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Sites that generate revenue

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Makesense. Radio Rebel | Beta. Crowdfounding. Music Commons - Sponsor an artist. Be more than a fan. Online Services. TAXI: record deals, publishing deal, film TV placement, recording your music, songwriting. Gideen - Let the music pay. Gideen is a new, first-of-its-kind 3.0 music company that aligns the economic interests between music makers, music marketers, and music users, simply by working together and sharing future music income. The current hit-driven primary market is a blockbuster, "winner-take-all" market, where the majority of opportunities and generated revenues are distributed to just a few hundred superstars and top-level music industry executives.

Right now, there are 650 million songs competing for a few thousand monetization opportunities. As a result, only 268,000 songs are making more than $770 per year, and that includes all the hits from the last 100 years. Gideen is creating a secondary market, with new revenue sources and opportunities for everyone, independent of the hit status and public profile that the music creator and/or artist might have. It's like the good old days when just the music counted.