboratory | MOTION BANK.